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The 2017 French presidential election is an election that designated the next President of the French Republic to succeed incumbent president François Hollande. The election consists of a direct popular vote in two rounds, the first one will taking place on April 23rd, 2017 and the second one on May 7th, 2017. There are a total of eleven candidates running for the first round.[1] On May 7th, Emmanuel Macron won the election with over 66% of the votes.


2016 Republican Primary Election

The "Open primary of the Right-Wing and Centre" is the primary round for the french conservative right-wing (dominated by the party "Les Républicains", the republicans) to nominate their candidate for the general election. There were seven candidates competing for the nomination : former President Nicolas Sarkozy, former Prime Minister François Fillon, Mayor of Bordeaux Alain Juppé, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Bruno Le Maire, Jean-Frédéric Poisson and Jean-François Copé. On November 27th, 2016, after a two rounds vote, François Fillon was proclaimed winner of the primary election.[2]

Citizen Primary of 2017

The primary round which decided the presidential candidate of the governing Socialist Party and the liberal Left-wing included seven candidates: Incumbent Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Benoît Hamon, Arnaud Montebourg, François de Rugy, Vincent Peillon, Sylvia Pinel and Jean-Luc Bennahmias. On January 29th, 2017, Benoît Hamon was proclaimed winner of the primary election.[3]

Campaign Announcements

On March 18th, 2017, the Constitutional Council published the list of the 11 candidates who recieved the 500 endorsement sponsorships required to officially run for the general election :

  • François Fillon (party : Les Républicains / The Republicans)
  • Marine Le Pen (party : Front National / National Front)
  • Emmanuel Macron (movement : En Marche! / Onward!)
  • Benoît Hamon (party : Parti Socialiste / Socialist Party)
  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon (movement : La France Insoumise / Rebellious France)
  • Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (movement : Debout la France / Arise France)
  • François Asselineau (movement : Union Populaire Républicaine / Popular Republican Union)
  • Jacques Cheminade (party : Solidarité et Progrès / Solidarity and Progress)
  • Nathalie Arthaud (party : Lutte Ouvrière / Workers' Struggle)
  • Philippe Poutou (party : Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste / New Anticapitalist Party)
  • Jean Lassalle (movement : Resistons! / Let's Resist!)

(all the presidential candidates, from left to right, top to bottom : Jean Luc Mélenchon, Benoît Hamon, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillon, Marine Le Pen, Nathalie Arthaud, Philippe Poutou, Jean Lassalle, Jacques Cheminade, François Asselineau, and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan)


The Penelope Fillon case, also known as "Penelopegate," is a corruption scandal surrounding the Republican candidate François Fillon.[4] According to this case, Mr Fillon is suspected of embezzlement of over 800 000 € of public money, by illegaly hiring his wife Penelope Fillon for a fake job of parliamentary assistant between 1998 and 2007. After the scandal was revealed in the satirical newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné on january 25th, 2017, it triggered an enormous backlash from the public opinion against Mr Fillon. However, Mr Fillon announced that he would keep running for the election, refusing to answer any formal Police inquiry.[5]

Presidential Debates

The presidential debates ("Le grand débat" in French) were a series of two televised debates opposing the presidential election candidates. The first one took place on channels TF1 and France 2 on March 20th, 2017 and only opposed the five main candidates, i.e. Fillon, Macron, Mélenchon, Hamon and Le Pen, while the second one, which was broadcasted on channels CNews and BFMTV on April 4th, 2017, gathered all of the eleven candidates. Those kind of debates, which were totally unprecedented for any french presidential election,[6][7] were widely discussed on social media[8] and showed a peak of sympathy from the public opinion for several "independant" candidates, such as Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Jean Lassalle[9] or Philippe Poutou.[10][11]

Notable Developments

Sylvain Durif's Campaign Announcement

On December 6th, 2016, french 2012 doomsday conspiracy theorist and Internet celebrity Sylvain Durif announced on his (now deleted) Youtube channel his intention to run for the 2017 Presidential. The announcement spawned hilarity on the french internet as well as in mainstream media.[12] The following days, several photoshops were made, displaying Mr Durif in place of the official portrait of President Hollande.[13][14] Some Geek-culture-themed news sites like Hitek.fr [15]even joked by speculating if his future cabinet would include french internet celebrities, such as Antoine Daniel, le Joueur du Grenier, Rémi Gaillard or Le Logeur du Daesh.

Sarkozy's "Double Ration of Fries" Gaffe

On November 7th, 2016, Republican primary candidate and former President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed during a public meeting to offer a "double ration of french fries" in school restaurants for muslim kids who can't eat pork meat. The announcement, that many observers deemed as totally absurd and inappropriate, especially from someone who led very controversial anti-muslim policies during his presidential term, became ridiculed on french social media.[16][17][18]

Jason Burne @Monty_Brogan69 L'ADN d'un jeune musulman qui va à la cantine selon Nicolas Sarkozy #Frites
peu importe @MateuillB Suivrev Je reviens du futur et 3/4 des français sont convertis à l'islam depuis que Sarkozy a proposé double ration de frites aux enfants musulmans.

Ali Juppé / Farid Fillon

Ali Juppé and Farid Fillon are nicknamed given to Republican Primary candidates Alain Juppé and François Fillon by far right wing nationalist supporters online. During the republican primary campaign of november 2016, those nicknames were associated with a series of photoshops displaying Mr Juppé and Fillon as stereotypical muslim fundamentalists.[19][20]

Obama 2017

Obama 2017 is a humorous fake campaign, launched late February 2017, intending to make former US president Barack Obama compete for the french presidential election. The petition lauched on the campaign's site gathered over 49 000 signatures[21]. The initiative has met hilarity from the french[22] as well as american news media[23][24].

Pepe Le Pen

Pepe Le Pen is an interpretation of Smug Pepe representing french nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen. After the election of Donald Trump in the US, the Pepe Le Pen edits grew in popularity on far-right wing discussion threads online, with several associations with the meme wars. These associations were widely commented by news media online.[25][26]

WELCOME VETERANS The Great Meme War, Part 2: The Battle of France

Mélenchon's Hologram Meetings

On February 5th, 2017, Presidential Left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon held a meeting simultaneously live on stage in the city of Lyon and broadcast via hologram projection in Paris, invoking the “spirit of science and sharing” behind this technology. This use of this uncommon medium, that many percieved as over the top, spawned hilarity on social media, especially among his supporters, who generated several Star Wars themed photoshop edits under the hashtag #Hologramme. However, after the success of the first meeting, Mélenchon announced that he would hold another holographic meeting on april 18th, this time live on Stage in Dijon and via hologram in six cities : Nancy, Nantes, Clermont-Ferrand, Montpellier, Grenoble and Le Port (Reunion Island)

nd The olaas TM
Mais non, c'est Mélenchon ! Cest upac? La putain de Dialectique est avec lui C'est la princesse Leia? augmentation immediate du SMIC de-6%) La France nsoumise f Comité des Memes Trollétariens 阃@leCdMT
By @duanyer

Can't Stenchon the Mélenchon

"Can’t stenchon the mélenchon" is a catchphrase derived from Can’t stump the trump used by Jean-Luc Mélenchon's supporters online. It is frequently associated with photoshopped communist propaganda parodies or video montage parodies showing Mr Mélenchon roasting his opponents during televised debates. After it timidly started on jeuxvideo.com forums on november 2016, the catchprhase, along with the sentence "Yes we Canchon" (parodying Obama's "Yes we Can" ) knew a peak of popularity in early 2017 after it became aknowledged and embraced by Mélenchon himself.


Marine Le Pen Holding a Paper

Marine Le Pen holding a paper is a photoshop meme based on a photo of Nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen holding a piece of paper during the first presidential debate. During the live broadcast of the debate on march 20th, 2017, she showed to the audience a piece of paper with a graph on it, intending to prove the negative impact of the euro on the french industrial production. However, several twitter users parodied the picture by photoshopping various humorous captions on the paper.[27][28][29]

TFI EN DIRECT op pe Quel modèle économique pour la France ? Présidentielle- Le Grand Debat
Reference to this:

<iframe width="300" height="233" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/v1mxMtr8Mws" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TFI EN DIRECT Quel modèle économique pour la France
TED EN DIRECT Send Mudes Quel modèle économique pour la France

Mélenchon Réaction

Mélenchon reaction is a reaction image taken from an interview on radio channel Europe 1 displaying presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon in an expression of complete shock and disbelief. Following the interview’s broadcast on March 15th, 2017, the animated GIF version of the reaction became viral on Twitter, and led users to associate it with various humorous captions under the hashtag #melenchonreaction.

OMG its a Trap @OMG its_a_Trap Suivrev Quand elle te dit qu'elle est d'accord pour un plan à 3 avec sa meilleure amie #MelenchonReaction Europe Eur Europe1 ope1 Europe1 Europe1 Europe Eu GIF
Punk's Not Dead @Kor_Back Suivrev Quand tu découvres que le père noël n'existe pas #MelenchonReaction Europe 1 Eur Europe1 Europe ope1 Europe1 Europe1 Europe Eu IF
urope 1 Europe Eur Europe f obe Europe1 Europe rope 1 pe Europe1 Europe Europe 1 E1 8:40

Philippe Poutou Looking Back

Poutou looking back is a picture of independant communist candidate Philippe Poutou taken from the live footage of the second Presidential debate (that took place on April 4th), on which he appears to turn away from the camera to speak with his campaign staff behind him. The picture became associated with several humorous captions on Twitter, where users were encouraged to imagine the dialogue between Mr Poutou and his staff.[30][31]

David JID @liberte881 Suivrev #LeGrandDebat #Poutou "-alors, ils disent quoi sur Twitter?" "- que t'es un dieu mec! Tu balances du napalm !" 21:05 DIRECT BFM TV. 01:29 cOMMENT CREER DES EMPLOIS? LE GRAND DEBAT
"for those who may ask what a Kangoo is...":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renault_Kangoo
Bigg Mdr t'as vu la gueule de Fillon quand j'ai Philippe t'es en direct putairn Suivrev @AlexBigE parlé de corruption 21:05 DIRECT BFM TV. 01:29 ELYSEE 2017 COMMENT CREER DES EMPLOIS2 LE GRAND DEBAT
Flo @Flootoutcourt suivre ﹀ -Je parle des pizzas à l'ananas ou pas du coup? #LeGrandDebat 21:05 DIRECT BFM TV. 01:29 cOMMENT CREER DES EMPLOIS? LE GRAND DEBAT

"Rends l'Argent!"

"Rends l'Argent!" ("Give the money back!") is a catchprase mostly used by François Fillon's left-wing opposition online, in reaction to the suspicions on embezzlement of public money he's involved in, surrounding the "Penelopegate" case. Online, the catchprase often became associated with various photoshops and video remixes, showing Mr Fillon in uncomfortable situations after being confronted to someone asking him to "give the money back." The slogan's popularity outbreak became quickly noticed by mainstream news media[32][33], while the sentence itself gained a peak in popularity after the second televised debate, when it was quoted by left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the first minutes.

Walka @ka_Kawal Suivre M. Fillon, ça serait pas l'heure de rendre l'argent? - Pas du tout, il est
seven devils'- Suivrev @badgirlmomsen RENDS L'ARGENT tb #SAGAWARDS © TBS
Lucas Ivanoff @Lucaslvanoff Suivrev Fillon, on sait que t'es là ! T'es cerné ! Rends l'argent maintenant ! #LeGrandDébat
McKay @MystereMcKay Suivrev " Rends l'argent François"
Francois Damerval @fdamerval Suivrev LE DAUPHINE LIstat JEUDI 6 AVRIL 20171 29 FRANCE-MONDE PRESIDENTIELLEIEntretien avec François ilion le Républicainscondsat de dride ruou J'entends un cri qui monte du pays y BIO EXPRESS Les presumé de son sur son train de 97 880 LA PHRASE “Je suis erse pour plus d emplois et de ratemance mest sur le plan économique sent la en 2012
"Mr Fillon, can you read the top lines?"
"Son of a bitch give the money back"

Macron Screeching / "C'EST NOTRE PROJET"

Macron screeching, also known as "C'EST NOTRE PROJET" ("this is our project", always written in capital letters) is a series of twitter jokes based on a public speech held by neoliberal centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron on december 10th, 2016. At the end of the meeting, pobably carried away by enthusiasm, Mr Macron started screaming his last sentences, before concluding his speech by saying "Because this is our project" in a loud, screechy voice (video shown below)

During the weeks following the speech, several twitter users started posting photoshopped images of Macron in various situations, often associated with punny captions derived from the "c'est notre projet!" quote.
Most of these were regrouped under the hashtag #CrieCommeMacron ("scream like Macron), while other users started posting video remixes of the scene.

le galérien associal @davidakadamov Suivrev -Ah Oui et n'oubliez pas le rapport à rendre! -Pourquoi? PARCE QUE C'EST VOTRE PROJET! #crieCommeMacron IA MER
Byakko @KinzokuByakko L-suivre ﹀ j'ai eue envie de m'y mettre aussi #creCommeMacron
Brahim K-J @Killoa925 Suivre Yugi, laisse-moi me battre contre toi -Non, je me bat avec Kaiba Pourquoi ? Parce que c'est notre DUEEEEL !! #CrieCommeMacron
Alex φ @_Linkido Suivre - Vous pouvez sortir d'ici svp? PARCE QUE C'EST NOTRE GRENIEEEEEEER #CrieCommeMacron
Léo @LeoTaton Suivre v -"Respecte notre capitaine!" -"Pourquoi ?" "PARCE QUE C'EST NOTRE CROCHET!" Il #CrieCommeMacron
SAMUEL Suivre v @Redus Encore à boire Macron arrête-toi pourquoi tu continues à boire? PARCE QUE C'EST NOTRE ROSE #creCommeMacron


In early May 2017, posts spreading rumors that Macron was using a Cayman Islands bank account for tax evasion purposes began appearing on /pol/. That day, BuzzFeed deputy news director Ryan Broderick posted a series of tweets about the posts on 4chan.[24]

Meanwhile, Twitter user @JackPosobiec[34] tweeted that the "French government just blocked all of 4chan (shown below, left). That evening, 4chan moderator Jay Irwin replied to the tweet, pointing out that it was an IP range block message from 4chan's side, not the French government (shown below, right).[35]

Jack Posobiec@JackPosobiec 7h BREAKING: FRENCH GOVERNMENT JUST BLOCKED ALL OF 4CHAN #MACRONLEAKS 4chan Blocked Yaur IP or IP range is blocked from accessing 4chan. わ383 £7 2.SK 2.9K Jay Irwin @invisibro Replying to @JackPosobiec That's an IP range ban message from 4chan's side because someone on that range was spamming. If FR blocked it, you couldn't get to the site

On May 6th, nine gigabytes worth of documents purportedly linked to Macron were leaked on Pastebin by user EMLEAKS. Following the leak, many speculated that Macron had been targeted by a Russian hacking campaign. On May 7th, NPR tweeted that "Wikileaks posted 9 gigabytes if Macron's data." In response, the official Wikileaks tweeted feed stated that "NPR is not a credible news organization," noting that Wikileaks had not leaked the documents. After NPR posted a "clarification" that the publisher of the documents was unknown, Wikileaks criticized the public radio organization for not posting an apology and formal correction (shown below).

NPR@NPR Wikileaks posted 9 gigabytes of Macron's campaign data, which is said to include both real and fake documents. 2h n p r who originally uploaded the leaked documents to the Internet NPR@NPR Wikileaks posted 9 gigabytes of Macron's campaign data, which is said to include bot.. CHOISIR LA FRANCE CHOISIR FRANCE r Ense la France la France! French Candidate Emmanuel Macron Says Campaign Has Been Hacked, Hours Before Election npr.org 2:36 PM 06 May 17 125 RETWEETS 175 LIKES WikiLeaks → @wikileaks WikiLeaks@wikileaks 8h Replying to @NPR That's "retraction" or "correction" NPR not "clarification"-and normally followed by an apology for misleading 7M people. わ35 다 292 478 Replying to @NPR NPR is not a credible news organization 1) WikiLeaks did not publish #Macro n Leaks 2) So far only Macron claims "fake docs"--but names none Tweet your reply

Election Results

On May 7th, 2017, the second round of voting took place, in which Macron was projected to be the new president of France receiving upwards of 66% of the vote with 99% reporting in. The official results of the election will be released on May 10th.

2017 French presidential election results round 2 Updated May 8 at 4:42 AM EDT Emmanuel Macron is projected to be the new president → More about Macron Votes won . 99% reporting Over 50% votes needed to win 66.1 % 20,753,797 33.9% 10,644,118 Macron EMA Le Pen FN

That day, Redditor angular_js_sucks submitted a post about Macron's projected win to /r/worldnews,[36] where it gathered upwards of 113,800 points (74% upvoted) and 22,000 comments within 24 hours. That afternoon, Macron posted a tweet expressing his gratitutde for the French people who trusted in him (shown below).[40] Shortly after, United States President Donald Trump tweeted his congratulations to Macron for winning the presidency.[39] That evening, Twitter created a Moments[37] page titled "Emmanuel Macron wins French presidential race," highlighting notable tweets about the election result. The following day, Twitter posted a Moments[38] page containing "five maps that show why Macron beat Le Pen."

"My dear compatriots, you've chosen to put your trust in me, and I want to express my deep gratitude to you" #France2017 Emmanuel Macron@EmmanuelMacron Mes chers compatriotes, vous avez choisi de m'accorder votre confiance et je tiens à vous exprimer ma profonde gratitude

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External references

[1] Wikipediafrench presidential election 2017

[2] Wikipedia – french republican primary 2016

[3] Wikipedia – french socialist primary 2017

[4] Wikipedia – Fillon affair

[5] The New York Times – François Fillon vows to run despite inquiry

[6] Wikipedia – french presidential debates 2017

[7] The Guardian – French presidential debate proves a marathon of egalité in action

[8] twitter – #legranddebat

[9] the Huffington Post – Jean Lassalle, le candidat romantique

[10] The New York Times – Poutou bursts french political elite's bubble

[11] The Guardian – Poutou emerges as star of TV debate

[12] Le Figaro – Le Grand Monarque de Bugarach, candidat loufoque pour 2017

[13] Hitek.fr – Sylvain Durif, le Christ cosmique, se présente aux présidentielles

[14] Journal du Buzz – Le Grand Monarque est candidat à l'élection présidentielle

[15] Hitek.fr – L'éventuel gouvernement de Sylvain Durif

[16] Buzzfeed – 15 tweets brillants sur les frites de Sarkozy

[17] Konbini – double ration de frites – le grand n'importe quoi des réseaux sociaux

[18] 20 Minutes – Sarkozy offre une belle tranche de rigolade aux internautes

[19] the Huffington Post – How the far-right wing wants to kick 'Ali Juppé' out of the primary

[20] Le Figaro – After 'Ali Juppé', far-right-wing targets 'Farid Fillon'.

[21] Obama 2017.fr – official site of the campaign

[22] Le Parisien – 40 000 signataires rêvent d'une candidature de Barack Obama

[23] CNN – yes we can… elect Obama president of France?

[24] Time – Petition calls for Obama to run as french president

[25] Newstatesman – can Alt-right really meme Le Pen to victory?

[26] Les Inrockuptibles – From Pepe the Frog to Pepe Le Pen, how a frog became a symbol of the fascist side of the Internet

[27] Hitek.fr – Top 20 des meilleurs détournement de Le Pen au débat

[28] 20 Minutes – Twitter détourne le graphique de Marine Le Pen

[29] Topito – Top 14 des meilleuurs détournements de Le Pen pendant le débat

[30] Hitek – Top 10 des meilleurs tweets de Poutou se retournant

[31] Buzzfeed – Poutou se retourne pendant le débat et c'est devenu un mème

[32] RTL – rends l'argent, le slogan anti-Fillon qui cartonne sur le web

[33] Libération – Rends l'argent, concert de casseroles 2.0 pour Fillon

[34] Twitter – @broderick

[35] Twitter – @invisibro

[36] Reddit – Macron wins French presidency by decisive margin over Le Pen

[37] Twitter – Emmanuel Macron wins French presidential race

[38] Twitter – Five maps that show why Macron beat Le Pen

[39] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump

[40] Twitter – @EmmanuelMacron

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2017 French Presidential Election

2017 French Presidential Election

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The 2017 French presidential election is an election that designated the next President of the French Republic to succeed incumbent president François Hollande. The election consists of a direct popular vote in two rounds, the first one will taking place on April 23rd, 2017 and the second one on May 7th, 2017. There are a total of eleven candidates running for the first round.[1] On May 7th, Emmanuel Macron won the election with over 66% of the votes.


2016 Republican Primary Election

The "Open primary of the Right-Wing and Centre" is the primary round for the french conservative right-wing (dominated by the party "Les Républicains", the republicans) to nominate their candidate for the general election. There were seven candidates competing for the nomination : former President Nicolas Sarkozy, former Prime Minister François Fillon, Mayor of Bordeaux Alain Juppé, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Bruno Le Maire, Jean-Frédéric Poisson and Jean-François Copé. On November 27th, 2016, after a two rounds vote, François Fillon was proclaimed winner of the primary election.[2]

Citizen Primary of 2017

The primary round which decided the presidential candidate of the governing Socialist Party and the liberal Left-wing included seven candidates: Incumbent Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Benoît Hamon, Arnaud Montebourg, François de Rugy, Vincent Peillon, Sylvia Pinel and Jean-Luc Bennahmias. On January 29th, 2017, Benoît Hamon was proclaimed winner of the primary election.[3]

Campaign Announcements

On March 18th, 2017, the Constitutional Council published the list of the 11 candidates who recieved the 500 endorsement sponsorships required to officially run for the general election :

  • François Fillon (party : Les Républicains / The Republicans)
  • Marine Le Pen (party : Front National / National Front)
  • Emmanuel Macron (movement : En Marche! / Onward!)
  • Benoît Hamon (party : Parti Socialiste / Socialist Party)
  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon (movement : La France Insoumise / Rebellious France)
  • Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (movement : Debout la France / Arise France)
  • François Asselineau (movement : Union Populaire Républicaine / Popular Republican Union)
  • Jacques Cheminade (party : Solidarité et Progrès / Solidarity and Progress)
  • Nathalie Arthaud (party : Lutte Ouvrière / Workers' Struggle)
  • Philippe Poutou (party : Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste / New Anticapitalist Party)
  • Jean Lassalle (movement : Resistons! / Let's Resist!)

(all the presidential candidates, from left to right, top to bottom : Jean Luc Mélenchon, Benoît Hamon, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillon, Marine Le Pen, Nathalie Arthaud, Philippe Poutou, Jean Lassalle, Jacques Cheminade, François Asselineau, and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan)


The Penelope Fillon case, also known as "Penelopegate," is a corruption scandal surrounding the Republican candidate François Fillon.[4] According to this case, Mr Fillon is suspected of embezzlement of over 800 000 € of public money, by illegaly hiring his wife Penelope Fillon for a fake job of parliamentary assistant between 1998 and 2007. After the scandal was revealed in the satirical newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné on january 25th, 2017, it triggered an enormous backlash from the public opinion against Mr Fillon. However, Mr Fillon announced that he would keep running for the election, refusing to answer any formal Police inquiry.[5]

Presidential Debates

The presidential debates ("Le grand débat" in French) were a series of two televised debates opposing the presidential election candidates. The first one took place on channels TF1 and France 2 on March 20th, 2017 and only opposed the five main candidates, i.e. Fillon, Macron, Mélenchon, Hamon and Le Pen, while the second one, which was broadcasted on channels CNews and BFMTV on April 4th, 2017, gathered all of the eleven candidates. Those kind of debates, which were totally unprecedented for any french presidential election,[6][7] were widely discussed on social media[8] and showed a peak of sympathy from the public opinion for several "independant" candidates, such as Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Jean Lassalle[9] or Philippe Poutou.[10][11]

Notable Developments

Sylvain Durif's Campaign Announcement

On December 6th, 2016, french 2012 doomsday conspiracy theorist and Internet celebrity Sylvain Durif announced on his (now deleted) Youtube channel his intention to run for the 2017 Presidential. The announcement spawned hilarity on the french internet as well as in mainstream media.[12] The following days, several photoshops were made, displaying Mr Durif in place of the official portrait of President Hollande.[13][14] Some Geek-culture-themed news sites like Hitek.fr [15]even joked by speculating if his future cabinet would include french internet celebrities, such as Antoine Daniel, le Joueur du Grenier, Rémi Gaillard or Le Logeur du Daesh.

Sarkozy's "Double Ration of Fries" Gaffe

On November 7th, 2016, Republican primary candidate and former President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed during a public meeting to offer a "double ration of french fries" in school restaurants for muslim kids who can't eat pork meat. The announcement, that many observers deemed as totally absurd and inappropriate, especially from someone who led very controversial anti-muslim policies during his presidential term, became ridiculed on french social media.[16][17][18]

Jason Burne @Monty_Brogan69 L'ADN d'un jeune musulman qui va à la cantine selon Nicolas Sarkozy #Frites peu importe @MateuillB Suivrev Je reviens du futur et 3/4 des français sont convertis à l'islam depuis que Sarkozy a proposé double ration de frites aux enfants musulmans.

Ali Juppé / Farid Fillon

Ali Juppé and Farid Fillon are nicknamed given to Republican Primary candidates Alain Juppé and François Fillon by far right wing nationalist supporters online. During the republican primary campaign of november 2016, those nicknames were associated with a series of photoshops displaying Mr Juppé and Fillon as stereotypical muslim fundamentalists.[19][20]

Obama 2017

Obama 2017 is a humorous fake campaign, launched late February 2017, intending to make former US president Barack Obama compete for the french presidential election. The petition lauched on the campaign's site gathered over 49 000 signatures[21]. The initiative has met hilarity from the french[22] as well as american news media[23][24].

Pepe Le Pen

Pepe Le Pen is an interpretation of Smug Pepe representing french nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen. After the election of Donald Trump in the US, the Pepe Le Pen edits grew in popularity on far-right wing discussion threads online, with several associations with the meme wars. These associations were widely commented by news media online.[25][26]

ALGERIA Pepe Sauve La France LA GRANDE NATION 2017 MEMES MINITEI WELCOME VETERANS The Great Meme War, Part 2: The Battle of France

Mélenchon's Hologram Meetings

On February 5th, 2017, Presidential Left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon held a meeting simultaneously live on stage in the city of Lyon and broadcast via hologram projection in Paris, invoking the “spirit of science and sharing” behind this technology. This use of this uncommon medium, that many percieved as over the top, spawned hilarity on social media, especially among his supporters, who generated several Star Wars themed photoshop edits under the hashtag #Hologramme. However, after the success of the first meeting, Mélenchon announced that he would hold another holographic meeting on april 18th, this time live on Stage in Dijon and via hologram in six cities : Nancy, Nantes, Clermont-Ferrand, Montpellier, Grenoble and Le Port (Reunion Island)

nd The olaas TM Mais non, c'est Mélenchon ! Cest upac? La putain de Dialectique est avec lui C'est la princesse Leia? augmentation immediate du SMIC de-6%) La France nsoumise f Comité des Memes Trollétariens 阃@leCdMT MEETING EN HOLOGRAMME POUR MELENChON 0 LAS4R By @duanyer

Can't Stenchon the Mélenchon

"Can’t stenchon the mélenchon" is a catchphrase derived from Can’t stump the trump used by Jean-Luc Mélenchon's supporters online. It is frequently associated with photoshopped communist propaganda parodies or video montage parodies showing Mr Mélenchon roasting his opponents during televised debates. After it timidly started on jeuxvideo.com forums on november 2016, the catchprhase, along with the sentence "Yes we Canchon" (parodying Obama's "Yes we Can" ) knew a peak of popularity in early 2017 after it became aknowledged and embraced by Mélenchon himself.


Marine Le Pen Holding a Paper

Marine Le Pen holding a paper is a photoshop meme based on a photo of Nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen holding a piece of paper during the first presidential debate. During the live broadcast of the debate on march 20th, 2017, she showed to the audience a piece of paper with a graph on it, intending to prove the negative impact of the euro on the french industrial production. However, several twitter users parodied the picture by photoshopping various humorous captions on the paper.[27][28][29]

TFI EN DIRECT op pe Quel modèle économique pour la France ? Présidentielle- Le Grand Debat Reference to this:

<iframe width="300" height="233" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/v1mxMtr8Mws" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> TFI EN DIRECT Quel modèle économique pour la France TED EN DIRECT Send Mudes Quel modèle économique pour la France

Mélenchon Réaction

Mélenchon reaction is a reaction image taken from an interview on radio channel Europe 1 displaying presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon in an expression of complete shock and disbelief. Following the interview’s broadcast on March 15th, 2017, the animated GIF version of the reaction became viral on Twitter, and led users to associate it with various humorous captions under the hashtag #melenchonreaction.

OMG its a Trap @OMG its_a_Trap Suivrev Quand elle te dit qu'elle est d'accord pour un plan à 3 avec sa meilleure amie #MelenchonReaction Europe Eur Europe1 ope1 Europe1 Europe1 Europe Eu GIF Punk's Not Dead @Kor_Back Suivrev Quand tu découvres que le père noël n'existe pas #MelenchonReaction Europe 1 Eur Europe1 Europe ope1 Europe1 Europe1 Europe Eu IF urope 1 Europe Eur Europe f obe Europe1 Europe rope 1 pe Europe1 Europe Europe 1 E1 8:40

Philippe Poutou Looking Back

Poutou looking back is a picture of independant communist candidate Philippe Poutou taken from the live footage of the second Presidential debate (that took place on April 4th), on which he appears to turn away from the camera to speak with his campaign staff behind him. The picture became associated with several humorous captions on Twitter, where users were encouraged to imagine the dialogue between Mr Poutou and his staff.[30][31]

C'EST QUOI LE SLOGAN DEJA? PHILIPPE POUTOU David JID @liberte881 Suivrev #LeGrandDebat #Poutou "-alors, ils disent quoi sur Twitter?" "- que t'es un dieu mec! Tu balances du napalm !" 21:05 DIRECT BFM TV. 01:29 cOMMENT CREER DES EMPLOIS? LE GRAND DEBAT "for those who may ask what a Kangoo is...":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renault_Kangoo Bigg Mdr t'as vu la gueule de Fillon quand j'ai Philippe t'es en direct putairn Suivrev @AlexBigE parlé de corruption 21:05 DIRECT BFM TV. 01:29 ELYSEE 2017 COMMENT CREER DES EMPLOIS2 LE GRAND DEBAT Flo @Flootoutcourt suivre ﹀ -Je parle des pizzas à l'ananas ou pas du coup? #LeGrandDebat 21:05 DIRECT BFM TV. 01:29 cOMMENT CREER DES EMPLOIS? LE GRAND DEBAT

"Rends l'Argent!"

"Rends l'Argent!" ("Give the money back!") is a catchprase mostly used by François Fillon's left-wing opposition online, in reaction to the suspicions on embezzlement of public money he's involved in, surrounding the "Penelopegate" case. Online, the catchprase often became associated with various photoshops and video remixes, showing Mr Fillon in uncomfortable situations after being confronted to someone asking him to "give the money back." The slogan's popularity outbreak became quickly noticed by mainstream news media[32][33], while the sentence itself gained a peak in popularity after the second televised debate, when it was quoted by left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the first minutes.

Walka @ka_Kawal Suivre M. Fillon, ça serait pas l'heure de rendre l'argent? - Pas du tout, il est seven devils'- Suivrev @badgirlmomsen RENDS L'ARGENT tb #SAGAWARDS © TBS Lucas Ivanoff @Lucaslvanoff Suivrev Fillon, on sait que t'es là ! T'es cerné ! Rends l'argent maintenant ! #LeGrandDébat McKay @MystereMcKay Suivrev " Rends l'argent François" Francois Damerval @fdamerval Suivrev LE DAUPHINE LIstat JEUDI 6 AVRIL 20171 29 FRANCE-MONDE PRESIDENTIELLEIEntretien avec François ilion le Républicainscondsat de dride ruou J'entends un cri qui monte du pays y BIO EXPRESS Les presumé de son sur son train de 97 880 LA PHRASE “Je suis erse pour plus d emplois et de ratemance mest sur le plan économique sent la en 2012 "Mr Fillon, can you read the top lines?"
"Son of a bitch give the money back"

Macron Screeching / "C'EST NOTRE PROJET"

Macron screeching, also known as "C'EST NOTRE PROJET" ("this is our project", always written in capital letters) is a series of twitter jokes based on a public speech held by neoliberal centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron on december 10th, 2016. At the end of the meeting, pobably carried away by enthusiasm, Mr Macron started screaming his last sentences, before concluding his speech by saying "Because this is our project" in a loud, screechy voice (video shown below)

During the weeks following the speech, several twitter users started posting photoshopped images of Macron in various situations, often associated with punny captions derived from the "c'est notre projet!" quote.
Most of these were regrouped under the hashtag #CrieCommeMacron ("scream like Macron), while other users started posting video remixes of the scene.

le galérien associal @davidakadamov Suivrev -Ah Oui et n'oubliez pas le rapport à rendre! -Pourquoi? PARCE QUE C'EST VOTRE PROJET! #crieCommeMacron IA MER Byakko @KinzokuByakko L-suivre ﹀ j'ai eue envie de m'y mettre aussi #creCommeMacron Brahim K-J @Killoa925 Suivre Yugi, laisse-moi me battre contre toi -Non, je me bat avec Kaiba Pourquoi ? Parce que c'est notre DUEEEEL !! #CrieCommeMacron Alex φ @_Linkido Suivre - Vous pouvez sortir d'ici svp? PARCE QUE C'EST NOTRE GRENIEEEEEEER #CrieCommeMacron Léo @LeoTaton Suivre v -"Respecte notre capitaine!" -"Pourquoi ?" "PARCE QUE C'EST NOTRE CROCHET!" Il #CrieCommeMacron SAMUEL Suivre v @Redus Encore à boire Macron arrête-toi pourquoi tu continues à boire? PARCE QUE C'EST NOTRE ROSE #creCommeMacron


In early May 2017, posts spreading rumors that Macron was using a Cayman Islands bank account for tax evasion purposes began appearing on /pol/. That day, BuzzFeed deputy news director Ryan Broderick posted a series of tweets about the posts on 4chan.[24]

Meanwhile, Twitter user @JackPosobiec[34] tweeted that the "French government just blocked all of 4chan (shown below, left). That evening, 4chan moderator Jay Irwin replied to the tweet, pointing out that it was an IP range block message from 4chan's side, not the French government (shown below, right).[35]

Jack Posobiec@JackPosobiec 7h BREAKING: FRENCH GOVERNMENT JUST BLOCKED ALL OF 4CHAN #MACRONLEAKS 4chan Blocked Yaur IP or IP range is blocked from accessing 4chan. わ383 £7 2.SK 2.9K Jay Irwin @invisibro Replying to @JackPosobiec That's an IP range ban message from 4chan's side because someone on that range was spamming. If FR blocked it, you couldn't get to the site

On May 6th, nine gigabytes worth of documents purportedly linked to Macron were leaked on Pastebin by user EMLEAKS. Following the leak, many speculated that Macron had been targeted by a Russian hacking campaign. On May 7th, NPR tweeted that "Wikileaks posted 9 gigabytes if Macron's data." In response, the official Wikileaks tweeted feed stated that "NPR is not a credible news organization," noting that Wikileaks had not leaked the documents. After NPR posted a "clarification" that the publisher of the documents was unknown, Wikileaks criticized the public radio organization for not posting an apology and formal correction (shown below).

NPR@NPR Wikileaks posted 9 gigabytes of Macron's campaign data, which is said to include both real and fake documents. 2h n p r who originally uploaded the leaked documents to the Internet NPR@NPR Wikileaks posted 9 gigabytes of Macron's campaign data, which is said to include bot.. CHOISIR LA FRANCE CHOISIR FRANCE r Ense la France la France! French Candidate Emmanuel Macron Says Campaign Has Been Hacked, Hours Before Election npr.org 2:36 PM 06 May 17 125 RETWEETS 175 LIKES WikiLeaks → @wikileaks WikiLeaks@wikileaks 8h Replying to @NPR That's "retraction" or "correction" NPR not "clarification"-and normally followed by an apology for misleading 7M people. わ35 다 292 478 Replying to @NPR NPR is not a credible news organization 1) WikiLeaks did not publish #Macro n Leaks 2) So far only Macron claims "fake docs"--but names none Tweet your reply

Election Results

On May 7th, 2017, the second round of voting took place, in which Macron was projected to be the new president of France receiving upwards of 66% of the vote with 99% reporting in. The official results of the election will be released on May 10th.

2017 French presidential election results round 2 Updated May 8 at 4:42 AM EDT Emmanuel Macron is projected to be the new president → More about Macron Votes won . 99% reporting Over 50% votes needed to win 66.1 % 20,753,797 33.9% 10,644,118 Macron EMA Le Pen FN

That day, Redditor angular_js_sucks submitted a post about Macron's projected win to /r/worldnews,[36] where it gathered upwards of 113,800 points (74% upvoted) and 22,000 comments within 24 hours. That afternoon, Macron posted a tweet expressing his gratitutde for the French people who trusted in him (shown below).[40] Shortly after, United States President Donald Trump tweeted his congratulations to Macron for winning the presidency.[39] That evening, Twitter created a Moments[37] page titled "Emmanuel Macron wins French presidential race," highlighting notable tweets about the election result. The following day, Twitter posted a Moments[38] page containing "five maps that show why Macron beat Le Pen."

"My dear compatriots, you've chosen to put your trust in me, and I want to express my deep gratitude to you" #France2017 Emmanuel Macron@EmmanuelMacron Mes chers compatriotes, vous avez choisi de m'accorder votre confiance et je tiens à vous exprimer ma profonde gratitude

Search Interest

External references

[1] Wikipediafrench presidential election 2017

[2] Wikipedia – french republican primary 2016

[3] Wikipedia – french socialist primary 2017

[4] Wikipedia – Fillon affair

[5] The New York Times – François Fillon vows to run despite inquiry

[6] Wikipedia – french presidential debates 2017

[7] The Guardian – French presidential debate proves a marathon of egalité in action

[8] twitter – #legranddebat

[9] the Huffington Post – Jean Lassalle, le candidat romantique

[10] The New York Times – Poutou bursts french political elite's bubble

[11] The Guardian – Poutou emerges as star of TV debate

[12] Le Figaro – Le Grand Monarque de Bugarach, candidat loufoque pour 2017

[13] Hitek.fr – Sylvain Durif, le Christ cosmique, se présente aux présidentielles

[14] Journal du Buzz – Le Grand Monarque est candidat à l'élection présidentielle

[15] Hitek.fr – L'éventuel gouvernement de Sylvain Durif

[16] Buzzfeed – 15 tweets brillants sur les frites de Sarkozy

[17] Konbini – double ration de frites – le grand n'importe quoi des réseaux sociaux

[18] 20 Minutes – Sarkozy offre une belle tranche de rigolade aux internautes

[19] the Huffington Post – How the far-right wing wants to kick 'Ali Juppé' out of the primary

[20] Le Figaro – After 'Ali Juppé', far-right-wing targets 'Farid Fillon'.

[21] Obama 2017.fr – official site of the campaign

[22] Le Parisien – 40 000 signataires rêvent d'une candidature de Barack Obama

[23] CNN – yes we can… elect Obama president of France?

[24] Time – Petition calls for Obama to run as french president

[25] Newstatesman – can Alt-right really meme Le Pen to victory?

[26] Les Inrockuptibles – From Pepe the Frog to Pepe Le Pen, how a frog became a symbol of the fascist side of the Internet

[27] Hitek.fr – Top 20 des meilleurs détournement de Le Pen au débat

[28] 20 Minutes – Twitter détourne le graphique de Marine Le Pen

[29] Topito – Top 14 des meilleuurs détournements de Le Pen pendant le débat

[30] Hitek – Top 10 des meilleurs tweets de Poutou se retournant

[31] Buzzfeed – Poutou se retourne pendant le débat et c'est devenu un mème

[32] RTL – rends l'argent, le slogan anti-Fillon qui cartonne sur le web

[33] Libération – Rends l'argent, concert de casseroles 2.0 pour Fillon

[34] Twitter – @broderick

[35] Twitter – @invisibro

[36] Reddit – Macron wins French presidency by decisive margin over Le Pen

[37] Twitter – Emmanuel Macron wins French presidential race

[38] Twitter – Five maps that show why Macron beat Le Pen

[39] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump

[40] Twitter – @EmmanuelMacron

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Elbough La Zoreille
Elbough La Zoreille

Le Pen is under an official criminal investigation for embezzling 5M € of public money from the EU Parliament, and nobody bats an eye.
4 Chan releases a rumor (even Wikileaks could not autenthify it) about Macron having a secret bank account, and everybody loses their minds…


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