2018 Russia - United States Summit - Images
People 🅱️e forgetting we live in a society y’all

2018 Russia - United States Summit
PornHub fun

2018 Russia - United States Summit
"My name is Reek"

2018 Russia - United States Summit
Richard Marx tweet

2018 Russia - United States Summit
The President wrote in sharpie “THERE WAS NO COLUSION” during a meeting with congressional members.

2018 Russia - United States Summit
"But you WOULD expect me to say that they #Wouldnt have interfered with our election, so clearly I cannot choose the word in front of YOU!"

2018 Russia - United States Summit
Putin's Story Moved Me

2018 Russia - United States Summit
George W. Bush has to be thinking, “Darn. I should’ve gone out the next day and said ‘I meant mission not accomplished.’”

2018 Russia - United States Summit
While I had a great meeting with NATO, raising vast amounts of money, I had an even better meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. Sadly, it is not bei...

2018 Russia - United States Summit
US Daily News front cover

2018 Russia - United States Summit
MicroChip wants you to support Putin

2018 Russia - United States Summit
Deflection and whataboutism
![Shane Harris (딛 @shaneharris History will note this moment: Asked who do you believe, Russia or your own intelligence agencies, Trump asks, "where's the [DNC] server." "I don't see any reason why it would be" Russia who hacked the DNC. "What happened to the server?" "What happened to the [Clinton] emails." 7/16/18, 10:51 AM 140 Retweets 152 Likes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/393/577/a30.jpg)
![Shane Harris (딛 @shaneharris History will note this moment: Asked who do you believe, Russia or your own intelligence agencies, Trump asks, "where's the [DNC] server." "I don't see any reason why it would be" Russia who hacked the DNC. "What happened to the server?" "What happened to the [Clinton] emails." 7/16/18, 10:51 AM 140 Retweets 152 Likes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/393/577/a30.jpg)
2018 Russia - United States Summit
Mark Warner responds

2018 Russia - United States Summit
Submitted without comment

2018 Russia - United States Summit
The Summit outcome

2018 Russia - United States Summit
Even Fox News agrees that this is fucked up

2018 Russia - United States Summit