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People 🅱️e forgetting we live in a society y’all
Uploaded by Bilbo Swaggins Jul 23, 2018 at 11:00PM EDT
trump putin bobby shmurda puppet object labeling stock image cgi strings puppets puppeteer
Origin Entry: 2018 Russia - United States Summit
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File size: 157 KB
The President wrote in sharpie “THERE WAS NO COLUSION” during a meeting with congressional members.
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"But you WOULD expect me to say that they #Wouldnt have interfered with our election, so clearly I cannot choose the word in front of YOU!"
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George W. Bush has to be thinking, “Darn. I should’ve gone out the next day and said ‘I meant mission not accomplished.’”
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2018 Russia - United States Summit - People 🅱️e forgetting we live in a society y’all
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