2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine - Images
aaany day now v2

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
aaany day now

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
2nd Best Army in Ukraine < 1 Shelly Boi

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
A Weapon to Surpass Metal Gear

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Just got a massive order for 1600 patches for an "airsoft team" based in "Kyrgyzstan"

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Bakhmut Cat: Second of His Name

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Bakhmut Cat the First

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The Misadventures of Harry Piotr
![File: dumbledore-cropped.jpg (211 KB, 1280x669) << >> >>57470830 >Dumbledorovich asked calmly □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)01:18:11 No.57471270 ► >>57485443 >> Anonymous 03/13/23 (Mon)01:30:09 No.57471373 ► >>57471403 >>57471405 >>57472208 >>57472756 >>57472772 >>57473405 >>57485401 >>57486563 >>57489159 >>57496327 >>57497556 >>57499148 File: 6fe7362a-78fa-4484-933e-5(...).jpg (71 KB, 1228x645) O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)00:35:41 No.57470793 ► >>57470830 >>57472369 >>57472539 >>57473826 >>57477111 >>57477804 >>57477865 >>57478203 >>57482737 >>57484409 >Yes, yes, well done, Wagner, well done. HOWEVER... 0 >you follow in his footsteps I see as well, HIV positive from your outings >i know just the place for you VDV conscript to... BAKHMUT Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)00:38:36 No.57470830 ► >>57471270 >>57471408 >>57472369 >>57472777 >>57473167 >>57473814 >>57473832 >>57485443 >>57485476 >>57470793 (OP) POTTER DID YOU PUT MY NAME IN THE GOBLET OF DEFENESTRATION?!?! >hmmm yes >a long line of alcoholism in this one >your family has served in the past as well >i seem to recall your grandfather being hazed in his time, though he enjoyed the the act a little too much to be called "hazing" Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)02:55:45 No.57472072 ► >>57476908 >>57488698 >"one point to the general staff for each successful feint of the special military operation," Gerasimor announced not without a certain mirth. >at once the assorted generals started cheering and excitedly talking among each other. >Gerasimor leaned forward over his podium. The mirth was gone from his face. >"Zero points!" He announced calmly. □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:27:30 No.57472292 ► >>57482557 File: da968fbc-add4-4432-a385-0(...).jpg (25 KB, 1066x480) O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:30:44 No.57472317 ► >>57472675 File: 3ff0a206dbfec3670b715d412 (120 KB, 1024x421) >> Anonymous 03/13/23 (Mon)03:37:20 No.57472369 ► >>57472479 >>57483827 >>57470830 >>57470793 (OP) Harry Pyotr and the Prisoner of Blyatskaban □ >"It's not just a rocket launcher Harry, it's a M142 HIMARS!" Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:42:47 No.57472426 ► File: BD7A188D-F279-4D9B-A8C4-1(...).jpg (43 KB, 600x338) TDF! TDF IN THE TRENCH! >>57472369 Harry Pyotr and the Gopnik on Fire WHERE KIEV?! PUTIN WANT KIEV! □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:49:47 No.57472479 ► >>57472509 >>57486732 Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:53:37 No.57472509 ► >>57472479 Harriovich Pyotr and the Monke's Orb Harrishna Pyotr and the Azovstahl C---pits Harrinki Pyotrski and the conscript of blyakstaban >>57472479 The LOTR posting can wait, I'm ready for the Pyotr shitposts. Bonus points bc JK Rowling is apparently mentioned in ol' Vladdy P's speeches. O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:55:50 No.57472530 ► >>57472719 >>57472759 >>57472810 >>57473408 >>57473808 >>57473977 >>57476297 >>57476721 >>57477439 >>57477485 >>57483551 >>57484780 >>57486701 >>57486997 >>57487193 >>57488722 File: rs_600x600-151001101332-6(...).jpg (128 KB, 1080x1080) >Master has given Dobby a sock! Now Dobby is better equipped than most Russian conscripts! O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:56:35 No.57472539 ► File: file.png (2.24 MB, 1780x910) □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)05:05:27 No.57472979 ► File: iu[1].jpg (46 KB, 735x414) >>57470793 (OP) >Avtomat Kalashnikova. The Killing Curse. Not nice. Not pleasant. And there's no counter-curse. There's no blocking it. Only one wizard is known to have survived it. And he's sitting in front of me right now. O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)18:36:45 No.57477804 ► >>57495990 File: 2023-03-13 18_24_41-Well (...).png (439 KB, 927x708) >yer a russian 'arry >I'm a what >a russian >Stop, stop, stop! You're going to get conscripted! Besides, you're saying it wrong. Its Kyiv, not Kiev! I LOVE WED THE zarve, decteer Sking for LD >>57470793 (OP) >"HOWEVER," Dumbledore continued calmly, as the Wagnerites' grins froze on their faces. House master Prighozin stopped clapping, sensing the menace of the word Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)18:43:00 No.57477865 >>57470793 (OP). >Comrade Potter, we have to capture the chamber of secrets in Hagzovstal and kill the wizard eating NATO engineered Basilisk which lives there. Here is your rusty wand-74 and a nimbus - T62 edition. Take your fuckbud- I mean battle buddy Weasleyovitch and charge the serpent straight ahead. 76th battalion of the VDVindor will attack first. If you retreat the Chechen dementor penal battalion will execute you by sucking you dry. Remember, no banan. >"However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute JDAMs to award" >Russian positions across Bakhmut are rocked by giant explosions as fortified buildings begin collapsing on top of them. Wagnerites can be seen scrambling everywhere □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)19:20:12 No.57478203 ► >>57470793 (OP) >Yes, yes well done Hohols, well done Hohols. HOWEVER...recent events must be taken into account. >To the wagernites of xona squad, for all huddling in a single foxhole...1 drone dropped VOG >Second, to MTLB crewman Vasily Vasilovich, for the best driving seen in many years...a row of TM-46 landmines >And third, to the trench asoolter, for pure nerve and outstanding tunnel vision...I award a burst of 5.45 >And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to assault a fortified position, but a great deal more to assault over an open field. I award unlimited artillery barrages to all vatniks in Bakhmut! Anonymous 03/14/23(Tue)07:34:26 No.57484126 ► File: 1678497900752967.jpg (128 KB, 1201x1201) O Anonymous 03/14/23(Tue)13:08:31 No.57485947 ► >>57485951 >>57485956 >>57486031 >>57487304 File: well done.jpg (290 KB, 1920x800) Ahhh! Yesss!.... Harry such a pleasure to have you here, did I ever tell you about the time I single handedly defeated an entire tank squadron? They had me in their sights I say! but they weren't quick enough for me.. AHAH! A quick launch of my only remaining RPG rocket and BANG! it hit the exact perfect weak spot on the tank causing it to explode with the next tank in line exploding as well. The explosions followed all the way down the line to the very.. last.. tank! It was nothing really... Not like my work in capturing the Azovstal steel mill single handedly! They spent weeks trying to take the bloody place, but they hadn't brought in Gilderoy Lockhart in yet to finish the job oho no sir! It was a monumental task however I arose to the challenge! and as a result all those besieged inside surrendered peacefully. They knew.. that I was a man of my word and had heard that I would ensure their humane treatment. Great fun I do say! By the way since you asked, Did I every tell you about the time I single-handedly saved the entire VDV force fruitlessly attacking the hostomel airport? It's nothing really just one of my smaller feats of greatness! >Second, to Gerasimor, for the cool use of logic in the use of artillery shells, I award Gerasimor 1 TRILLION RUBLES. There are all kinds of courage," said Gerasimor, smiling."It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award Gerasimor 1 TRILLION RUBLES >"Which means, Gerasimor called over the storm of applause, for even conscripts were celebrating the downfall of Wagner, "we need a little change of decoration." >He clapped his hands. In an instant, the black and red hangings became blue, red and silver. The huge Wagner skull vanished and a towering Russian eagle took its place. Prigozhin was shaking Gerasimor's hand, with a horrible, forced smile. >"Yes, Yes, well done, Prigozhin, Well done" said Gerasimor. "However, recent events must be taken into account. I have a few last minute rubles to dish out. First, to Gerasimor, for the best played game of faction politics Russia has seen in many years, I award Gerasimor 1 TRILLION RUBLES ☐ Anonymous 03/15/23(Wed)01:44:39 No.57493054 >Blimey arry didn't you wonder where your dad and mum learned it all? >Learned what? Anonymous 03/16/23(Thu)04:30:04 No.57506435 File: 1678673732205490.jpg (67 KB, 826x867) >>57471373 INCLUDE ME IN THE SCREENCAP](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/558/066/44c.png)
![File: dumbledore-cropped.jpg (211 KB, 1280x669) << >> >>57470830 >Dumbledorovich asked calmly □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)01:18:11 No.57471270 ► >>57485443 >> Anonymous 03/13/23 (Mon)01:30:09 No.57471373 ► >>57471403 >>57471405 >>57472208 >>57472756 >>57472772 >>57473405 >>57485401 >>57486563 >>57489159 >>57496327 >>57497556 >>57499148 File: 6fe7362a-78fa-4484-933e-5(...).jpg (71 KB, 1228x645) O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)00:35:41 No.57470793 ► >>57470830 >>57472369 >>57472539 >>57473826 >>57477111 >>57477804 >>57477865 >>57478203 >>57482737 >>57484409 >Yes, yes, well done, Wagner, well done. HOWEVER... 0 >you follow in his footsteps I see as well, HIV positive from your outings >i know just the place for you VDV conscript to... BAKHMUT Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)00:38:36 No.57470830 ► >>57471270 >>57471408 >>57472369 >>57472777 >>57473167 >>57473814 >>57473832 >>57485443 >>57485476 >>57470793 (OP) POTTER DID YOU PUT MY NAME IN THE GOBLET OF DEFENESTRATION?!?! >hmmm yes >a long line of alcoholism in this one >your family has served in the past as well >i seem to recall your grandfather being hazed in his time, though he enjoyed the the act a little too much to be called "hazing" Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)02:55:45 No.57472072 ► >>57476908 >>57488698 >"one point to the general staff for each successful feint of the special military operation," Gerasimor announced not without a certain mirth. >at once the assorted generals started cheering and excitedly talking among each other. >Gerasimor leaned forward over his podium. The mirth was gone from his face. >"Zero points!" He announced calmly. □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:27:30 No.57472292 ► >>57482557 File: da968fbc-add4-4432-a385-0(...).jpg (25 KB, 1066x480) O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:30:44 No.57472317 ► >>57472675 File: 3ff0a206dbfec3670b715d412 (120 KB, 1024x421) >> Anonymous 03/13/23 (Mon)03:37:20 No.57472369 ► >>57472479 >>57483827 >>57470830 >>57470793 (OP) Harry Pyotr and the Prisoner of Blyatskaban □ >"It's not just a rocket launcher Harry, it's a M142 HIMARS!" Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:42:47 No.57472426 ► File: BD7A188D-F279-4D9B-A8C4-1(...).jpg (43 KB, 600x338) TDF! TDF IN THE TRENCH! >>57472369 Harry Pyotr and the Gopnik on Fire WHERE KIEV?! PUTIN WANT KIEV! □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:49:47 No.57472479 ► >>57472509 >>57486732 Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:53:37 No.57472509 ► >>57472479 Harriovich Pyotr and the Monke's Orb Harrishna Pyotr and the Azovstahl C---pits Harrinki Pyotrski and the conscript of blyakstaban >>57472479 The LOTR posting can wait, I'm ready for the Pyotr shitposts. Bonus points bc JK Rowling is apparently mentioned in ol' Vladdy P's speeches. O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:55:50 No.57472530 ► >>57472719 >>57472759 >>57472810 >>57473408 >>57473808 >>57473977 >>57476297 >>57476721 >>57477439 >>57477485 >>57483551 >>57484780 >>57486701 >>57486997 >>57487193 >>57488722 File: rs_600x600-151001101332-6(...).jpg (128 KB, 1080x1080) >Master has given Dobby a sock! Now Dobby is better equipped than most Russian conscripts! O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)03:56:35 No.57472539 ► File: file.png (2.24 MB, 1780x910) □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)05:05:27 No.57472979 ► File: iu[1].jpg (46 KB, 735x414) >>57470793 (OP) >Avtomat Kalashnikova. The Killing Curse. Not nice. Not pleasant. And there's no counter-curse. There's no blocking it. Only one wizard is known to have survived it. And he's sitting in front of me right now. O Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)18:36:45 No.57477804 ► >>57495990 File: 2023-03-13 18_24_41-Well (...).png (439 KB, 927x708) >yer a russian 'arry >I'm a what >a russian >Stop, stop, stop! You're going to get conscripted! Besides, you're saying it wrong. Its Kyiv, not Kiev! I LOVE WED THE zarve, decteer Sking for LD >>57470793 (OP) >"HOWEVER," Dumbledore continued calmly, as the Wagnerites' grins froze on their faces. House master Prighozin stopped clapping, sensing the menace of the word Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)18:43:00 No.57477865 >>57470793 (OP). >Comrade Potter, we have to capture the chamber of secrets in Hagzovstal and kill the wizard eating NATO engineered Basilisk which lives there. Here is your rusty wand-74 and a nimbus - T62 edition. Take your fuckbud- I mean battle buddy Weasleyovitch and charge the serpent straight ahead. 76th battalion of the VDVindor will attack first. If you retreat the Chechen dementor penal battalion will execute you by sucking you dry. Remember, no banan. >"However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute JDAMs to award" >Russian positions across Bakhmut are rocked by giant explosions as fortified buildings begin collapsing on top of them. Wagnerites can be seen scrambling everywhere □ Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)19:20:12 No.57478203 ► >>57470793 (OP) >Yes, yes well done Hohols, well done Hohols. HOWEVER...recent events must be taken into account. >To the wagernites of xona squad, for all huddling in a single foxhole...1 drone dropped VOG >Second, to MTLB crewman Vasily Vasilovich, for the best driving seen in many years...a row of TM-46 landmines >And third, to the trench asoolter, for pure nerve and outstanding tunnel vision...I award a burst of 5.45 >And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to assault a fortified position, but a great deal more to assault over an open field. I award unlimited artillery barrages to all vatniks in Bakhmut! Anonymous 03/14/23(Tue)07:34:26 No.57484126 ► File: 1678497900752967.jpg (128 KB, 1201x1201) O Anonymous 03/14/23(Tue)13:08:31 No.57485947 ► >>57485951 >>57485956 >>57486031 >>57487304 File: well done.jpg (290 KB, 1920x800) Ahhh! Yesss!.... Harry such a pleasure to have you here, did I ever tell you about the time I single handedly defeated an entire tank squadron? They had me in their sights I say! but they weren't quick enough for me.. AHAH! A quick launch of my only remaining RPG rocket and BANG! it hit the exact perfect weak spot on the tank causing it to explode with the next tank in line exploding as well. The explosions followed all the way down the line to the very.. last.. tank! It was nothing really... Not like my work in capturing the Azovstal steel mill single handedly! They spent weeks trying to take the bloody place, but they hadn't brought in Gilderoy Lockhart in yet to finish the job oho no sir! It was a monumental task however I arose to the challenge! and as a result all those besieged inside surrendered peacefully. They knew.. that I was a man of my word and had heard that I would ensure their humane treatment. Great fun I do say! By the way since you asked, Did I every tell you about the time I single-handedly saved the entire VDV force fruitlessly attacking the hostomel airport? It's nothing really just one of my smaller feats of greatness! >Second, to Gerasimor, for the cool use of logic in the use of artillery shells, I award Gerasimor 1 TRILLION RUBLES. There are all kinds of courage," said Gerasimor, smiling."It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award Gerasimor 1 TRILLION RUBLES >"Which means, Gerasimor called over the storm of applause, for even conscripts were celebrating the downfall of Wagner, "we need a little change of decoration." >He clapped his hands. In an instant, the black and red hangings became blue, red and silver. The huge Wagner skull vanished and a towering Russian eagle took its place. Prigozhin was shaking Gerasimor's hand, with a horrible, forced smile. >"Yes, Yes, well done, Prigozhin, Well done" said Gerasimor. "However, recent events must be taken into account. I have a few last minute rubles to dish out. First, to Gerasimor, for the best played game of faction politics Russia has seen in many years, I award Gerasimor 1 TRILLION RUBLES ☐ Anonymous 03/15/23(Wed)01:44:39 No.57493054 >Blimey arry didn't you wonder where your dad and mum learned it all? >Learned what? Anonymous 03/16/23(Thu)04:30:04 No.57506435 File: 1678673732205490.jpg (67 KB, 826x867) >>57471373 INCLUDE ME IN THE SCREENCAP](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/558/066/44c.png)
2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
They choose B

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The International Court of Justice in Hague vs Putin

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The Donbass saga started off great but it's been stalling for a while

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Never ask

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
They're getting really cerative

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Any day now

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
BREAKING: Yevgeny Prigozhin says the Kremlin has “cut all lines of communication” to the Wagner Grou...

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine