GamerGate - Images
#GamerGate: The Truth

Based Fruit Man




We're Fruitn' Up!

"Front Page" New York Times Article on GamerGate

Someone actually defends Polygon's Bayonetta 2 review


Christ Centered Gamer and Polygon

A silly man being silly

Gamergate: worse than ebola.

Moviebob pages Godwin.
Microsoft is with us.

StopGamerGate2014 behavior
![TELL ME MOREABOUT HOW ITS GAMERGATE If you really want to #StopGamerGate2014 You should start by not behaving like this #GamerGate has condmened harassment since Day 0, will you do the same THAT IS THE MOVEMENT OF HATE Vaibash You know what would help me to relax? if you added yourself to the ist of military suicides in 2014. 2:39 PM-25 Sep 2014 Details Gamergate go f--- yourselves. You I've had it up to here with #gamergate. I am going to murder every gamer l see with my fists and legs. It ends here. are the scum of the earth and make me think humanity deserves extinction. F--- Dear #GarnerGate go die. Really, Go die in fires or on knives or in lakes. Just. F------. Die. No one worth a damn wants you. 13/3] Women that support the video games and gamers are no different than House #Girlthing # Evengelicalane@ L, I've wanted to say this to #gamergate since the beginning, but I thought it was too controversial. But no, they're too If terrorists strike again can they much the location of the utmost So apparently today #gamergate came back and started threatening women who dared to do, well, anything, once again. [1/3) 7:26 AM-13 Oct 14 Th If you are a woman and you think you 氵Ree Maci" Because #GamerGate must end, and it's not going to without a brutal and total police are part of #GamerGate you are one Jamie Collins LarzyTar whole "movement" would some to a standstill if someone...dies from all We need to stop police oppression of nonwhite people and make the cops crack down on #GamerGate instead. Two TwistedLoki TwistedLok @LarzyTar Who would you kill to stop bullet to the chest, it's the #GamerGate Why can't these trigger-happy redneck white cops target #GamerGate s------ Jamie Collins eLarzyTar @TwistedLoki That depends... who's the most vocal? only the gamers had some kind of regular convention where we could lock all the fire escapes and set fire to the building thedextriarchy here's one: I'm gonna come to your house and punch you right in your balls. cry about it white man where can i get some of that russian nerve gas in time for the next PAX #GamerGate No one cares, gamer trash, go shoot up some schools lonely boy @Zackenen i want to sarin gas these idiots but the fact they're all 350lbs is throwing off the LD50 @GamersAreSexist so you are calling me a man? Calling every trans woman in the world a man? This is what #gameovergate has resorted to now? chimed in, maybe it's time to castrate these Anyway, I would pay all the money I have to ensure you have many kids and that they all die long before you do. @Pikachuy Gamers have more in common with leeches than they do human beings of the sort. I merely want some kids to die before their time via karma. @PixelMetal Your Anon Pope I honestly think that every supporter should be doxxed and reported to their employer. They deserve poverty. Personally, I hope all these #gamergate f---- get ass cancer and rot in a prison. @alexlifschitz jfc kill all gamers forever Jake Drake Regardless of race creed gender or religion you can still play games and therefore still be @lizzyf620 I hope your windows are secure 004 AM-21 Sep 14 Corey Glynn If I ever have a kid who is a gamer, I will kill him. I will drown him in the bath. Replace "Gamer" with "Woman", "N-----", "T-----", or "F-----" and take a look in the mirror. Hate looks bad on anyone. Many of the Gamers who support #GamerGate are minorities and women #GamerGate Things gamers are F OR Journalistic Integrity Honest Debate Transparen Inclusiveness Things gamers are NOT for: Nepotism Agenda-driven Journalism se isO Harassment SHARE if you agree!](
![TELL ME MOREABOUT HOW ITS GAMERGATE If you really want to #StopGamerGate2014 You should start by not behaving like this #GamerGate has condmened harassment since Day 0, will you do the same THAT IS THE MOVEMENT OF HATE Vaibash You know what would help me to relax? if you added yourself to the ist of military suicides in 2014. 2:39 PM-25 Sep 2014 Details Gamergate go f--- yourselves. You I've had it up to here with #gamergate. I am going to murder every gamer l see with my fists and legs. It ends here. are the scum of the earth and make me think humanity deserves extinction. F--- Dear #GarnerGate go die. Really, Go die in fires or on knives or in lakes. Just. F------. Die. No one worth a damn wants you. 13/3] Women that support the video games and gamers are no different than House #Girlthing # Evengelicalane@ L, I've wanted to say this to #gamergate since the beginning, but I thought it was too controversial. But no, they're too If terrorists strike again can they much the location of the utmost So apparently today #gamergate came back and started threatening women who dared to do, well, anything, once again. [1/3) 7:26 AM-13 Oct 14 Th If you are a woman and you think you 氵Ree Maci" Because #GamerGate must end, and it's not going to without a brutal and total police are part of #GamerGate you are one Jamie Collins LarzyTar whole "movement" would some to a standstill if someone...dies from all We need to stop police oppression of nonwhite people and make the cops crack down on #GamerGate instead. Two TwistedLoki TwistedLok @LarzyTar Who would you kill to stop bullet to the chest, it's the #GamerGate Why can't these trigger-happy redneck white cops target #GamerGate s------ Jamie Collins eLarzyTar @TwistedLoki That depends... who's the most vocal? only the gamers had some kind of regular convention where we could lock all the fire escapes and set fire to the building thedextriarchy here's one: I'm gonna come to your house and punch you right in your balls. cry about it white man where can i get some of that russian nerve gas in time for the next PAX #GamerGate No one cares, gamer trash, go shoot up some schools lonely boy @Zackenen i want to sarin gas these idiots but the fact they're all 350lbs is throwing off the LD50 @GamersAreSexist so you are calling me a man? Calling every trans woman in the world a man? This is what #gameovergate has resorted to now? chimed in, maybe it's time to castrate these Anyway, I would pay all the money I have to ensure you have many kids and that they all die long before you do. @Pikachuy Gamers have more in common with leeches than they do human beings of the sort. I merely want some kids to die before their time via karma. @PixelMetal Your Anon Pope I honestly think that every supporter should be doxxed and reported to their employer. They deserve poverty. Personally, I hope all these #gamergate f---- get ass cancer and rot in a prison. @alexlifschitz jfc kill all gamers forever Jake Drake Regardless of race creed gender or religion you can still play games and therefore still be @lizzyf620 I hope your windows are secure 004 AM-21 Sep 14 Corey Glynn If I ever have a kid who is a gamer, I will kill him. I will drown him in the bath. Replace "Gamer" with "Woman", "N-----", "T-----", or "F-----" and take a look in the mirror. Hate looks bad on anyone. Many of the Gamers who support #GamerGate are minorities and women #GamerGate Things gamers are F OR Journalistic Integrity Honest Debate Transparen Inclusiveness Things gamers are NOT for: Nepotism Agenda-driven Journalism se isO Harassment SHARE if you agree!](