GamerGate - Images
![Put water on that burn!
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![Put water on that burn!
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This is what we're fighting against...
![台→습 Twitte (US)▽e 3-christina h.sp☆自↓會? » ← 슬 Twitte..!US) ▽e B-christina h.s ρ ☆自↓ fr ? » Ξ Search T Q Search T Q TripleSK7 TripleSK7 Sep 13 @CHSommers Current Gen Feminism Cultists TripleSK7 ○ Follow @CHSommers Current Gen Feminism = Cultists gtrunner Follow Reply ta Retweet * Favorite More @TripleSK7 @CHSommers this is were it came from LISTEN and Reply ta Retweet ★ Favorite More Laura Hudson @laura hudson 50m "One of the most radical things you can do is believe women when they tell you about their experiences." -@femfreq 74 and 9:21 PM -13 Sep 2014 Flag media Reply to @TripleSK7 @CHSommers zone-tan @zonetans Sep 13](
![台→습 Twitte (US)▽e 3-christina h.sp☆自↓會? » ← 슬 Twitte..!US) ▽e B-christina h.s ρ ☆自↓ fr ? » Ξ Search T Q Search T Q TripleSK7 TripleSK7 Sep 13 @CHSommers Current Gen Feminism Cultists TripleSK7 ○ Follow @CHSommers Current Gen Feminism = Cultists gtrunner Follow Reply ta Retweet * Favorite More @TripleSK7 @CHSommers this is were it came from LISTEN and Reply ta Retweet ★ Favorite More Laura Hudson @laura hudson 50m "One of the most radical things you can do is believe women when they tell you about their experiences." -@femfreq 74 and 9:21 PM -13 Sep 2014 Flag media Reply to @TripleSK7 @CHSommers zone-tan @zonetans Sep 13](
A Xbox Dev on board. Nice.
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![David Wong (Cracked) on why he doesn't want to a Cracked interview rebuttal against Zoe Quinn's Cracked article. Found on the Cracked forums.](
![David Wong (Cracked) on why he doesn't want to a Cracked interview rebuttal against Zoe Quinn's Cracked article. Found on the Cracked forums.](
Xbox Dev's now really on board?
![Lets hope for the best.](
![Lets hope for the best.](
"5 Things I Learned as the Internet's Most Hated Person" A Cracked Article by Zoe Quinn, Page 2
![GRAGKED ARTICLES, V DEOS, COLUMNISTS, FORUMS QUICK FOES PHOTOPLASTY » MOVIES & TV VIDEO GAMES WEIRD WORLD HSTORY SCIENCE TECH MUSIC WRITE FOR US IHOP THE CRACKEDITORE んVIRAL Now Ridiculoas Mythe Tou Ting Screw-Upe That Beloved icons That a Geltry Home Video GanesThings I Lesmed es the Inbemets Most Hated Person E5 Thinqs I Learned as the Internet's Most Hated Person Realisties Were By Zoe Quin September 16, 2014 54 540 vie Are More Legal Tha #2. And Suddenly, It's National News Star Ware Charecter Too Retarded or Film Zoe Quinn on Gamergate: We need proper discn HE NEW Morning Mis #GamerC era wing pains Theoeies That Make Total 2OE OUINNS DEPREIONQUEST Detaile in Famous Movles somewher along the ane, ror reasons that ore utterly beyond me. TV's dam 8alowin got involved Do you, know how weird n to see n actor from show you love repost consprocy videos bout how your sex line is somehow ruining video games? Pretty goddamned weird, it turng out. A triend suggeated that ever since his sont as Jayne on Firety, Baldwin is ataid of women named o. That at least took the sting out of no longer being able to watch one of my faworite shows without scowing ” hard l spre n my face. 8-1 The Hottest Minn Once it finalily hit the "real news, the "movement was such a contusing mess shat some people assumed t had to be about a reail lasue-otherwise, how could it have gotten so big? This can't all be about just petty Slut-shamrg and vag冲accusations of cornicts ce interes trat wwe immediately debunked, can it? But it's not thet strange #youre amir with certain comers of gaming culture- for example, when the developer of Ca of Duty Black Ops 2 tweaked the weapons in muiiplayer some gamees bombarded an employee with cleath threats against him and his family Lets just say that some people have brouble keeping things in perspective The Best Of Bi Murras Aug 22 02.21.54 i want to smel oe quinn's armpics Aug 22 02-25.42 you all would f--- the zoeholes Aug 22 02.25.47 The RemoversIam extremely droused right Whry Robin Next Album Should Be Called Douche' 02.25.46 TG ghven a Aug 22 02.26.47 someone seduce roe quinn Aug 22 02.26.53 van follow the sheke's Aug 22 02.26.56<The Remover> I volunteer to take one for tYour Drink Choice Aug 22 02.26.57 cvanup to her vogln Aug 22 02.28.51 meditate to nude pictures of z0e Aug 22 02.28.53 eThe Removers she gonno get r---- The Cracked Podcast But strangest of al, their rage is always targebed at the most inconsequenbal bullshe (ke, say,some relationsnip drama between relative nobodiea) instead of the shuf that maers There is a lot wrong with geming and game journelism-from inclustry workers rights issues to the fact that outlets are being paid to review and feature games. The industry is undergoing huge changes that wWaffect the hobby we all love so much but all of that stuft is boring and this story involves people having Besides, hat other stuff doesn't give you a chance to sit around and trade r--- fantasios and long for the t get of your hatred to commit sucide Wrong With Cracked Staff Aus 19 02.28.30 okay, is zoe actually depressed? Aug 19 02.2835 bet she is now Aug 19 02.28.37 cmugs dlagnosed etc Aug 02.28, 39 kek Au琴1902.29.22 <opus. think she tried killing herself before she should try that Staying Altve: LIVE With Paal Scheer #1 Then, Finally, It Passes (Until Next Time) ittile Buttom P--- With Scott 59 The saving grace of online harassment campaigns is that soon the 혐olis get bored and ffove on The bad news t5 th omen they move on to her ss someone etse (note仇at δ few years go, the target of their real-ife harassment was an 1nyearold girl who said something mean about them) And if you con't go away, maybe they'll come back around this isn't the first time ve bean the target of a harassment campaign it won't be the last I'm not going anywhere sklarbro County 121 With I have games to make, people to try and help, youtube shows to plan, and a whole f------ lot of healing to do 6 20 o Iconic Movie Scenes(Stolen From when youre at the center of sometning ike tha it's easy to get oveewhelmed by fea that your friends wont ever look t you the same way again But en someone you love fines out and teis youu "Hey.jackass, Iknow you and m not stupid enough to believe a meme-spouing Intenet mob over my own personal experience." And then you think. "Oh." And you feel quite sity bout ever womying about that part in the fiest place In fact, I've come to reaige that most sane people can see through a smear campaign- groups who actually have righteous cause are ususry ble to express rt wthout using the word c""t hundreds oftinest's hard to dress up petty h莲assment as crusade, and the people what it is would find a reason to hate me regardless Let's face it- atound any part of the campaign convincing, they clearly diant need much convincing in the frst place Keep all of nat in mind if you ever tind yourself ot the wrong end of something lfke this 8+1 ㆁIconic Movie scenes (Stolen From older who refuse to see it for lterna You Need to Try (" Of course, that wont undio the damage to your personal life or make the crude Photoshops of you vanish. it won't stop the nigihomares or the paranola or the fear that someone wil make good orn those threats But it (hopefuly) wo't be the end of she world for you Evenually things will move forward, and your"圳have your friends to help you pick up the pieces Hell, sometimes you even The REAL Reason MTV No Longer Plays ones you woulcin't have The 5 Most Hilariously Drag-Fueled wwso sary yeu hve to deal with a ton of dumb Ltely Isympahie 59 ppear as though you sad bloody mary into a m Iconic Movie Scenes (Stolen From 7 Popular Restaurants With Secret Mena toTry .. rou Need to while we're on the sub ect here's s。Creepy Comments That Onty women Get on the Internet δ guide to How to Taik to Women (Accorde g to the mternet), and 4 Things Learned 0m the worst Onine Dating Protie Eve Ecttor's Note ir you foung s article from atomer message bn and are about to ieave a comment ohat boils down to, 7dont condone the harassment, but let me explain why she deserved The REAL Reason MTV No Longer Plays please just take a deep breath, step away rom your computer, and call your momer. Tel ner you low. her. Cas a friend and ask afmey need anything eo outsoe, 9aze up into ne sky, take deep broeth, and really apprecate the fact Shat you're and that you should make themost of it hank yo](
![GRAGKED ARTICLES, V DEOS, COLUMNISTS, FORUMS QUICK FOES PHOTOPLASTY » MOVIES & TV VIDEO GAMES WEIRD WORLD HSTORY SCIENCE TECH MUSIC WRITE FOR US IHOP THE CRACKEDITORE んVIRAL Now Ridiculoas Mythe Tou Ting Screw-Upe That Beloved icons That a Geltry Home Video GanesThings I Lesmed es the Inbemets Most Hated Person E5 Thinqs I Learned as the Internet's Most Hated Person Realisties Were By Zoe Quin September 16, 2014 54 540 vie Are More Legal Tha #2. And Suddenly, It's National News Star Ware Charecter Too Retarded or Film Zoe Quinn on Gamergate: We need proper discn HE NEW Morning Mis #GamerC era wing pains Theoeies That Make Total 2OE OUINNS DEPREIONQUEST Detaile in Famous Movles somewher along the ane, ror reasons that ore utterly beyond me. TV's dam 8alowin got involved Do you, know how weird n to see n actor from show you love repost consprocy videos bout how your sex line is somehow ruining video games? Pretty goddamned weird, it turng out. A triend suggeated that ever since his sont as Jayne on Firety, Baldwin is ataid of women named o. That at least took the sting out of no longer being able to watch one of my faworite shows without scowing ” hard l spre n my face. 8-1 The Hottest Minn Once it finalily hit the "real news, the "movement was such a contusing mess shat some people assumed t had to be about a reail lasue-otherwise, how could it have gotten so big? This can't all be about just petty Slut-shamrg and vag冲accusations of cornicts ce interes trat wwe immediately debunked, can it? But it's not thet strange #youre amir with certain comers of gaming culture- for example, when the developer of Ca of Duty Black Ops 2 tweaked the weapons in muiiplayer some gamees bombarded an employee with cleath threats against him and his family Lets just say that some people have brouble keeping things in perspective The Best Of Bi Murras Aug 22 02.21.54 i want to smel oe quinn's armpics Aug 22 02-25.42 you all would f--- the zoeholes Aug 22 02.25.47 The RemoversIam extremely droused right Whry Robin Next Album Should Be Called Douche' 02.25.46 TG ghven a Aug 22 02.26.47 someone seduce roe quinn Aug 22 02.26.53 van follow the sheke's Aug 22 02.26.56<The Remover> I volunteer to take one for tYour Drink Choice Aug 22 02.26.57 cvanup to her vogln Aug 22 02.28.51 meditate to nude pictures of z0e Aug 22 02.28.53 eThe Removers she gonno get r---- The Cracked Podcast But strangest of al, their rage is always targebed at the most inconsequenbal bullshe (ke, say,some relationsnip drama between relative nobodiea) instead of the shuf that maers There is a lot wrong with geming and game journelism-from inclustry workers rights issues to the fact that outlets are being paid to review and feature games. The industry is undergoing huge changes that wWaffect the hobby we all love so much but all of that stuft is boring and this story involves people having Besides, hat other stuff doesn't give you a chance to sit around and trade r--- fantasios and long for the t get of your hatred to commit sucide Wrong With Cracked Staff Aus 19 02.28.30 okay, is zoe actually depressed? Aug 19 02.2835 bet she is now Aug 19 02.28.37 cmugs dlagnosed etc Aug 02.28, 39 kek Au琴1902.29.22 <opus. think she tried killing herself before she should try that Staying Altve: LIVE With Paal Scheer #1 Then, Finally, It Passes (Until Next Time) ittile Buttom P--- With Scott 59 The saving grace of online harassment campaigns is that soon the 혐olis get bored and ffove on The bad news t5 th omen they move on to her ss someone etse (note仇at δ few years go, the target of their real-ife harassment was an 1nyearold girl who said something mean about them) And if you con't go away, maybe they'll come back around this isn't the first time ve bean the target of a harassment campaign it won't be the last I'm not going anywhere sklarbro County 121 With I have games to make, people to try and help, youtube shows to plan, and a whole f------ lot of healing to do 6 20 o Iconic Movie Scenes(Stolen From when youre at the center of sometning ike tha it's easy to get oveewhelmed by fea that your friends wont ever look t you the same way again But en someone you love fines out and teis youu "Hey.jackass, Iknow you and m not stupid enough to believe a meme-spouing Intenet mob over my own personal experience." And then you think. "Oh." And you feel quite sity bout ever womying about that part in the fiest place In fact, I've come to reaige that most sane people can see through a smear campaign- groups who actually have righteous cause are ususry ble to express rt wthout using the word c""t hundreds oftinest's hard to dress up petty h莲assment as crusade, and the people what it is would find a reason to hate me regardless Let's face it- atound any part of the campaign convincing, they clearly diant need much convincing in the frst place Keep all of nat in mind if you ever tind yourself ot the wrong end of something lfke this 8+1 ㆁIconic Movie scenes (Stolen From older who refuse to see it for lterna You Need to Try (" Of course, that wont undio the damage to your personal life or make the crude Photoshops of you vanish. it won't stop the nigihomares or the paranola or the fear that someone wil make good orn those threats But it (hopefuly) wo't be the end of she world for you Evenually things will move forward, and your"圳have your friends to help you pick up the pieces Hell, sometimes you even The REAL Reason MTV No Longer Plays ones you woulcin't have The 5 Most Hilariously Drag-Fueled wwso sary yeu hve to deal with a ton of dumb Ltely Isympahie 59 ppear as though you sad bloody mary into a m Iconic Movie Scenes (Stolen From 7 Popular Restaurants With Secret Mena toTry .. rou Need to while we're on the sub ect here's s。Creepy Comments That Onty women Get on the Internet δ guide to How to Taik to Women (Accorde g to the mternet), and 4 Things Learned 0m the worst Onine Dating Protie Eve Ecttor's Note ir you foung s article from atomer message bn and are about to ieave a comment ohat boils down to, 7dont condone the harassment, but let me explain why she deserved The REAL Reason MTV No Longer Plays please just take a deep breath, step away rom your computer, and call your momer. Tel ner you low. her. Cas a friend and ask afmey need anything eo outsoe, 9aze up into ne sky, take deep broeth, and really apprecate the fact Shat you're and that you should make themost of it hank yo](
"5 Things I Learned as the Internet's Most Hated Person" A Cracked Article by Zoe Quinn, Page 1
![GRAGKED SThingsLearmed as the Internets Moat](
![GRAGKED SThingsLearmed as the Internets Moat](
Leigh Alexander is an arrogant prick
![Ritwittato da Kris Ligman Leigh Alexander @leighalexander 2 h it's funny how dudes who are 'aspiring games journalists' tweet b------- at me as if i cannot instantly kill all their dreams £722 ★108 。..](
![Ritwittato da Kris Ligman Leigh Alexander @leighalexander 2 h it's funny how dudes who are 'aspiring games journalists' tweet b------- at me as if i cannot instantly kill all their dreams £722 ★108 。..](
"Hate Mob"
!["Yes, she definetly retweeted this":](
!["Yes, she definetly retweeted this":](
Eron on the evil head mod of /V/
![What will those mean #GamerGate assholes plan this time to hurt the innocent people of the world?](
![What will those mean #GamerGate assholes plan this time to hurt the innocent people of the world?](
Banned for upvoting GamerGate content + proof
![The Boss @willoftheboss - 48m I am ShaskaOtselot. My reddit account was not banned for the question I asked but it was banned for upvoting #GamerGate content. Robert Mangaoang @Doom CMYK-39m @willoftheboss prove it with dope pics The Boss @willoftheboss Follow DoomCMYK Reply t Retweet * Favorite More 1 1045) I I preferences 1 ShaskaOtselot 1 link karma 1,045 comment karma show karma breakdown by subreddit ® get extra features and help support reddit with a reddit gold subscription redditor for 22 days TROPHY CASE what's this? dust 75% help support reddit RECENTLY VIEWED LINKS The user was not shadowbanned for their question on Gamergate but was already banned prior and had their comment approved by the mods 34 points | 30 comments , Julian Assange on Reddit's Censorship: "It's Pathetic 100 points | 20 comments Reddit user gets shadowbanned in front of Julian Assange for talking about #Gamergate 32 points | 13 comments](
![The Boss @willoftheboss - 48m I am ShaskaOtselot. My reddit account was not banned for the question I asked but it was banned for upvoting #GamerGate content. Robert Mangaoang @Doom CMYK-39m @willoftheboss prove it with dope pics The Boss @willoftheboss Follow DoomCMYK Reply t Retweet * Favorite More 1 1045) I I preferences 1 ShaskaOtselot 1 link karma 1,045 comment karma show karma breakdown by subreddit ® get extra features and help support reddit with a reddit gold subscription redditor for 22 days TROPHY CASE what's this? dust 75% help support reddit RECENTLY VIEWED LINKS The user was not shadowbanned for their question on Gamergate but was already banned prior and had their comment approved by the mods 34 points | 30 comments , Julian Assange on Reddit's Censorship: "It's Pathetic 100 points | 20 comments Reddit user gets shadowbanned in front of Julian Assange for talking about #Gamergate 32 points | 13 comments](
Oliver Campbell on Journalistic Integrity
Coming to Theatre's
Wikileaks, 2.3 million followers, join the fray
![WikiLeaks @wikileaks 2m #Reddit "shadowbans" user for asking #Assange a question about censorship on Reddit #GamerGate 18 ★5](
![WikiLeaks @wikileaks 2m #Reddit "shadowbans" user for asking #Assange a question about censorship on Reddit #GamerGate 18 ★5](
Reddit shadowbans user talking to Julian Assange
![Reddit being a classy place. It's like they're fighting with SA and NeoGAF for most censorship and bannings.](
![Reddit being a classy place. It's like they're fighting with SA and NeoGAF for most censorship and bannings.](
Fatass-in-Chief Devin Faraci keeping things classy and professional as usual