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GamerGate - "5 Things I Learned as the Internet's Most Hated Person" A Cracked Article by Zoe Quinn, Page 2

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Mr. Necros
Mr. Necros

All right gonna write a wall of text here, First off:
Oh shit, just saw the article on cracked before this image. Didn't actually read it, but when I saw the title I just thought of Zoe Quinn and turns out the article is about Zoe Quinn. Anyway, I tried reading it and all I see is an attempt to get sympathy and propaganda (something tells me cracked and its readers are falling for it). Also she really does seem try to emphasis more on the Quinspiracy (the one that focuses on her) to get sympathy and at the same time tries to claim that Gamergate was an excuse for the "harassment" (how clever, trying to get two birds with one stone).
Anyway for those who don't really visit, they sometimes have "perspective" articles done by perspectives of people, such as neonazis, cops, drug addicts, and, etc. It's also not completely written by the person themselves, it gets edited and has a little bit of "vulgar" humor added to it (because you know comedy website). I find it saddening that probably knew how about the controversy and how many people will click on the article, but they're just giving a voice to a manipulative person whose trying to make all these things happening about herself.

tl;dr Oh shit a cracked article that's propaganda and lies by Zoe Quinn, and trying to turn the tide in the fight against Gamergate. How surprising.


Im surprised the facebook comments for this article are actually well thought out. I like how people that didn't know her looked her up and said"yeah,bullshit,cracked". This shows good info on her and gamergate is more widely available then the anti gamer bs.


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