Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases - Images
"Choose Your Own Sexual Assault Adventure!" by Jen Sorensen

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
Screw people like this
Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
McGowan's Facebook Post

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
Congratulations you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to harvey weinstein

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
I didn't forget.

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
You want to play let's play #ROSEARMY

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
I am saddened and angry that a man who I worked with used his position of power to intimidate, sexually harass and manipulate many women over decades.

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
Cartoon by J.D. Crowe

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
Cartoon by Bob Englehart

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
Yes. Im sick of the media demanding only women speak up. What about the men? Perhaps many are afraid to look at their own behavior.....

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
Anyone who does business with __ is complicit. And deep down you know you are even dirtier. Cleanse yourselves.

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
Heed the mantra and never forget: Women. Have. Nothing. To. Gain. And. Everything. To Lose. By. Coming. forward

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases
As always, I stand with the brave survivors of sexual assault and harassment. It's not your fault. I believe you.

Harvey Weinstein Sexual Abuse Cases