Damn, America Looking Democratic as Fuck

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
Hard to Believe We Live in a World Where Such Things Could Be Considered Controversial. Always Stand for What You Know Is Right

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
turns out scott cawthon maxed out his political donations to republican candidates and PACs in 2020 (Part 2)

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
You mess with us, you mess with all of us
Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
"MaRkiPLieR iZ tHe OnE WhO ReeAlY made FNAF"

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
scott cawthon explaining why donating a shit load of money to politicians who want people like me dead is actually super supportive and progressive

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
scott cawthon can make a game about dead children and writes mpreg but draws the line at abortion

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
“Holy eff, Scott Cawthon the creator of FNaF is a Christian and Republican!!”

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
cant believe markiplier and matpat are the actual creators of fnaf

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
I’m so glad that markiplier and matpat are the actual creators of fnaf and no one else!

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
Markiplier Created FNAF Original Tweet

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
“Yooo Scott Cawthon is trending! Maybe it’s some updates on the FNaF Movie or somethi-“

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
ouuu scott cawthon is trending i wonder if we're getting a new fnaf upd-

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
Scott Cawthon when Five Nights At Freddy's becomes popular with LGBTQ kids

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
Scott Cawthon Political Controversy Reddit Megathread

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy
I think this is a good take on the Scott Cawthon situation

Scott Cawthon Republican Candidates Donations Controversy