Just bought this game and all the heroes were already unlocked!!! Wtf pandemic, what about my sense ...
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Oh boy
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
This attempt on my wallet has left me proud and accomplished
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Can't divide the community if there's no community left
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Unlock this meme for 25,000 credits
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
EA reveals new prototype gaming console
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Reason for Cancellation?
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
EA right now.
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
It’s like watching a roaring dumpster fire burn hotter and hotter.
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Reddit's reaction to EA a nutshell
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Score Differences
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Disney Promoting Underage Gambling campaign
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
EA "fixes" their game
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Previous "Most Downvoted" Record-holder Responds to EA Usurping his title.
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
A ~REAL~ tragedy
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
This is outrageous, it's unfair.
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
It's at over 450k now
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Well guess I just won't play my game I spent 80 dollars on.
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy