EA gets fucked by the government of Alola

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
It costs $400,000 to fire this weapon for 12 seconds

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Expansions vs Microtransaction DLC

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Good Job EA

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Some nice shade for a hot summer day

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
This has nothing to do with Kisses

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
and unlike with most EA games, people are actually really excited for the upcoming DLC

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
You could probably buy at least 5 Nintendo Switches with the money you saved on Battlefront II micro...

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Gaming Now vs. Japan

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
From a CNBC Article

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
EA = Dragonborn???

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Get your child the right gift this christmas

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Meme Run Best Gaem

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
List of popular gambling games

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
I had to PAY for this view

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy
Mickey Mouse VS EA

Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockable Heroes Controversy