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WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Get in loser we're doing class warfare 🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕💎💎💎💎👏👏👏

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Just keep smiling

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
A conversation I watched between my little brother and mom earlier today.

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Le stonks have arrived

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
gamestop go brrrrr

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
GameStop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
I am not a financial advisor or a veteran

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
St. Corona, patroness of money. She died for our gainz.

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
That's the whole story apes

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"We need all hands on deck today"

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"that is EXACTLY what an ace attorney suspect of a trial involving a dairy farm buyout would look li...

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Gamestop blasting off on the Reddit Rocket! 🚀
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Hugs for anyone who's both

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Keith Gill (/u/DeepFuckingValue, Roaring Kitty) irl

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze