Sanders has no chill sometimes

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Me, buying stocks with zero fore knowledge because I heard we were bullying someone

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
[FAKE] NY Post Times Hoax GameStop Mortgage Article Screenshot #2
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
[FAKE] NY Post Post Hoax GameStop Mortgage Article Screenshot #1
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Auth Left, it's your turn now | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Marx smiling upon the us | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Don’t stop. Won’t stop | /r/memes

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Where are the socks | /r/okbuddyretard

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Joining Reddit this week Starter Pack | /r/starterpacks

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Learned more about the stock market this week than I’ve ever known in my entire life | /r/IASIP

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Please Ignore the Suits Behind the Curtain! They are the true Heroes!

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Odin is with us! | /r/dankmemes

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"don’t let your dreams be dreams ladies"
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
"If GameStop taught us anything, it's that power belongs to the players — not the wealthy."

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
Gamestop, We Got U Fam. | /r/wholesomememes

WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze
People in the 1920s vs. People in the 2020s
WallStreetBets GameStop Short Squeeze