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the war on christmas continues!
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"u saying wat u son of basterd bitch?" - Pudoo Patel
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Facebook Boomers: The actual good ending
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And they are willing to change what they are called even further if needed
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"Social media should not fact check posts" says child molester Mark Zuckerberg
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/r/insanepeoplefacebook machine guns
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Man buys a duck
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This Facebook ad is reason enough to drag Mark Zuckerberg back in front of Congress.
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Gene Tightlips
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Brian Best > Brian Worst
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Brian Feldman tweet
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Thanks facebook memories
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A racial post we can all approve.
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idk what to even title this
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That joke was forced and shoved all the way in.
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"Lana Drah" might be a troll account... but who is truly the trolled one here..?
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Makes Complete Sense
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Did you just assume my relationships ?
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