Fake Pokémon Battles - Images
What I've been doing in between my actual projects...
![Lile Hes Marias Advance (0.5.6) look Help Open Recent Frisk in Pokemon Frisk In Pokemon Sapphire Radical Red Modified To Be Less B------- So after biting the bullet and getting into Emulation (better late than never), I eventually started fiddling around Version with this little program. This is a preview release. Please report via UD / Discord. Not the first I tried but certainly the one with the best results.be it with lege release. Previour (LSPAWN Previous SALANDIT genderratic steps 50% Male & Show Uses At first I just wanted to play older Dast Pokemon with the option to have Chansey in my party early game. egg1 نووم ability1 ability2 runrate dex culor Re Maybe even just put in some other Pokemon I wanted to its back play with. <C4EAFO Palette Selection data.pokemon.evolutions method1 (Level org l 24 species 1 method2 (SALAZZLE Nonc Next Previous HADES-3 Nex Show Uscs Palella Sedex In mi dale.pokemon.s.als hp 80 allack 100 def ,75 speed 50 spatk 100 spde 100 baseStatTotal 505 I'venous How's il Cakualux? type1 (DARK Index uncompressedLength 2018 2007 type (GUOSI ImportEr Export Catch Of course after a while just "Any besel xp Pokemon I wanted" wasn't good enough for me..... CVS гр del spotk item1 >pd spdcf (???????? 77777777 yu SEL introMusicAndlender music magma temcke spate name prizeMoney (Show Uses) HADES 3520 How's il Cakulated? Got a little drunk 41 ENTEI (IVS =18) ??????? EARTHQUAKE - "SACRED FIRE" "QUICK ATTACK - "FAKE OUT" 12 "HELL VERSE" (IVS-15)@777227 -SPITE - CURSE -IGUADOW TAI " - CONFUSION 12 IFRIT (IVS-15)@??????? "FIRE BLAST" with the power this "FIRE SPIN program offered. TryToka ||SelupFins Turn ilem4 doubleBattle ???????? Singlo di Checkfind Move Checkability Risky PreterBaton'ass PAware Rel Ret Rel Ret PreferstrangestMove DoubicBottic Unknown PURSUIT ROAR 45 ZANARUUO (IV5=10)@]} {!}}A - "PSYCHO CUT" **MIRROR COAT" "DIZZY PUNCH" 44 TIANOS (TV<=15)??????? - REFLECT "LIGHT SCREEN" "COSMIC POWER" -"TRT ATTACK" Granted the h--------- "Rom Hack" I'm fiddling with isn't exactly going to be a drastic one. Hell I had to ask for help in making Charlie the damn Champion, coding wasn't drag and drop like the rest of the Elite Four. The fact I'm using this program is a clear sign I don't know f--- all about coding video games. At best it'site glorified sprite Swap. File Emulation Options Tools Help C'mon let's get settled. Frisk in Pokemon VisualBoyAdvance M 2.1.3 ☐ બનાસ છે 犬 Needless to say I claim no ownership over any of these assets not even the ones I had to draw myself. Many of the ones here are burrowed from sites like Sprites Resourse and the like, a few being heavy retools of existing sprites from Mighty Switch Force, Robot Wars and other games. Frisk in Pokemon - Visual Boy/Advance-M 2.1.8 ☐ PICHU Lu2 Wild PICHU used THUNDERSHOCK! WHAT THE F---?! Who the f--- are you and what the f--- are you doing in my room?!❤ Frisk in Pokemon - Visual Boy Advance-M 2.1.8 Frisk in Pokemon VisualBoyAdvance M 2.1.8 ☐ Frisk in Pokemon VisualBoyAdvance M 2.1.8 I'M GONNA F------ DIE!!! SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! HELP ME!! My Biggest problem regarding this "Rom Hack is gonne be how to share it online. Apparently I can post zip files on Deviantart but they require it to be "Premium Content" I have to charge money for, obviously that's a no go for a multitude of reasons. If anyone knows a safe alternative to share files for free I'd be Ever so greatful. Lord knows I can't just keep this to myself I want to share it with all of you guys :3 口 Irisk in Pokemon Viruailloy Advance-M28 DAZZI Lv4 Minerva Lu3 14/14 MONEY £3000 LIFE SPARK P100 HEAPON FILL ₤1000 POKé BALL ₤100 ►VACCINE X CANCEL P250 OPTIMUS Lu5 23/ 27 18/20 TYPE/NORMAL Heals all the status problems of one POKÉMON. "A long time ago, the Devil birthed the Anti-Christ in a bid for revenge against God. Her mission was simple, kill Jesus Christ." "She failed." "As punishment for her failure she was banished to the mortal realm forever. In her despair and rage she created monsters that ravaged the world of man, usurping much of the Animal Kingdom and making lives for mankind a living nightmare....." "But then centuries later, a surveying corps in the Hisui Region invented a ball like device that could capture and domesticate these demonic spawn. The world changed forever once more, and these beast became known as Pocket Monsters." ▶SLASH BONEMERANG KARATE CHOP IRON DEFENSE PP](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/866/147/2f3.png)
![Lile Hes Marias Advance (0.5.6) look Help Open Recent Frisk in Pokemon Frisk In Pokemon Sapphire Radical Red Modified To Be Less B------- So after biting the bullet and getting into Emulation (better late than never), I eventually started fiddling around Version with this little program. This is a preview release. Please report via UD / Discord. Not the first I tried but certainly the one with the best results.be it with lege release. Previour (LSPAWN Previous SALANDIT genderratic steps 50% Male & Show Uses At first I just wanted to play older Dast Pokemon with the option to have Chansey in my party early game. egg1 نووم ability1 ability2 runrate dex culor Re Maybe even just put in some other Pokemon I wanted to its back play with. <C4EAFO Palette Selection data.pokemon.evolutions method1 (Level org l 24 species 1 method2 (SALAZZLE Nonc Next Previous HADES-3 Nex Show Uscs Palella Sedex In mi dale.pokemon.s.als hp 80 allack 100 def ,75 speed 50 spatk 100 spde 100 baseStatTotal 505 I'venous How's il Cakualux? type1 (DARK Index uncompressedLength 2018 2007 type (GUOSI ImportEr Export Catch Of course after a while just "Any besel xp Pokemon I wanted" wasn't good enough for me..... CVS гр del spotk item1 >pd spdcf (???????? 77777777 yu SEL introMusicAndlender music magma temcke spate name prizeMoney (Show Uses) HADES 3520 How's il Cakulated? Got a little drunk 41 ENTEI (IVS =18) ??????? EARTHQUAKE - "SACRED FIRE" "QUICK ATTACK - "FAKE OUT" 12 "HELL VERSE" (IVS-15)@777227 -SPITE - CURSE -IGUADOW TAI " - CONFUSION 12 IFRIT (IVS-15)@??????? "FIRE BLAST" with the power this "FIRE SPIN program offered. TryToka ||SelupFins Turn ilem4 doubleBattle ???????? Singlo di Checkfind Move Checkability Risky PreterBaton'ass PAware Rel Ret Rel Ret PreferstrangestMove DoubicBottic Unknown PURSUIT ROAR 45 ZANARUUO (IV5=10)@]} {!}}A - "PSYCHO CUT" **MIRROR COAT" "DIZZY PUNCH" 44 TIANOS (TV<=15)??????? - REFLECT "LIGHT SCREEN" "COSMIC POWER" -"TRT ATTACK" Granted the h--------- "Rom Hack" I'm fiddling with isn't exactly going to be a drastic one. Hell I had to ask for help in making Charlie the damn Champion, coding wasn't drag and drop like the rest of the Elite Four. The fact I'm using this program is a clear sign I don't know f--- all about coding video games. At best it'site glorified sprite Swap. File Emulation Options Tools Help C'mon let's get settled. Frisk in Pokemon VisualBoyAdvance M 2.1.3 ☐ બનાસ છે 犬 Needless to say I claim no ownership over any of these assets not even the ones I had to draw myself. Many of the ones here are burrowed from sites like Sprites Resourse and the like, a few being heavy retools of existing sprites from Mighty Switch Force, Robot Wars and other games. Frisk in Pokemon - Visual Boy/Advance-M 2.1.8 ☐ PICHU Lu2 Wild PICHU used THUNDERSHOCK! WHAT THE F---?! Who the f--- are you and what the f--- are you doing in my room?!❤ Frisk in Pokemon - Visual Boy Advance-M 2.1.8 Frisk in Pokemon VisualBoyAdvance M 2.1.8 ☐ Frisk in Pokemon VisualBoyAdvance M 2.1.8 I'M GONNA F------ DIE!!! SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! HELP ME!! My Biggest problem regarding this "Rom Hack is gonne be how to share it online. Apparently I can post zip files on Deviantart but they require it to be "Premium Content" I have to charge money for, obviously that's a no go for a multitude of reasons. If anyone knows a safe alternative to share files for free I'd be Ever so greatful. Lord knows I can't just keep this to myself I want to share it with all of you guys :3 口 Irisk in Pokemon Viruailloy Advance-M28 DAZZI Lv4 Minerva Lu3 14/14 MONEY £3000 LIFE SPARK P100 HEAPON FILL ₤1000 POKé BALL ₤100 ►VACCINE X CANCEL P250 OPTIMUS Lu5 23/ 27 18/20 TYPE/NORMAL Heals all the status problems of one POKÉMON. "A long time ago, the Devil birthed the Anti-Christ in a bid for revenge against God. Her mission was simple, kill Jesus Christ." "She failed." "As punishment for her failure she was banished to the mortal realm forever. In her despair and rage she created monsters that ravaged the world of man, usurping much of the Animal Kingdom and making lives for mankind a living nightmare....." "But then centuries later, a surveying corps in the Hisui Region invented a ball like device that could capture and domesticate these demonic spawn. The world changed forever once more, and these beast became known as Pocket Monsters." ▶SLASH BONEMERANG KARATE CHOP IRON DEFENSE PP](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/866/147/2f3.png)
Fake Pokémon Battles
vs 3

Fake Pokémon Battles
Pokemon Battle : Amber vs Zombie Soldier

Fake Pokémon Battles
Princess Amber VS Robot Matrix

Fake Pokémon Battles
A wild MACHAMP appeared! Go! DUGTRIO!

Fake Pokémon Battles
Steven Captures Pearl

Fake Pokémon Battles
Wow, Pokemon Sun and Moon looks great.

Fake Pokémon Battles
Pokemon - Peridot Green

Fake Pokémon Battles
A Wild Fckkin Brd Appeared!

Fake Pokémon Battles
Pokemon Trainer: Obama

Fake Pokémon Battles
Pokemon Trainer: Pope Francis

Fake Pokémon Battles
Pokemon Trainer: Pope Francis

Fake Pokémon Battles
Pope Francis would like to battle!

Fake Pokémon Battles
What if Super Smash Bros. was like Pokemon?

Fake Pokémon Battles

Fake Pokémon Battles
艦これxポケモン (kancolle x pkmn)

Fake Pokémon Battles