Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks - Images
Scrapped XY Bird Family
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Beta Flabebe, Floette & Florges
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
That leak is wild
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Beta Pokemon BW female protagonist meets Hilda - by Touyarokii
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
So uh the Lapras lore huh
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Beta Sprites for All of Gen 5's Pokémons that have ones. Includes a few scrapped ones
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Flower beta pokemon, i'm tired, enough art for today 💤 - by PumpkinSoul2
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
I just had to do the beta cacturne 👁️👁️🌵 - by Alex_LR04
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Meanwhile in Unova - by chipichipi01
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Every Hoenn by NateCandles
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Beta Kyurem
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
All Gen 3 beta sprites (plus some complete unused ones)
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Arceus symbol with all the Pokémon in their respective place.
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
BETA HEX MANIAC REAL?? y20130122_075257.cci, a/0/3, dec_099.154
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
"Pokemon Platinum's build from July 17th, 2007 has a regular Giratina on the title screen. The model...
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Just existing can't be a crime.
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
"so evolotto could evolve into ANY pokemon huh" - by meow_wows
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Somewhere in a different Hoenn - by chipichipi01
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
some things should never have leaked | /r/memes
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks
Concept Art for Diamond and Pearl Anime. Brock is notably absent and Paul doesn't seem like an assho...
Game Freak Pokémon GigaLeaks