Greentext Stories - Images
Trans anon receives a gun | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon thought he could impress his crush | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Calm Before The Storm | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Light just take the L. | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon gets BTFO’d | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
That waggie is definitely not gonna last long. | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon becomes wolverine | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Call to the Colonies | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Fallen megalomaniac | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Yellow paint. | /r/Greentext
![: Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)23:53:51 No.693249090 Uh, this looks pretty obnoxious and out of place... You don't like the yellow paint? Deal with it! Gamers are stupid! Need I remind you that [INSERT OTHER GAME HERE] had to guide playtesters with [METHODS BETTER THAN YELLOW PAINT] Players NEED the handholding! X LUT XX @RefFiComics SAPING GGEJKKZXcAAAQaP.jpg 298 KB JPG How do we fix the yellow paint problem? STAIRS](
![: Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)23:53:51 No.693249090 Uh, this looks pretty obnoxious and out of place... You don't like the yellow paint? Deal with it! Gamers are stupid! Need I remind you that [INSERT OTHER GAME HERE] had to guide playtesters with [METHODS BETTER THAN YELLOW PAINT] Players NEED the handholding! X LUT XX @RefFiComics SAPING GGEJKKZXcAAAQaP.jpg 298 KB JPG How do we fix the yellow paint problem? STAIRS](
Greentext Stories
Rats are so based | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Do not redeem anon | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
anon is just delusional | /r/Greentext
![File: lemon.jpg (54 KB, 1280x720) Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)04:11:29 No.79302251 [Reply] ► >cute new girl at work left on Monday >she was only there for 3 weeks >she was very cute and it brightened my day to see her >now she's gone and I have nothing to look forward to at work >i was hoping she would stay with us for a long time and maybe one day we become friends and maybe my girlfriend >hopes and dreams shattered >life always takes away any little thing that makes me happy >f--- this clown world](
![File: lemon.jpg (54 KB, 1280x720) Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)04:11:29 No.79302251 [Reply] ► >cute new girl at work left on Monday >she was only there for 3 weeks >she was very cute and it brightened my day to see her >now she's gone and I have nothing to look forward to at work >i was hoping she would stay with us for a long time and maybe one day we become friends and maybe my girlfriend >hopes and dreams shattered >life always takes away any little thing that makes me happy >f--- this clown world](
Greentext Stories
probably fake and gay | /r/Greentext
![File: b2a95dc7e7edc13c30a5b532a(...).jpg (13 KB, 236x219) feminine boy classmate hit on me in middleschool Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)03:28:46 No.79301873 [Reply] >be skinny dweeb with no friends or aspirations >knew from then i'd never amount to anything >second year of middle school >this kid comes into our class from another school in another area >hair down to his neck >had a few nails painted and wore very "gay" clothes if you can picture that >blonde, blue eyed and extremely feminine to the point that most couldn't buy he was a boy >quickly that marked him because girls unlike in anime don't find overtly feminine boys attractive and guys just called him a f-- >i was eating alone and he came up to me because he had no else to talk to >though reluctant i ended up conversing with him and found out we had a lot in common >exchanged contact info and became fast friends >months roll by and we get closer >arrange to go up to a park overlooking the city >he starts asking me how i felt about him and other stuff probing if i was gay or not >unaware >he starts to lean at me and touching me >leans in further for a kiss >i recoil >from then on our relationship quickly denegrated and once the year was finished which was shortly after that he changed schools again I don't know why I've been so hang up on this for the past few months. i know i'm not like that hence why i recoiled but still. i don't know what happened to him but i hope he's well.](
![File: b2a95dc7e7edc13c30a5b532a(...).jpg (13 KB, 236x219) feminine boy classmate hit on me in middleschool Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)03:28:46 No.79301873 [Reply] >be skinny dweeb with no friends or aspirations >knew from then i'd never amount to anything >second year of middle school >this kid comes into our class from another school in another area >hair down to his neck >had a few nails painted and wore very "gay" clothes if you can picture that >blonde, blue eyed and extremely feminine to the point that most couldn't buy he was a boy >quickly that marked him because girls unlike in anime don't find overtly feminine boys attractive and guys just called him a f-- >i was eating alone and he came up to me because he had no else to talk to >though reluctant i ended up conversing with him and found out we had a lot in common >exchanged contact info and became fast friends >months roll by and we get closer >arrange to go up to a park overlooking the city >he starts asking me how i felt about him and other stuff probing if i was gay or not >unaware >he starts to lean at me and touching me >leans in further for a kiss >i recoil >from then on our relationship quickly denegrated and once the year was finished which was shortly after that he changed schools again I don't know why I've been so hang up on this for the past few months. i know i'm not like that hence why i recoiled but still. i don't know what happened to him but i hope he's well.](
Greentext Stories
more like "ligma ballz" | /r/Greentext
![File: she be kissing incel dic.jpg (41 KB, 860x430) grindset Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)03:10:31 No.79301645 [Reply] Is the "Sigma" grindset or "Sigmamaxxing" just a ploy for incels to cope? Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)03:11:33 No.79301658 >>79301645 (OP) >alpha >>79301678 >beta >sigma >ligma If you believe in any of that you are a tard](
![File: she be kissing incel dic.jpg (41 KB, 860x430) grindset Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)03:10:31 No.79301645 [Reply] Is the "Sigma" grindset or "Sigmamaxxing" just a ploy for incels to cope? Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)03:11:33 No.79301658 >>79301645 (OP) >alpha >>79301678 >beta >sigma >ligma If you believe in any of that you are a tard](
Greentext Stories
both of them are fucked | /r/Greentext
![File: kurt-kurt-angle.gif (2.07 MB, 352x498) Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)03:24:31 No.79301816 [Reply] >>79301882 >be me, manlet wageslave >somehow befriended another subhuman at work >barely manage to get through each day as f------ ogre >he's equally f-----, 5'7 balding turbomanlet >thought we were brothers in suffering >months of me sharing stuff I found funny with him and getting to know each other >told him about my autistic hobbies and I liked pokemon >trusted this f--- >fresh faced qt3.14 intern joins accounting >suddenly this f----- starts orbiting her like a beta moon >simping so hard you could smell the precum >"dude come grab drinks with us after work" >think maybe wingman situation, whatever >end up at local bar >mistake.jpg >notice his face changed soon as she arrived >watch this subhuman transform into full beta mode >his receding hairline practically glowing with sweat >"stacy here's the guy I told you about from our office" >starts revealing everything, my failed dating attempts >how I got rejected by that landwhale receptionist >literally describing my autistic hobbies to her >his beady little eyes darting between us >tongue practically hanging out like a thirsty mutt >tells her i'm a furry who likes collecting anthro pet slaves >mfw I can't correct him without looking like a furryfag >full jestermaxxing as all I can do is stare a f------ hole into him >seriously consider murdering the c--- >can see him looking at her for approval >she's clearly disgusted by both of us >leaves after 20 minutes >he messages later that night saying I should have been more confident >mfw I find out I'm known as the furry at work the next day Anyone else been sold out like that by a friend trying to make a foid laugh?](
![File: kurt-kurt-angle.gif (2.07 MB, 352x498) Anonymous 10/31/24(Thu)03:24:31 No.79301816 [Reply] >>79301882 >be me, manlet wageslave >somehow befriended another subhuman at work >barely manage to get through each day as f------ ogre >he's equally f-----, 5'7 balding turbomanlet >thought we were brothers in suffering >months of me sharing stuff I found funny with him and getting to know each other >told him about my autistic hobbies and I liked pokemon >trusted this f--- >fresh faced qt3.14 intern joins accounting >suddenly this f----- starts orbiting her like a beta moon >simping so hard you could smell the precum >"dude come grab drinks with us after work" >think maybe wingman situation, whatever >end up at local bar >mistake.jpg >notice his face changed soon as she arrived >watch this subhuman transform into full beta mode >his receding hairline practically glowing with sweat >"stacy here's the guy I told you about from our office" >starts revealing everything, my failed dating attempts >how I got rejected by that landwhale receptionist >literally describing my autistic hobbies to her >his beady little eyes darting between us >tongue practically hanging out like a thirsty mutt >tells her i'm a furry who likes collecting anthro pet slaves >mfw I can't correct him without looking like a furryfag >full jestermaxxing as all I can do is stare a f------ hole into him >seriously consider murdering the c--- >can see him looking at her for approval >she's clearly disgusted by both of us >leaves after 20 minutes >he messages later that night saying I should have been more confident >mfw I find out I'm known as the furry at work the next day Anyone else been sold out like that by a friend trying to make a foid laugh?](
Greentext Stories