Greentext Stories - Images

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories
/pol/ learns the difference between Woman's Studies and Statistics
![ile: 1382982162628 lpg-(23 KB. 290x290, 41.jpg)四eo College stories. Anonymous凧10/28/13(Mon)13:42 UTC-4 No.22312308 2231278 22312879 22313459 2231391322314018 22314077 22315090 Replies: 223125602222312696 College stories time? TRANSPHOBE BIGOT MURDERER, CIS-SCUM > Taking a statistics class > Professor giving a harmless example to explain a mathematical concept > "Say you are trying to reconstruct a survey pool to a bi-variate or multi-variate model from a uni-variate one, it helps if your new questions are in line with your operational definitions. So for example ask all the participants whether they are male or female and then CRAMPS STILL THERE > Random manatee just yells out" but what about non-CIS people? > Professor gives a blank look at this student and says " that's for trannies and heshes right? Well > Manatee stands up and says " No, it is for all sexually oppressed people and the misunderstood and it is a way of fighting patri > Professor interrupts. "Well its irrelevant, base it on their self-identification and move along, this question is supposed to just establish a correlation to ensure your data collection isn't flawed, since a person will be male or female before and after an event you are testing as your independent variable" > Manatee stands up and is now screaming. " So people cannot change their minds now? What sort of world do you live in where that is acceptable?" > Cont Replies:2231240422312411 22312475 22312692231278622 Anonymous10/28/13(Mon)13:44 UTC-4 No.22312343 >22314292 22314351 > Professor is visibly stunned at the stupidity of this conversation. "Acceptable or not the numbers involved make it insignificant at this point in time, a footnote will suffice, no need to build a new model or make a big deal out of it or any >Manatee is now flailing her arms around( which throws the arm fat around like jello) and begins her monlouge. "You should just be more sensitive and you can put an operational model and be more accurate and not have to marginalize a huge section of society like what if you asked people their race and they were offended and how is it not a big deal if its not a big deal why make it such a big deal on the tables if it's not a big deal it's not a big accommodation right then and..." > At this point her face is Red and she is visibly winded > Professor shouts at the top of his lungs. "If you are incapable of understanding this basic tool of elementary statistics which a middle schooler could understand and you would rather bitch about how unjust the world is I suggest you go to the Women's Studies department so you can get academic backing to your victimization complex >Manatee waddles out of the room with a single s-- >Class breaks out laughing as soon as she is out the door > Based Professor continues to teach > Next week's lecture rolls around > Manatee shows up with a gaggle of cheerleaders > Cont Anonymous A 10/28/13(Mon)13:50 UTC-4 No.22312548 0 Replies: >-223125862-22312589 >22314445 22314481 22315182 2231548422316396 22316775 22317110 >22314349 >they start yelling at the professor to check his privilege >he calls the campus police to come arrest them >while we're waiting for the police they start throwing pens at him >the police come and wrangle them out of the room and close the door on the way out >we think it's over but the hambeast manages to break free >she opens the door >she gets on the floor >everybody walk the dinosaur Anonymous 10/28/13(Mon)13:52 UTC-4 No.223 12604 ] Replies: >>22312668>>22312694>>223126962-223127802-22312786 >>22312798>>2231281 32-22312879 >22313312 22313816 22313861 22314018 22314646 22315083 > Before lecture starts Manatee walks to the front of the class with her cheerleading posse >Manatee turns to the professor and the 5 people up front hold hands > 1 is the most flamboyant male homosexual I can imagine > 1 is the fattest most Gothic lesbian I can imagine with ear-gauges that look authentically Ethiopian > 1 is an obvious trap > 1 is a butch flat-chested d--- with spiky hair > Professor just smirks and says Did you need directions to the women's study department ? > The cheerleaders sit there stunned > Professor lectures them. "Just because you are marginalized doesn't entitle you to s---. You live in a developed country with the right to be as much of a freak and social outcast. However bad outside censorship there is no censorship worse than self censorship, and you don't experience either. Everybody self-censors themselves because they don't want to hurt your feelings about just how annoying and intransigent you really are but luckily I am a tenured professor and if professors can stay on after r--- accusations I can handle a bunch of wannabe Social-Justice warriors now either sit down or head to the women's study department and cry to them about how terrible math is"> > Manatee waddles to the back of the class defeated, her cheerleader troop leaves class without saying a word So this really brightened up my day and restored a bit of faith in humanity How was your day /pol/?](
![ile: 1382982162628 lpg-(23 KB. 290x290, 41.jpg)四eo College stories. Anonymous凧10/28/13(Mon)13:42 UTC-4 No.22312308 2231278 22312879 22313459 2231391322314018 22314077 22315090 Replies: 223125602222312696 College stories time? TRANSPHOBE BIGOT MURDERER, CIS-SCUM > Taking a statistics class > Professor giving a harmless example to explain a mathematical concept > "Say you are trying to reconstruct a survey pool to a bi-variate or multi-variate model from a uni-variate one, it helps if your new questions are in line with your operational definitions. So for example ask all the participants whether they are male or female and then CRAMPS STILL THERE > Random manatee just yells out" but what about non-CIS people? > Professor gives a blank look at this student and says " that's for trannies and heshes right? Well > Manatee stands up and says " No, it is for all sexually oppressed people and the misunderstood and it is a way of fighting patri > Professor interrupts. "Well its irrelevant, base it on their self-identification and move along, this question is supposed to just establish a correlation to ensure your data collection isn't flawed, since a person will be male or female before and after an event you are testing as your independent variable" > Manatee stands up and is now screaming. " So people cannot change their minds now? What sort of world do you live in where that is acceptable?" > Cont Replies:2231240422312411 22312475 22312692231278622 Anonymous10/28/13(Mon)13:44 UTC-4 No.22312343 >22314292 22314351 > Professor is visibly stunned at the stupidity of this conversation. "Acceptable or not the numbers involved make it insignificant at this point in time, a footnote will suffice, no need to build a new model or make a big deal out of it or any >Manatee is now flailing her arms around( which throws the arm fat around like jello) and begins her monlouge. "You should just be more sensitive and you can put an operational model and be more accurate and not have to marginalize a huge section of society like what if you asked people their race and they were offended and how is it not a big deal if its not a big deal why make it such a big deal on the tables if it's not a big deal it's not a big accommodation right then and..." > At this point her face is Red and she is visibly winded > Professor shouts at the top of his lungs. "If you are incapable of understanding this basic tool of elementary statistics which a middle schooler could understand and you would rather bitch about how unjust the world is I suggest you go to the Women's Studies department so you can get academic backing to your victimization complex >Manatee waddles out of the room with a single s-- >Class breaks out laughing as soon as she is out the door > Based Professor continues to teach > Next week's lecture rolls around > Manatee shows up with a gaggle of cheerleaders > Cont Anonymous A 10/28/13(Mon)13:50 UTC-4 No.22312548 0 Replies: >-223125862-22312589 >22314445 22314481 22315182 2231548422316396 22316775 22317110 >22314349 >they start yelling at the professor to check his privilege >he calls the campus police to come arrest them >while we're waiting for the police they start throwing pens at him >the police come and wrangle them out of the room and close the door on the way out >we think it's over but the hambeast manages to break free >she opens the door >she gets on the floor >everybody walk the dinosaur Anonymous 10/28/13(Mon)13:52 UTC-4 No.223 12604 ] Replies: >>22312668>>22312694>>223126962-223127802-22312786 >>22312798>>2231281 32-22312879 >22313312 22313816 22313861 22314018 22314646 22315083 > Before lecture starts Manatee walks to the front of the class with her cheerleading posse >Manatee turns to the professor and the 5 people up front hold hands > 1 is the most flamboyant male homosexual I can imagine > 1 is the fattest most Gothic lesbian I can imagine with ear-gauges that look authentically Ethiopian > 1 is an obvious trap > 1 is a butch flat-chested d--- with spiky hair > Professor just smirks and says Did you need directions to the women's study department ? > The cheerleaders sit there stunned > Professor lectures them. "Just because you are marginalized doesn't entitle you to s---. You live in a developed country with the right to be as much of a freak and social outcast. However bad outside censorship there is no censorship worse than self censorship, and you don't experience either. Everybody self-censors themselves because they don't want to hurt your feelings about just how annoying and intransigent you really are but luckily I am a tenured professor and if professors can stay on after r--- accusations I can handle a bunch of wannabe Social-Justice warriors now either sit down or head to the women's study department and cry to them about how terrible math is"> > Manatee waddles to the back of the class defeated, her cheerleader troop leaves class without saying a word So this really brightened up my day and restored a bit of faith in humanity How was your day /pol/?](
Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories
be a monk

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories
1 year old but gold

Greentext Stories
Parenting: Doing it right
![Anonymous 12/02/10(Thu)21:42 No.80240xxx My dad would punish me with psychological torture. Drove me nuts. Here's an example >Tell Dad to F--- Off because Im playing Super Nintendo >Dad, displeased at my French, begins to formulate his plot >Wake up the next moming >Scares the crap out of me >Go to eat breakfast >Small beanie-baby frog cormes out of box What the f--- >Backpack feels heavier than usual -Check middle pocket >Filled with, like, ten frogs Am t >Look out window to daydream as I often do >Beanie baby frog on outside windowsill scared now >Sent out to hall >Pitch black because lights off and drapes pulled >Turn on light ENTIRE F------ KITCHEN FILLED WITH BEANIE BABY FROGS WHAT THE F--- -Heavy knocks on door >Turn around >Man in frog suit pressing his face against the door >Lock the door >A single frog in the middle of the floor on top of a piece of paper Lift up frog >Take note the door, son. >Scared, open door for frogman >Frogman, silently, slowly walks up to me know it's you. Dad," I say >He says in a voice nothing like my father's: Tt is not, Anon." >He takes mask off sit's my Uncle >My dad comes into the house laughing like an idiot p----- myself >Dad laughs and says, "We dont say F--- in this house, boy Now who's up for McDonalds?" Seriously Dad where did you get all those f------ beanie babies from Anonymous 12/02/10(Thu)21:52 No.80241XXx 60240709 80240926 There was another time when, while l was sleeping, he drove me about five miles away to where a Russian-American family he knew lived The Russian man and woman treated me like I had lived there my whole life. I was there for twelve hours before my father came to pick me up. Anonymous 12/02/10(Thu)22:00 No.80241Xxx here >Dad catches me looking at forbidden websites (read: p--- [This was when I was younger]) >l know he's going to pull something crazy because I had wisened up a bit >He just grounds me from the computer for four days >Four days later, turn on computer >Every single image (desktop, everything's icon, the mouse cursor) was replaced by a weird-looking triceritops picture he made himself >Computer is rigged so that dinosaur roars come out of it 24/7 >He superglued a toy Triceratops to the top of my monitor It was like this for two weeks before he took it off e still has and uses that computer monitor, triceritops and all Frogdad 12/02/10(Thu)22.14 No 80242xxX >Come home from school >Dad's over at a friend's house -Decide to eat ice-cream >He comes home when I'm in the middle of my third bowl >He is dissapoint when I can't eat my dinner -The next day come home >He is standing there in the kitchen with a sterm look on his eye with the Russian man from earlier story Dad tells me to sit down オHe reaches into the fridge and pulls out a container of Moose Tracks !ce-cream, my favoritest ice-cream ever >He pulls out two spoons -H e gives me half a s >After giving me a taunting taste he and Mr. Russia proceed to eat the entire bucket of ice-cream in front of me, savoring every bite and making "MMMMMMM and "OOUUAAAHHH SOO GOOODDDD" sounds >If I try to get up out of my chair my dad would tell me to sit back down -lf I tried to close my eyes or look away my dad would stick his fingers in my sides, which I f------ hated >They force me to watch him and Mr. Russia eat an entire bucket of my favorite ice-cream >After finishing the dessert, he gives Mr. Russia a friendly beer and sends him on his way, and then asks what I want for dinner Frogdad 12/02/10(Thu)22 24 No.80243XxX >>80243390 >Make That's What She Said!" joke to my dad >He is disgusted by that form of humor >Two days pass >Find my closet empty but for one shirt A Turtieneck sweater >He got one of his tech buddies to rig a small microphone up to i sit records my voice and after one second of me talking, it emits a "That's What She Said!" >Have to wear it for a day to school I couldnt tell whether to be angry at or impressed by my dad. □ Frogdad 12/02/10(Thu)22:40 No 80244XXX >Get in trouble at school for putting gum undeneath a desk >I just know my dad is going to pull some crazy s--- >Two weeks pass from the incident >Wake up one moming >A single wad of putty stuck on the ceiling -it >Every night another wad of putty is stuck on the ceiling >This continues for one week >Dawn of the Eigth Day: There is a full circle of about fifteen wads on the ceiling >What the f--- -Dawn of the Ninth Day: Smaller putties spell out "UNDER BED" >Oh god I know it's you dad, Im not scared, I'm not scared >Look under bed >A tiny little man made out of putty >Dawn of the Tenth Day Smaller putties spell out "IN DRAWER" pg >Another tiny little man made out of putty >Dawn of the Eleventh Day. Putties form an arrow pointing to the window >Since it was a school day it was about 5:30 in the morming and very dark -Flashlight comes on REVEALING A GIANT MAN MADE OF PUTTY OH GOD FREAKY AS F--- MASK OH GOD >Dad runs in, "What, What?17 MAN MADE OF PUTTY, DAD. .wait, Dad? That isnt you? >Dad tells me to stay the f--- inside >He runs outside He and the Putty Man beat the s--- out of eachother >Fight travels to neighbor's yard behind hedge >Dad gestures for me to come out of the house walk over to dead putty man >Dad prepares to take off mask NOBODY UNDER MASK >Russian Man steps out of nearby bushes holding a portable radio playing the Twilight Zone theme >Dad tells me not to chew gum in school >We walk back home and they tell me about how hard they worked on this one I think that this one wins. Cant believe I forgot it](
![Anonymous 12/02/10(Thu)21:42 No.80240xxx My dad would punish me with psychological torture. Drove me nuts. Here's an example >Tell Dad to F--- Off because Im playing Super Nintendo >Dad, displeased at my French, begins to formulate his plot >Wake up the next moming >Scares the crap out of me >Go to eat breakfast >Small beanie-baby frog cormes out of box What the f--- >Backpack feels heavier than usual -Check middle pocket >Filled with, like, ten frogs Am t >Look out window to daydream as I often do >Beanie baby frog on outside windowsill scared now >Sent out to hall >Pitch black because lights off and drapes pulled >Turn on light ENTIRE F------ KITCHEN FILLED WITH BEANIE BABY FROGS WHAT THE F--- -Heavy knocks on door >Turn around >Man in frog suit pressing his face against the door >Lock the door >A single frog in the middle of the floor on top of a piece of paper Lift up frog >Take note the door, son. >Scared, open door for frogman >Frogman, silently, slowly walks up to me know it's you. Dad," I say >He says in a voice nothing like my father's: Tt is not, Anon." >He takes mask off sit's my Uncle >My dad comes into the house laughing like an idiot p----- myself >Dad laughs and says, "We dont say F--- in this house, boy Now who's up for McDonalds?" Seriously Dad where did you get all those f------ beanie babies from Anonymous 12/02/10(Thu)21:52 No.80241XXx 60240709 80240926 There was another time when, while l was sleeping, he drove me about five miles away to where a Russian-American family he knew lived The Russian man and woman treated me like I had lived there my whole life. I was there for twelve hours before my father came to pick me up. Anonymous 12/02/10(Thu)22:00 No.80241Xxx here >Dad catches me looking at forbidden websites (read: p--- [This was when I was younger]) >l know he's going to pull something crazy because I had wisened up a bit >He just grounds me from the computer for four days >Four days later, turn on computer >Every single image (desktop, everything's icon, the mouse cursor) was replaced by a weird-looking triceritops picture he made himself >Computer is rigged so that dinosaur roars come out of it 24/7 >He superglued a toy Triceratops to the top of my monitor It was like this for two weeks before he took it off e still has and uses that computer monitor, triceritops and all Frogdad 12/02/10(Thu)22.14 No 80242xxX >Come home from school >Dad's over at a friend's house -Decide to eat ice-cream >He comes home when I'm in the middle of my third bowl >He is dissapoint when I can't eat my dinner -The next day come home >He is standing there in the kitchen with a sterm look on his eye with the Russian man from earlier story Dad tells me to sit down オHe reaches into the fridge and pulls out a container of Moose Tracks !ce-cream, my favoritest ice-cream ever >He pulls out two spoons -H e gives me half a s >After giving me a taunting taste he and Mr. Russia proceed to eat the entire bucket of ice-cream in front of me, savoring every bite and making "MMMMMMM and "OOUUAAAHHH SOO GOOODDDD" sounds >If I try to get up out of my chair my dad would tell me to sit back down -lf I tried to close my eyes or look away my dad would stick his fingers in my sides, which I f------ hated >They force me to watch him and Mr. Russia eat an entire bucket of my favorite ice-cream >After finishing the dessert, he gives Mr. Russia a friendly beer and sends him on his way, and then asks what I want for dinner Frogdad 12/02/10(Thu)22 24 No.80243XxX >>80243390 >Make That's What She Said!" joke to my dad >He is disgusted by that form of humor >Two days pass >Find my closet empty but for one shirt A Turtieneck sweater >He got one of his tech buddies to rig a small microphone up to i sit records my voice and after one second of me talking, it emits a "That's What She Said!" >Have to wear it for a day to school I couldnt tell whether to be angry at or impressed by my dad. □ Frogdad 12/02/10(Thu)22:40 No 80244XXX >Get in trouble at school for putting gum undeneath a desk >I just know my dad is going to pull some crazy s--- >Two weeks pass from the incident >Wake up one moming >A single wad of putty stuck on the ceiling -it >Every night another wad of putty is stuck on the ceiling >This continues for one week >Dawn of the Eigth Day: There is a full circle of about fifteen wads on the ceiling >What the f--- -Dawn of the Ninth Day: Smaller putties spell out "UNDER BED" >Oh god I know it's you dad, Im not scared, I'm not scared >Look under bed >A tiny little man made out of putty >Dawn of the Tenth Day Smaller putties spell out "IN DRAWER" pg >Another tiny little man made out of putty >Dawn of the Eleventh Day. Putties form an arrow pointing to the window >Since it was a school day it was about 5:30 in the morming and very dark -Flashlight comes on REVEALING A GIANT MAN MADE OF PUTTY OH GOD FREAKY AS F--- MASK OH GOD >Dad runs in, "What, What?17 MAN MADE OF PUTTY, DAD. .wait, Dad? That isnt you? >Dad tells me to stay the f--- inside >He runs outside He and the Putty Man beat the s--- out of eachother >Fight travels to neighbor's yard behind hedge >Dad gestures for me to come out of the house walk over to dead putty man >Dad prepares to take off mask NOBODY UNDER MASK >Russian Man steps out of nearby bushes holding a portable radio playing the Twilight Zone theme >Dad tells me not to chew gum in school >We walk back home and they tell me about how hard they worked on this one I think that this one wins. Cant believe I forgot it](
Greentext Stories

Greentext Stories