Greentext Stories - Images
anon likes older men | /r/Greentext
![File: Screenshot 2024-01-16 2.5(...).png (226 KB, 853x729) Chi Diary 31: Humiliation De -OOO3O ■ Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:17:24 No.913789312 ► >>913789552 >>913790333 >>913791781 >>913792743 >>913796654 >>913797871 Tell your deepest darkest secrets/regrets thread! >In this thread, you can share some of the deepest and darkest secrets that you have anonymously. >Whatever it is, you will be fine in the end because you are anonymous on here. >> Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:20:30 No.913789450 >> FBI glowie this doesn't work. Stop making these retarded threads. Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:22:35 No.913789552 ► >>913790362 >>913795535 >>913789312 (OP) >met a cool older guy at work >he would buy me and my friend alcohol to hang out with him >found out he was gay and wanted to f--- us >friend stopped hanging out with him, but I didn't >older guy started giving me money to hang out with him >eventually hanging out turned into him kissing me and licking my a------ and jerking me off >told myself it was just for the money, but I kind of liked my body being worshipped by a lonely older guy >did this for about 5 years >eventually the older guy died from a blood clot because he was an alcoholic that only ate fast food and didn't exercise >wish I could have helped him live longer >regret enabling him in that regard >i'm the one that found his body because he had no friends or family, other than me >still miss the old guy](
![File: Screenshot 2024-01-16 2.5(...).png (226 KB, 853x729) Chi Diary 31: Humiliation De -OOO3O ■ Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:17:24 No.913789312 ► >>913789552 >>913790333 >>913791781 >>913792743 >>913796654 >>913797871 Tell your deepest darkest secrets/regrets thread! >In this thread, you can share some of the deepest and darkest secrets that you have anonymously. >Whatever it is, you will be fine in the end because you are anonymous on here. >> Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:20:30 No.913789450 >> FBI glowie this doesn't work. Stop making these retarded threads. Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:22:35 No.913789552 ► >>913790362 >>913795535 >>913789312 (OP) >met a cool older guy at work >he would buy me and my friend alcohol to hang out with him >found out he was gay and wanted to f--- us >friend stopped hanging out with him, but I didn't >older guy started giving me money to hang out with him >eventually hanging out turned into him kissing me and licking my a------ and jerking me off >told myself it was just for the money, but I kind of liked my body being worshipped by a lonely older guy >did this for about 5 years >eventually the older guy died from a blood clot because he was an alcoholic that only ate fast food and didn't exercise >wish I could have helped him live longer >regret enabling him in that regard >i'm the one that found his body because he had no friends or family, other than me >still miss the old guy](
Greentext Stories
Anon kills a dog | /r/Greentext
![C It I killed my neighbor's dog and told my pastor and he told me not to come to church anymore and to focus on a therapist. >Be me >14 at the time >S------- ginger kid down the street >Constantly is an a------ and makes fun of me >Decide to try to be friends with him to find any weakness he has >Eventually become friends by the end of the summer >Fire-crotch gets new dog >Dog is cute but I know what I must do >Decide to play with dog super rough until it breaks skin >Run home and tell parents that dog bit me >Go to hospital and report dog bite to police >City has a no tolerance policy because of shitbulls >Watch as fire-crotch gets his new dog put into cops car >Dog gets put down It was one of the only times I've ever felt joy. Not sure why my pastor didn't just forgive my sins. Any recommendation for any other branches of religion would be helpful. Non-denominational churches suck anyway.](
![C It I killed my neighbor's dog and told my pastor and he told me not to come to church anymore and to focus on a therapist. >Be me >14 at the time >S------- ginger kid down the street >Constantly is an a------ and makes fun of me >Decide to try to be friends with him to find any weakness he has >Eventually become friends by the end of the summer >Fire-crotch gets new dog >Dog is cute but I know what I must do >Decide to play with dog super rough until it breaks skin >Run home and tell parents that dog bit me >Go to hospital and report dog bite to police >City has a no tolerance policy because of shitbulls >Watch as fire-crotch gets his new dog put into cops car >Dog gets put down It was one of the only times I've ever felt joy. Not sure why my pastor didn't just forgive my sins. Any recommendation for any other branches of religion would be helpful. Non-denominational churches suck anyway.](
Greentext Stories
When a gamer smiles, the devil shivers | /r/Greentext
![493432534.png (537 KB, 1366x768) google yandex iqdb wait TCN No.458125200 >>458125322 # >>458125482 # >>458125587 # >>458125611 # >>458125746 # >>458125959 # >>458126702 # >>458126808 # >>458126904 # >>458127007 # >>458127008 # >>458127104 # >>458127111 # >>458127124 # >>458127739 # >>458127855 # >>458127896 # >>458128024 # >>458128122 # >>458128287 # >>458129398 # >>458129806 # >>458130071 # >>458130241 # >>458130725 # >>458130864 # >>458131042 # >>458131119 # >>458131361 # >>458131396 # >>458131614 # >>458131757 # >>458131790 # >>458132777 # >>458133051 # >>458133083 # >>458133310 # >>458133385 # >>458133428 # >>458133764 # >>458135422 # >>458135731 # >>458138253 # >>458138981 # >>458139045 # Anonymous (ID: SLK4euFc) I 02/10/24(Sat)03:28:08 1204 INTEVEW V >the Soviet Union no longer exists, can you let us into NATO like everyone else? >no >okay, but can you please not threaten us by expanding NATO to the East? >no >alright, we saw you're developing new missilistic systems, will you let us work on them with you? >no >fine, hypersonic missiles it is, but can you at least not put military bases right in front of our borders? >no >well, you just carried out a military coup to overthrow a democratic election in Ukraine, can we still have a friendly relationship with them? >no >gotcha, but the people of Crimea are really p----- off about that coup, can you please let them have independence? >no >roger, but surely you can at the very least stop bombing the civilians living in Donbass, right? >no >huh, we've been trying to find a diplomatic solution for 8 years but you refuse to even talk to us... I guess that if you want to use military force to solve issues so much we have no choice but to do the same >OH MY GOD PUTIN IS A MADMAN, AN IMPERIALIST GENOCIDAL DICTATOR, LITERALLY THE SECOND COMING OF HITLER, WE MUST STOP HIM AT ANY COST BEFORE HE TRIES TO CONQUER ALL OF EUROPE](
![493432534.png (537 KB, 1366x768) google yandex iqdb wait TCN No.458125200 >>458125322 # >>458125482 # >>458125587 # >>458125611 # >>458125746 # >>458125959 # >>458126702 # >>458126808 # >>458126904 # >>458127007 # >>458127008 # >>458127104 # >>458127111 # >>458127124 # >>458127739 # >>458127855 # >>458127896 # >>458128024 # >>458128122 # >>458128287 # >>458129398 # >>458129806 # >>458130071 # >>458130241 # >>458130725 # >>458130864 # >>458131042 # >>458131119 # >>458131361 # >>458131396 # >>458131614 # >>458131757 # >>458131790 # >>458132777 # >>458133051 # >>458133083 # >>458133310 # >>458133385 # >>458133428 # >>458133764 # >>458135422 # >>458135731 # >>458138253 # >>458138981 # >>458139045 # Anonymous (ID: SLK4euFc) I 02/10/24(Sat)03:28:08 1204 INTEVEW V >the Soviet Union no longer exists, can you let us into NATO like everyone else? >no >okay, but can you please not threaten us by expanding NATO to the East? >no >alright, we saw you're developing new missilistic systems, will you let us work on them with you? >no >fine, hypersonic missiles it is, but can you at least not put military bases right in front of our borders? >no >well, you just carried out a military coup to overthrow a democratic election in Ukraine, can we still have a friendly relationship with them? >no >gotcha, but the people of Crimea are really p----- off about that coup, can you please let them have independence? >no >roger, but surely you can at the very least stop bombing the civilians living in Donbass, right? >no >huh, we've been trying to find a diplomatic solution for 8 years but you refuse to even talk to us... I guess that if you want to use military force to solve issues so much we have no choice but to do the same >OH MY GOD PUTIN IS A MADMAN, AN IMPERIALIST GENOCIDAL DICTATOR, LITERALLY THE SECOND COMING OF HITLER, WE MUST STOP HIM AT ANY COST BEFORE HE TRIES TO CONQUER ALL OF EUROPE](
Greentext Stories
Anon on Michael Keaton | /r/Greentext
![is he retarded Anonymous 02/10/24(Sat) 18:55:21 No.196149238 >stars in superhero movies in the 90s >proceeds later to star in a movie that basically says "if you do superhero movies youre probably a bad actor" >goes back to star in superhero movies what did he mean by this?](
![is he retarded Anonymous 02/10/24(Sat) 18:55:21 No.196149238 >stars in superhero movies in the 90s >proceeds later to star in a movie that basically says "if you do superhero movies youre probably a bad actor" >goes back to star in superhero movies what did he mean by this?](
Greentext Stories
Anon dreams big | /r/Greentext
![Anonymous 12/19/12(Wed)18:15 No.167585026 Replies: >>167585121 >>167585290 File: 1355958937736.jpg-(7 KB, 200x200, Howaaaard.jpg) >be Bethesda dev working on Skyrim >trying to make sleeping a meaningful mechanic >players allocate stats while asleep >design cool dream themed menus with deep proverbs >opposing factions may try to assassinate you while you sleep lategame >genuinely believe this will be very immersive >a neat break from the flow for players to think and plan their character >Todd calls me out during a dev meeting, belittles me in front of our coworkers and calls me "Dreamboy" the whole company now calls me Dreamboy Anonymous 12/19/12(Wed)18:16 No.167585121 Replies: >>167585242 File: 1355958981386.jpg-(57 KB, 411x594, Howaard.jpg) >>167585026 >get demoted >thinking about how to make the passing of ingame time meaningful >the "Dragon Apocalypse" happens on day 50 and the Aldmeri Dominion invades on day 100 >genuinely believe this will immerse the player and provide a sense of heroism and danger >Todd finds me in the bathroom and repeatedly punches me in the liver and solar plexus >dunks my head in the toilet while repeatedly calling my autistic son a retard Anonymous 12/19/12(Wed)18:17 No.167585242 Replies: >>167585319 File: 1355959033645.jpg-(71 KB, 442x594, Howaaard.jpg) >>167585121 >working out of the janitor's closet now >make it so NPCs from the opposing faction hostile >you have to sneak if you want to do business in Solitude as an Imperial, for example >believe this will make the "civil war feel intense and real >come home to find my wife crying because a man approached our son at school and asked him if it's hard to be a retard with a f-- dad >my son is too scared to identify who did it Anonymous 12/19/12(Wed)18:17 No.167585319 File: 1355959069463.ipq-(32 KB, 530x298, howard.jpg) >>167585242 >want to include an optional "Hardcore Mode" like in New Vegas >believe this will immerse players and make food and taverns meaningful >someone throws a blanket over me when I go to throw out the trash that night >hear a whole crowd of people cheering and laughing as I get stomped on >someone pulls the blanket off me >feel a wet finger pressing against my a--- >hear Todd's voice say, "Is that hardcore enough for you, Dreamboy?" no one talks to me at work and my old friends are too scared to even look me in the eye](
![Anonymous 12/19/12(Wed)18:15 No.167585026 Replies: >>167585121 >>167585290 File: 1355958937736.jpg-(7 KB, 200x200, Howaaaard.jpg) >be Bethesda dev working on Skyrim >trying to make sleeping a meaningful mechanic >players allocate stats while asleep >design cool dream themed menus with deep proverbs >opposing factions may try to assassinate you while you sleep lategame >genuinely believe this will be very immersive >a neat break from the flow for players to think and plan their character >Todd calls me out during a dev meeting, belittles me in front of our coworkers and calls me "Dreamboy" the whole company now calls me Dreamboy Anonymous 12/19/12(Wed)18:16 No.167585121 Replies: >>167585242 File: 1355958981386.jpg-(57 KB, 411x594, Howaard.jpg) >>167585026 >get demoted >thinking about how to make the passing of ingame time meaningful >the "Dragon Apocalypse" happens on day 50 and the Aldmeri Dominion invades on day 100 >genuinely believe this will immerse the player and provide a sense of heroism and danger >Todd finds me in the bathroom and repeatedly punches me in the liver and solar plexus >dunks my head in the toilet while repeatedly calling my autistic son a retard Anonymous 12/19/12(Wed)18:17 No.167585242 Replies: >>167585319 File: 1355959033645.jpg-(71 KB, 442x594, Howaaard.jpg) >>167585121 >working out of the janitor's closet now >make it so NPCs from the opposing faction hostile >you have to sneak if you want to do business in Solitude as an Imperial, for example >believe this will make the "civil war feel intense and real >come home to find my wife crying because a man approached our son at school and asked him if it's hard to be a retard with a f-- dad >my son is too scared to identify who did it Anonymous 12/19/12(Wed)18:17 No.167585319 File: 1355959069463.ipq-(32 KB, 530x298, howard.jpg) >>167585242 >want to include an optional "Hardcore Mode" like in New Vegas >believe this will immerse players and make food and taverns meaningful >someone throws a blanket over me when I go to throw out the trash that night >hear a whole crowd of people cheering and laughing as I get stomped on >someone pulls the blanket off me >feel a wet finger pressing against my a--- >hear Todd's voice say, "Is that hardcore enough for you, Dreamboy?" no one talks to me at work and my old friends are too scared to even look me in the eye](
Greentext Stories
Anon missed every other clues | /r/Greentext
![: Anonymous E Chicken WIER the PAREVE NET WT.5 02 (1429) DR WT. 4 OZ (1139) 02/08/24(Thu)13:24:36 No.20184892 Chicken the Sea of CHUNK LIGHT : Anonymous Lol retard TUNA >going shopping >canned chicken is on the list IN water WebP Image 28 Medium.png 332 KB PNG WILD CAUGHT Amount per semic Calines Pounset Fatig Wo Total Cark ( 4 Protein 233 404 INGREDIENTS CHAM MAY CONTAIN BONES >any canned chicken will do, chicken is chicken >see the word "CHICKEN" in big bold red letters on a can >quickly pick up a can without much thought and keep shopping >come home >"oh btw this is actually tuna" in fine print WHY THE F--- WOULD THEY BRAND THEIR TUNA THIS WAY? 02/08/24(Thu)13:26:44 No.20184897](
![: Anonymous E Chicken WIER the PAREVE NET WT.5 02 (1429) DR WT. 4 OZ (1139) 02/08/24(Thu)13:24:36 No.20184892 Chicken the Sea of CHUNK LIGHT : Anonymous Lol retard TUNA >going shopping >canned chicken is on the list IN water WebP Image 28 Medium.png 332 KB PNG WILD CAUGHT Amount per semic Calines Pounset Fatig Wo Total Cark ( 4 Protein 233 404 INGREDIENTS CHAM MAY CONTAIN BONES >any canned chicken will do, chicken is chicken >see the word "CHICKEN" in big bold red letters on a can >quickly pick up a can without much thought and keep shopping >come home >"oh btw this is actually tuna" in fine print WHY THE F--- WOULD THEY BRAND THEIR TUNA THIS WAY? 02/08/24(Thu)13:26:44 No.20184897](
Greentext Stories
Anon predicts the future of Vaxxers | /r/Greentext
![The decline of the vaxxers will be substantially noticeable in mid September. I'm talking cars parked sideways in the middle of the street with the driver looking up at the sky, lost and confused. I'm talking people in grocery stores screaming because they don't know where they are or what they were doing. I'm talking about a real f------ zombie apocalypse. Get ready because this is going to be some f----- up s--- you won't be able to comprehend. Family members shooting each other because they didn't know who they were and what they were doing in their house, your own mother won't even recognize you. We have about 3 to 4 months left until hell on earth. Good luck to you all. >>325857358 # >>325857552 # >>325860952 # >>325866170 # >>325870090 # >>325880385 # >>325881462 # >>325884459 # Anonymous 02/11/24 (Sun)10:36:12 No.19567826 [Reply] >>19568648 >>19568682 are right-wingers schizophrenic lunatics in your c---?](
![The decline of the vaxxers will be substantially noticeable in mid September. I'm talking cars parked sideways in the middle of the street with the driver looking up at the sky, lost and confused. I'm talking people in grocery stores screaming because they don't know where they are or what they were doing. I'm talking about a real f------ zombie apocalypse. Get ready because this is going to be some f----- up s--- you won't be able to comprehend. Family members shooting each other because they didn't know who they were and what they were doing in their house, your own mother won't even recognize you. We have about 3 to 4 months left until hell on earth. Good luck to you all. >>325857358 # >>325857552 # >>325860952 # >>325866170 # >>325870090 # >>325880385 # >>325881462 # >>325884459 # Anonymous 02/11/24 (Sun)10:36:12 No.19567826 [Reply] >>19568648 >>19568682 are right-wingers schizophrenic lunatics in your c---?](
Greentext Stories
I'll not hide myself in the tears you have shed. | /r/Greentext
![Anonymous 76425781 JPG | 4.39 KB Sunday 2024-02-11 17:34:09 2 hours ago >watch youtube channel and couple that have channel together >one day guy uploads video saying his gf cheated for months and makes half hour long video going pretty hardcore in depth about people not being worthy and crying and what not whilst being emotionally f----- but will go forward with channel alone >guy deletes video maybe cause legal consequences or what not : >time pass nothing happens >no uploads >comes back and announces they are back together after solving things it's over, he's gone, he lost, succubi are real](
![Anonymous 76425781 JPG | 4.39 KB Sunday 2024-02-11 17:34:09 2 hours ago >watch youtube channel and couple that have channel together >one day guy uploads video saying his gf cheated for months and makes half hour long video going pretty hardcore in depth about people not being worthy and crying and what not whilst being emotionally f----- but will go forward with channel alone >guy deletes video maybe cause legal consequences or what not : >time pass nothing happens >no uploads >comes back and announces they are back together after solving things it's over, he's gone, he lost, succubi are real](
Greentext Stories
Blackanon hits rock bottom | /r/Greentext
![: Anonymous Rock bottom 01/31/24(Wed)19:03:44 No.76307742 56 KB JPG >29 year old black male >living with family making $44K a year >regularly blow my disposable income on massages & escorts >went through my phone to contact an asian lady I saw a few times last year >her number still works >set up a time in the evening >haven't seen anyone in about 2 weeks and also haven't coomed in a week so pretty excited >get to apartment building, knock on door and she's off to the side >as I'm walking in she does a pretty loud scream, pushes me out and closes the door >she says "no, no, no black guy, sorry bye" >I'm internally seething >I say to her "but don't you remember? I've seen you a couple of times last year" >"no, no, no black" >I go from anger and denial to bargaining really quick >in a moment of desperation I knock again and say "come on, please?" >mfw I knocked on an escort's door for like 20 seconds begging to let me pay her so I can f--- This is my new low. I want to get drunk and walk into oncoming traffic : Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)19:08:02 No.76307794 you must imagine a world where people don't have the ability to just start talking to you](
![: Anonymous Rock bottom 01/31/24(Wed)19:03:44 No.76307742 56 KB JPG >29 year old black male >living with family making $44K a year >regularly blow my disposable income on massages & escorts >went through my phone to contact an asian lady I saw a few times last year >her number still works >set up a time in the evening >haven't seen anyone in about 2 weeks and also haven't coomed in a week so pretty excited >get to apartment building, knock on door and she's off to the side >as I'm walking in she does a pretty loud scream, pushes me out and closes the door >she says "no, no, no black guy, sorry bye" >I'm internally seething >I say to her "but don't you remember? I've seen you a couple of times last year" >"no, no, no black" >I go from anger and denial to bargaining really quick >in a moment of desperation I knock again and say "come on, please?" >mfw I knocked on an escort's door for like 20 seconds begging to let me pay her so I can f--- This is my new low. I want to get drunk and walk into oncoming traffic : Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)19:08:02 No.76307794 you must imagine a world where people don't have the ability to just start talking to you](
Greentext Stories
What a shame | /r/Greentext
![: Anonymous Did Game of Thrones even exist(...) GAME OF THRONES 199 KB JPG exist? 02/10/24(Sat)12:45:24 No.196129114 >most popular TV show of the 21st Century, if not ever >massive cultural phenomenon with widespread influence in other media and day to day life >has one bad season What happened, /tv/? Did it ever even](
![: Anonymous Did Game of Thrones even exist(...) GAME OF THRONES 199 KB JPG exist? 02/10/24(Sat)12:45:24 No.196129114 >most popular TV show of the 21st Century, if not ever >massive cultural phenomenon with widespread influence in other media and day to day life >has one bad season What happened, /tv/? Did it ever even](
Greentext Stories
Holy hell Anon is like me fr fr | /r/Greentext
![: Anonymous 7 KB JPG 02/11/24(Sun)19:22:52 No.76424807 >not even middle of month >Running out of money again I'm all out of dopamine and money 02/11/24(Sun)19:26:30 No.76424831 : Anonymous >>76424807 (OP) # hook yourself up to one of them free dopamine machines](
![: Anonymous 7 KB JPG 02/11/24(Sun)19:22:52 No.76424807 >not even middle of month >Running out of money again I'm all out of dopamine and money 02/11/24(Sun)19:26:30 No.76424831 : Anonymous >>76424807 (OP) # hook yourself up to one of them free dopamine machines](
Greentext Stories
Anon Criticizes The Outer Worlds | /r/Greentext
![File: images.jpg (72 KB, 493x622) OUTER WORLDS OBSIDIAN Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:39:28 No.666732867 >>666732957 >>666733251 >>666733419 >in a world where capitalism is... >*record scratch* >...LE BAD?! >*baba o'reilly starts playing* >Yep, thats me. You're probably wondering how i got in this situation >well it all started in the summer of 2355 >it wasn't always like this you know >capitalism used to be... le good >*record scratch* >JUST KIDDING! >*music resumes* >CAPITALISM. IS. LE BAD! >to find out, you'll have to travel to The Outer Worlds ™ >*the moon man winks at camera* >"out here in the fields, i farm for my meals" >> Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:40:54 No.666732957► >>666733570 >>666732867 (OP) This is genuinely the worst game I've ever played ☐ Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:45:53 No.666733251 ► >>666733676 >>666732867 (OP) That was the point of New Vegas too, anon Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:48:45 No.666733419 ► >>666732867 (OP) >Rick and Morty in the desert....but in space!!! Bravo, Obsidian. Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:51:24 No.666733570 ► >>666732957 this, people are too forgiving calling it mediocre. i felt insulted by what i was playing. Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:53:09 No.666733676 ► >>666734253 >>666738037 >>666733251 New vegas understood that there were pros and cons to each faction and their respective ideology, and wrote it in way that there wasn't a clear "good ending" The outer worlds is what a r/antiwork user percieves capitalism as. Literally in the first 10 minutes an employee calls himself corporate property Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)15:02:52 No.666734253 ► >>666737239 >>666733676 It's meant to be an extreme and satirical version of capitalism, but you idiots get offended anyway.](
![File: images.jpg (72 KB, 493x622) OUTER WORLDS OBSIDIAN Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:39:28 No.666732867 >>666732957 >>666733251 >>666733419 >in a world where capitalism is... >*record scratch* >...LE BAD?! >*baba o'reilly starts playing* >Yep, thats me. You're probably wondering how i got in this situation >well it all started in the summer of 2355 >it wasn't always like this you know >capitalism used to be... le good >*record scratch* >JUST KIDDING! >*music resumes* >CAPITALISM. IS. LE BAD! >to find out, you'll have to travel to The Outer Worlds ™ >*the moon man winks at camera* >"out here in the fields, i farm for my meals" >> Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:40:54 No.666732957► >>666733570 >>666732867 (OP) This is genuinely the worst game I've ever played ☐ Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:45:53 No.666733251 ► >>666733676 >>666732867 (OP) That was the point of New Vegas too, anon Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:48:45 No.666733419 ► >>666732867 (OP) >Rick and Morty in the desert....but in space!!! Bravo, Obsidian. Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:51:24 No.666733570 ► >>666732957 this, people are too forgiving calling it mediocre. i felt insulted by what i was playing. Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)14:53:09 No.666733676 ► >>666734253 >>666738037 >>666733251 New vegas understood that there were pros and cons to each faction and their respective ideology, and wrote it in way that there wasn't a clear "good ending" The outer worlds is what a r/antiwork user percieves capitalism as. Literally in the first 10 minutes an employee calls himself corporate property Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)15:02:52 No.666734253 ► >>666737239 >>666733676 It's meant to be an extreme and satirical version of capitalism, but you idiots get offended anyway.](
Greentext Stories
What did krautanon mean by this | /r/Greentext
![: Anonymous (ID: caQBkgzo 426 KB JPG 02/11/24(Sun)02:25:23 No.19562403 >be me >wagie in the US >wake up at 2 am to start my 18 hour DoorDash shift >go outside, see someone p----- all over my bike again >go pick up first order >get hit 53 times by aggressive drivers on the way there >lose three fingers and my nose >made it just in time so the order doesn't get cancelled and cut from my salary >while picking up the order someone steals my bike >run to the customer to deliver order >out of breath crawl 47 stories and knock on door >customer doesn't give any tips because delivery took one minute 12 seconds longer than anticipated >"No problem Sir, hope you still enjoy the meal Sir, have a good day Sir" >punch myself for not making customer happy >crawl back home to finish my shift >think about ways to pay the pending 132000 $ medical bill for fixing my fingers and nose >go on the webs to glorify the land of the free](
![: Anonymous (ID: caQBkgzo 426 KB JPG 02/11/24(Sun)02:25:23 No.19562403 >be me >wagie in the US >wake up at 2 am to start my 18 hour DoorDash shift >go outside, see someone p----- all over my bike again >go pick up first order >get hit 53 times by aggressive drivers on the way there >lose three fingers and my nose >made it just in time so the order doesn't get cancelled and cut from my salary >while picking up the order someone steals my bike >run to the customer to deliver order >out of breath crawl 47 stories and knock on door >customer doesn't give any tips because delivery took one minute 12 seconds longer than anticipated >"No problem Sir, hope you still enjoy the meal Sir, have a good day Sir" >punch myself for not making customer happy >crawl back home to finish my shift >think about ways to pay the pending 132000 $ medical bill for fixing my fingers and nose >go on the webs to glorify the land of the free](
Greentext Stories
Anon runs a simulation | /r/Greentext
![: Anonymous 02/10/24(Sat)11:06:10 No.913708757 ass.jpg 127 KB JPG Computer, simulate a mid-twentieth century shower room. Eastern European architecture, metal fixtures, wooden doors. Now, feed the shower taps into a pressurized container of hydrogen cyanide and release enough of the gas into the room to kill 200 people at once. >[ERROR MESSAGE]: Hydrogen cyanide is air soluble. The conditions described would not allow for sufficient concentrations of the gas to form. Please change the parameters of the enclosure to achieve the desired effect. Fascinating. Thank you, computer. That's all I needed for now.](
![: Anonymous 02/10/24(Sat)11:06:10 No.913708757 ass.jpg 127 KB JPG Computer, simulate a mid-twentieth century shower room. Eastern European architecture, metal fixtures, wooden doors. Now, feed the shower taps into a pressurized container of hydrogen cyanide and release enough of the gas into the room to kill 200 people at once. >[ERROR MESSAGE]: Hydrogen cyanide is air soluble. The conditions described would not allow for sufficient concentrations of the gas to form. Please change the parameters of the enclosure to achieve the desired effect. Fascinating. Thank you, computer. That's all I needed for now.](
Greentext Stories
Anon asks a question | /r/Greentext
Greentext Stories
Anon is an asshole | /r/Greentext
Greentext Stories