Greentext Stories - Images
Anons post phrases that are nonsense unless you watch/read anime/manga | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon would have you bitches as my maid of honors | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon is phony and homosexual | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Second screw up | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
You come at the king, you best not miss | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon has asshole friends | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon is discouraged. | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon is a singer | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon’s Tragedy in 3 acts | /r/Greentext
![File. ugi autoimanktoneloowict...).jpY 104 RD, 100X094) DG home Twin Pack AUTOMATIC IN-TANK TOILET BOWL CLEANER CARNES ingroo SEVILLING Anonymous 02/17/18(Sat)20:56:08 No.760196915 [Reply] >>760196942 Story time! >be me >be yesterday >toilet is really dirty >decide to buy a some in-tank toilet pills >stuff is highly corrosive >that kind of s--- makes the flushing water bluish >looks funny Anonymous 02/17/18(Sat)20:56:49 No.760196942 File: 1518018704441.jpg (41 KB, 618x530) different color >buy, yellow, red, green puripe etc >litrally toss all of them in the tank >leave them for a few hours than flush >water literally looks like death >king of cool >forget about it and go play pubg Anonymous 02/17/18(Sat)20:57:09 No.760196955 File: 1518671511627.png (42 KB, 655x509) >>760196942 >wake up in the middle of night >go to take a s--- >>water splashes back into my anus > doesnt thing anything of it >wake up next morning to feel something wet around my ass >blood... wati. what? >>760196915 >decide to add some more pills to make color more intense >now flushing water looks like the c-- fom the avatar movie p--- >lightbulb.jpg >to go shop and buy the same stuff in a >>780198955 >call ambulance >they take me to hospital >turns out i literally dissolved my a------ and have to undergo surgeries >why am i like this /b/?](
![File. ugi autoimanktoneloowict...).jpY 104 RD, 100X094) DG home Twin Pack AUTOMATIC IN-TANK TOILET BOWL CLEANER CARNES ingroo SEVILLING Anonymous 02/17/18(Sat)20:56:08 No.760196915 [Reply] >>760196942 Story time! >be me >be yesterday >toilet is really dirty >decide to buy a some in-tank toilet pills >stuff is highly corrosive >that kind of s--- makes the flushing water bluish >looks funny Anonymous 02/17/18(Sat)20:56:49 No.760196942 File: 1518018704441.jpg (41 KB, 618x530) different color >buy, yellow, red, green puripe etc >litrally toss all of them in the tank >leave them for a few hours than flush >water literally looks like death >king of cool >forget about it and go play pubg Anonymous 02/17/18(Sat)20:57:09 No.760196955 File: 1518671511627.png (42 KB, 655x509) >>760196942 >wake up in the middle of night >go to take a s--- >>water splashes back into my anus > doesnt thing anything of it >wake up next morning to feel something wet around my ass >blood... wati. what? >>760196915 >decide to add some more pills to make color more intense >now flushing water looks like the c-- fom the avatar movie p--- >lightbulb.jpg >to go shop and buy the same stuff in a >>780198955 >call ambulance >they take me to hospital >turns out i literally dissolved my a------ and have to undergo surgeries >why am i like this /b/?](
Greentext Stories
Anon is a degenerate | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon has a dream | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon joins a neo Nazi server | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon Is Becoming Racist, No He's Not Racist Anymore, Just Kidding Even More Racist Now, Now He's Way...

Greentext Stories
Anon likes music | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Predictive programming? | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon is strong :D | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories