Kangaskhan after she Mega Evolves in a Pokemon battle.
Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Time chamber update
Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Guts and the Demon Child
Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Vegeta and Trunks
Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Goku and Gohan
Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Kiryu and Haruto
Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Cora and Law
Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Steve Irwin wins this trend I fear

Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Dad asked me to post this on his behalf 💛😂

Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Nahh YOU got 48 hours to respond!

Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"

Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Niggas goin baby for baby in the quotes

Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Jotaro Holding Jolyne
Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Some of these babies look like they came up with the idea for these photos. Lmao.

Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"
Naw nigga YOU got 48 hours to respond bruv 😂

Guys Holding Babies / "You Got 48 Hours to Respond"