Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie - Images
Hi, I’m a climate scientist. You may know me from my greatest hits including, “No, it’s not a natural cycle,” “Yes, I know it’s been warmer before (an...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hi, I’m a #nurse. You might know me from some of my greatest hits like: “please gown and glove before entering the room;” “gel in, gel out;” “stop pul...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hi, I’m a medical student. You might know me from my greatest hits including “hey, I’m sorry to bother you, just wanted to ask if...,” “excuse me, sor...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hi, i'm a mom. You might know me from some of my Greatest Hits like "I thought your game was cancelled", "please don't fart on your sister", "why are ...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
High School Senior in a Movie

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hacker in a movie

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello I’m a high school teacher in a movie. I never hand out tardy slips to students out in the hall when the late bell rings or worry about dress c...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello, I'm a bisexual woman in a movie. I'm evil, sexy, slutty, and hit on everything that moves. I prey on vulnerable young women, seduce upstandin...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello, I'm a graduate student in a movie. I obviously sleep with my dissertation adviser and then murder someone, probably that adviser.

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello, I'm a lawyer in a movie. Every case is a lengthy jury trial where I'm totally outmatched & losing the entire time. Then, at the final possible ...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello, I'm a writer in a movie. I bring a print-out of my long-ass novel to my editor's office & wait while my editor reads the whole thing right in f...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello, I'm a data journalist in a movie. I am not shown.

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello, I’m a journalist in a movie. I drink whole bottles of vodka while reporting in the field but somehow churn out prose my editor deems worthy o...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello, I'm a doctor in a movie. I use defib on a flatlined patient instead of adrenaline, despite knowing that a flatline is the goal of defibrillat...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello, I’m a rabbi in a movie. I wear my tefillin wrong and don’t really know how to pronounce the Hebrew of liturgical phrases that get said 3 time...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie
Hello, I'm an programmer in a movie. I'm white, male, and conspicuously nerdy, and everything I code works on the first try. I'm the Best Coder beca...

Hello, I'm a Professor in a Movie