History Memes - Images
The saddest part that people in Africa and the Middle East know about stuff like Napoleon or the reu...

History Memes
And it was a unanimous decision | History Memes

History Memes
The Austro-Hungarian Empire be like: | History Memes

History Memes
WMDs? The Iraq War? Uday Hussein? Nah, let's get Saddam Hussein off my shoes. | History Memes

History Memes
The US economy alone was larger than all the axis nations combined | History Memes

History Memes
We have the Greats, the Terribles, the Boneless, the Bulgar-Slayer, now it's time for Yu the Enginee...

History Memes
Canada's Geneva To-Do List | History Memes

History Memes
34 years ago, Iraq invaded Kuwait | History Memes
![Iraqi invasion of Kuwait 295 killed 361 wounded Casualties and losses 420 killed 12,000 captured [6] State of Kuwait Iraqi victory Iraq establishes the "Republic of Kuwait on 4 August and annexes it on 28 August 20,000 • 16,000 (Army) [4] 2,200 (Air Force) [4] ⚫ 1,800 (Navy) [4] Northern Kuwait becomes the Saddamiyat al-Mitla' District within Iraq's Basra Governorate • Southern Kuwait becomes Iraq's Kuwait Governorate Gulf War Over 950,000 soldiers 3,113 tanks 1,800 aircraft 2,200 artillery pieces United States United Kingdom France Saudi Arabia Egypt Kuwait Afghan mujahideen[1] Total: 13,488 Argentina Australia Bahrain Casualties and losses Total: 175,000-300,000+ ■Italy Japan Luxembourg Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Niger Norway Bangladesh ■■Belgium Canada Czechoslovakia Denmark Germany Greece Honduras Hungary Qatar Romania ⚫Senegal Sierra Leone Singapore South Korea Spain Coalition victory State of Kuwait resumes self- governance over all Kuwaiti sovereign territory Establishment of a demilitarized zone and construction of a separation barrier along the Iraq-Kuwait border Oman Pakistan Philippines Poland Portugal Sweden Syria Turkey United Arab Emirates](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/874/676/2ca.jpeg)
![Iraqi invasion of Kuwait 295 killed 361 wounded Casualties and losses 420 killed 12,000 captured [6] State of Kuwait Iraqi victory Iraq establishes the "Republic of Kuwait on 4 August and annexes it on 28 August 20,000 • 16,000 (Army) [4] 2,200 (Air Force) [4] ⚫ 1,800 (Navy) [4] Northern Kuwait becomes the Saddamiyat al-Mitla' District within Iraq's Basra Governorate • Southern Kuwait becomes Iraq's Kuwait Governorate Gulf War Over 950,000 soldiers 3,113 tanks 1,800 aircraft 2,200 artillery pieces United States United Kingdom France Saudi Arabia Egypt Kuwait Afghan mujahideen[1] Total: 13,488 Argentina Australia Bahrain Casualties and losses Total: 175,000-300,000+ ■Italy Japan Luxembourg Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Niger Norway Bangladesh ■■Belgium Canada Czechoslovakia Denmark Germany Greece Honduras Hungary Qatar Romania ⚫Senegal Sierra Leone Singapore South Korea Spain Coalition victory State of Kuwait resumes self- governance over all Kuwaiti sovereign territory Establishment of a demilitarized zone and construction of a separation barrier along the Iraq-Kuwait border Oman Pakistan Philippines Poland Portugal Sweden Syria Turkey United Arab Emirates](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/874/676/2ca.jpeg)
History Memes
1826 was not a good year for the Janisarries... | History Memes

History Memes
Happy Anniversary! | History Memes

History Memes
Some people, man | History Memes

History Memes
Whoever made this is out of line | History Memes

History Memes
Imagine his dad lore though | History Memes

History Memes
He even has the stache | History Memes

History Memes
Captain Salomon, a dentist who you would listen to when he tells you to floss. | History Memes

History Memes
History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme | History Memes

History Memes