History Memes - Images
Classic Caesar

History Memes
>tfw you want a nation state

History Memes
Vlad The Trail Camper

History Memes
Sequels, prequels, spinoffs and fanfincs

History Memes
1914 In a Nutshell

History Memes
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.

History Memes
Oh China...

History Memes
Mankind's first recorded attempt at space flight. No, really.

History Memes
Everyone's a Millionaire in Weimar Germany.

History Memes
Rocket Elephants

History Memes
The Russia of the East

History Memes
Or he could've looked at the Habsburgs

History Memes
I mean, we still give Qin Shi Huangdi shit and he's one of the oldest examples

History Memes
ThE rEd PaNtAlOoNs ArE FrAnCe!

History Memes
What Ho, Fine Fellows! Tis an English Civil War Meme.

History Memes
He can't do it alone! Upload history memes to KYM today!

History Memes