Hotel Mario - Images
Nice of King Kai to invite us over for some Training, Eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
Nice of John Hammond to invite us over to Jurassic Park, Eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
Nice of the Red Skull to guide us to the Soul Stone, eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
This Is It Luigi

Hotel Mario
Hotel Mario Maker 2

Hotel Mario
Luigi - Hotel Mario

Hotel Mario
You know what the Rule 34 artists say!

Hotel Mario
Biblical Mario

Hotel Mario
How the Grinch got dragged into the street and stoned for setting us up for dissapointment

Hotel Mario

Hotel Mario
"Nice of Olivia to invite us over to God Hand, eh Luigi?"
Hotel Mario

Hotel Mario
Nice for the ancestor to invite us for trinkets and baubles eh Luigi

Hotel Mario
Nice of the Nice of the NICE OF THE NICE OF THE

Hotel Mario
Classy Hotel Mario

Hotel Mario
Nice of the princess to invite us to pride, gay luigi

Hotel Mario