Hotel Mario - Images
Nice of the princess to buy us tickets to this convention, eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
That ought to do it.

Hotel Mario
Hotel DDR

Hotel Mario
Nice of Monokuma to invite us over for a Killin' Game Eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
Here's the problem, too many toasters.

Hotel Mario
Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh Marie?

Hotel Mario
Nice of the UAC to open that portal, eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
Nice of the Princess to invite us over for coffee, eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
Nice of Eggman to invite us over for dinner, eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
Nice of Don Bluth to invite us over to see his work, eh Luigi? (second half)

Hotel Mario
Nice of Don Bluth to invite us over to see his work, eh Luigi? (first half)

Hotel Mario
Hotel Mario Funny Moments

Hotel Mario
The Last Train Back Home

Hotel Mario
Nominate me for best table decoration by staySOCKY
Hotel Mario
Rapture and Bots

Hotel Mario
Nice of the princess to invite us to NeoGAF, eh Luigi?
Hotel Mario