Hotel Mario - Images
"Aaahhh! After 10,000 years I'm free!"

Hotel Mario

Hotel Mario
Nice of The Darkest Faerie to invite us over a dinner, eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
Nice of Blacksmith Andre to invite over for some upgrades, eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
"Nice of Monokuma to invite us over for a killing game, eh Luigi?"

Hotel Mario
Nice of Griffith to invite us over for a picnic, eh Luigi?

Hotel Mario
"Nice of X to invite us over for/to Y, eh Luigi?" base

Hotel Mario
hotel tintin 3

Hotel Mario
hotel tintin 2

Hotel Mario
hotel tintin 1

Hotel Mario
This is it Luigi

Hotel Mario
Hotel Mario N. Sane Trilogy

Hotel Mario
nice of waldo to invite us over for lunch downtown, eh luigi?
Hotel Mario
This is it Luigi

Hotel Mario
The gang's here

Hotel Mario
Nice of the Elder Kettle to tell us what to do, eh, Luigi?

Hotel Mario