I Have The High Ground - Images
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I Have The High Ground
Soon we’ll get to see him do it again | r/PrequelMemes

I Have The High Ground
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I Have The High Ground
It’s over anime! I have the high ground.

I Have The High Ground
Store Wars

I Have The High Ground
You underestimate my power!

I Have The High Ground
Brothers before Padmes

I Have The High Ground
The geography that I stands compares you superior

I Have The High Ground
It's over christopher robin

I Have The High Ground
It's over Anakin

I Have The High Ground
Deep Star Wars Lore
![File: UwciQ4 png (92 KB, 270x257) ITT Deep Star Wars lore Anonymous 11/02/15/Mon)13:54:34 No.623581486235875 52571118 File: 1421463860206 png (9 KB, 800x600) 62359137 362369138 Essentially what the movies don't explain and you have to work out for yourself is 1) the high ground is a position of unparalleled power in the Force and 2) that each Jedi seen in the films has a unique force ability (sort of like Stands in Jojo in some ways) Because Obi-Wan always has the high ground from a certain point of view Someone cap this thread Obi Wan's ability is 'A Certain Point of View'. This allows him to interpret the high ground according to his own view of the situation: for example in the picture although he is below Darth Maul he can use A Certain Point of View' to actually be on the high ground in comparison to him. He uses this ability at multiple points in the series, including when Darth Vader strikes him down and he ascends to a higher plane of existence (Vader had thought to counter him by fighting on a flat, featureless floor but this backfired) granting him unimaginable power through 'A Certain Point of View. This ability could be considered similar to Jojo's King Crimson or Medaka Box's All-Fiction. So Obi-Wan just makes sure that in all circumstances, he is in the high ground from his frame of reference, and as such is invincible Vader's power is "Spinning. This is an extremely powerful ability as well and in some ways the perfect counter to 'A Certain Point of View'. By using 'Spinning. Vader changes the environment so It is therefore fitting that Obi-Wan died when fighting Darth Vader in a New Hope. Darth Vader proved his boast about his newfound mastery by engaging Obi-Wan on a completely flat surface, such that there existed no frame of reference from which Obi-Wan had the high ground that it's almost impossible for his opponent to determine the high ground, which is shifting constantly. Vader has experience with his own power and can choose to strike only when 'Spinning' gives him the high ground. Vader's use of this ability as a young boy is what marked him out as the Chosen One of the Force. In the fight where Obi Wan defeats Anakin, you can actually see Anakin beginning to spin as he makes the leap it's just unfortunate that Obi Wan had experience fighting Spinning through training with Anakin and, for instance, fighting General Grievous.This power could be considered similar to Jojo's Gold Experience Requiem Anonymous 01/17/15(Sat)02:27:21 No.52558419 File: 12323343454 ipg (46 KB, 500x388) Anonymous 01/17/15(Sat)02:20:33 No.5255832752558419 52558774 52558305 High ground is the most powerful technique and he exploited it amazingly. He even allowed himself to die so he could train Luke from a higher plain of existence 52558327 so he could train Luke from a higher plain of existence. Here: in this video you can see Vader use 'Spinning' to defeat Luke Skywalker's position on the high ground https://www.youtube.com/watch?v AgulSScl4jY [Embed] [Embed] Anonymous 11/02/15(Mon)14.05:27 No.62358416 fuuug Sheev's power is 'it's Treason Then, which allows him to shift the perception of situations towards the conclusion that the other party has betrayed him, which briefly gives him the moral High Ground. That's how Sheev was able to quickly dispose of three highly-skilled Jedi Masters and yet slowly lose the fight to Mace, because his High Ground bonus was only temporary Compare that to his fight with Yoda, which was held within the Galactic Senate room, the spotlight of galactic politics, which made Yoda's treason clear and gave Sheev a High Ground advantage with essentially infinite duration It's less about Obi Wan having the high ground, and more about him having a different ground to his opponent He can't win if he's on the same surface as you (Dooku and Vader). He can't lose if he's on a different attitude (Maul, Grievous, Anakin). He's a master of the high ground, but that doesn't imply that he has to be the one ON the high ground itself, the high ground just has to be present in the battle Obi Wan, when given the high ground, is canonic ally the strongest Jedi. This is irrefutable If Yoda didn't stop Obi Wan when he said he wanted to kill Sheev, there's a better chance he could have won on account of the many available altitude differences seen in the Yoda x Sheev fight. But Yoda, filled with typic al Jedi arrogance, refused to let him do so, and wanted the glory of killing Sheev himself. Obviously, he failed, because you can't cleave the Sheev in a normal 1v1 battle Anonymous 01/17/15(Sat)08:22:26 No.5256461852564673252564889 File: tmp 14207 Anonymous 11/02/15(Mon)14:10:44 No.62358532 1428x6 Mace has 'This Party's Over, which allows him to temporanily reverse the possession of the High Ground, snatching a probable victory from the jaws of almost certain defeat. For example took the High Ground from the spectators of the Collosseum and gave it to the Jedi However, as Dooku then called for backup, the high ground advantage was swiftly lost, resulting in what would have been a crushing defeat had the Clones not arrived We're onto something /tvl. When Sheev took on the Jedi in his office, he took the high ground by leaping above them, but made one critical mistake: he tried Spinning. Grievous tried Spinning. Maul did a lot of spinning. Dooku even spun once or twice - however only one character in the Star Wars franchise was able to successfully employ spinning in anything but a Starship (I believe Obi Wan beat a pair of missiles this way) - that character? Anakin. eryone knows spinning is a good trick, but only the Chosen One can spin. This is because spinning employs a yin-yang approach, giving you a high-ground from above and a high-ground from below. All below the spin are low- ground, both from their perspective and physically - In this Universe, spinninh makes you the temporary center of the cosmos Anonymous 11/02/15(Mon)14:13:48 No 6235862862358708 Why else would Obi Wan be so emotional when he delivers the line "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!"? Because Anakin fails to spin. Obi Wan expected to lose the high ground to the spin, but he turned the spin against Anakin, lopping off three limbs at once. Vader never recovered, and not once more did he spin in the entire franc hise I am pretty sure that Grievous had an ability named "You Must Realise You Are Doomed that he powered by using the residual force echoes contained in his trophy sabers as batteries, and allowed him to force his opponent to see themselves as having the low ground This is why Obi-Wan was chosen to fight him, as 'From a Certain Point of View would just allow him to switch his perception of the high ground again, thus nullifying Grievous' powers Light and Dark. The High Ground, the Spin Cycle Also, Qui-Gon had 'Always a Bigger Fish, an esoteric power which held that even if his opponent had the high ground relative to him there would still be something else that held the high ground relative to them, typically resulting in 'accidents' involving scenery or wildlife 55Anonymous 01/17/15(Sat)10:00:32 No.52567355 2252567695 An 15/(Sat)08:24:29 No.52564673 ous (307 KB, 1991x2560) Anonymous 11/02/15(n)14:15:39 No 62358681 Spinning literally worked out quite well for Sheev Yoda had Size Matters Not, which nullified the difference in physic al heights completely, making it impossible for anyone to attain a high- advantage requiring a physical component. Only Metaphoric al high grounds can be used against Yoda which is why he was the Jedi Bunk, you say? Did he spin after that? No. Did spinning defeat Mace Dindu? No. Anakin came to the rescue. He is the one who Spins. Sheev trusted him, because he knew that Anakin could spin the Sith from the low ground of their dormancy to the high ground and usurp the Republic Your theory is bunk Sheev never had to have the physical high ground. He relied on the emotional high ground, which is why his dais was so high in the Senate, representing a high ground in politics Anonymous 11/02/15(Mon)14 18:52 No.623587772262359137 You can see that I am right. Search your feelings. You know it to be true Dooku had [You Have Fought Gallantly]. His powers are negation-based- any and all higher-ground-based abilities are cancelled out, and more mundane Force powers like telekinesis and lightning and swordplay become the only paths of victory He died because Sheev's [It's Treason Then] combined with the Rule of Two meant that Dooku was always going to betray him one day which means that Sheev would always have the high ground. And since Sheev was planning to betray Dooku and was pretending to be on Anakin's side, [Spinningl won the day If obi-wan took on sidious in the senate he would have got his ass stomped > obi-wan has the high ground morally and physically with respect to his ability, in that senate chamber > but before they got to the chamber they were in the emperor's office and he was on level ground with him there, sidious was on his own high ground and would have had lightning shooting between his teeth like luke > Even in the senate chamber despite Obi-Wan being able to get the High Ground repeatedly and whenever he wanted. Sidious has a proverbial P-Wing of high ground because while he is morally bankrupt the Galaxy still Supports his Rule > Also being physically below or above sidious in the senate chamber means nothing because he would be moving the ground/levels which means technically everything is below Sidious in that room because the ground itself is the high ground. This is why Sidious never remained on the same lift as Yoda](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/399/132/312.png)
![File: UwciQ4 png (92 KB, 270x257) ITT Deep Star Wars lore Anonymous 11/02/15/Mon)13:54:34 No.623581486235875 52571118 File: 1421463860206 png (9 KB, 800x600) 62359137 362369138 Essentially what the movies don't explain and you have to work out for yourself is 1) the high ground is a position of unparalleled power in the Force and 2) that each Jedi seen in the films has a unique force ability (sort of like Stands in Jojo in some ways) Because Obi-Wan always has the high ground from a certain point of view Someone cap this thread Obi Wan's ability is 'A Certain Point of View'. This allows him to interpret the high ground according to his own view of the situation: for example in the picture although he is below Darth Maul he can use A Certain Point of View' to actually be on the high ground in comparison to him. He uses this ability at multiple points in the series, including when Darth Vader strikes him down and he ascends to a higher plane of existence (Vader had thought to counter him by fighting on a flat, featureless floor but this backfired) granting him unimaginable power through 'A Certain Point of View. This ability could be considered similar to Jojo's King Crimson or Medaka Box's All-Fiction. So Obi-Wan just makes sure that in all circumstances, he is in the high ground from his frame of reference, and as such is invincible Vader's power is "Spinning. This is an extremely powerful ability as well and in some ways the perfect counter to 'A Certain Point of View'. By using 'Spinning. Vader changes the environment so It is therefore fitting that Obi-Wan died when fighting Darth Vader in a New Hope. Darth Vader proved his boast about his newfound mastery by engaging Obi-Wan on a completely flat surface, such that there existed no frame of reference from which Obi-Wan had the high ground that it's almost impossible for his opponent to determine the high ground, which is shifting constantly. Vader has experience with his own power and can choose to strike only when 'Spinning' gives him the high ground. Vader's use of this ability as a young boy is what marked him out as the Chosen One of the Force. In the fight where Obi Wan defeats Anakin, you can actually see Anakin beginning to spin as he makes the leap it's just unfortunate that Obi Wan had experience fighting Spinning through training with Anakin and, for instance, fighting General Grievous.This power could be considered similar to Jojo's Gold Experience Requiem Anonymous 01/17/15(Sat)02:27:21 No.52558419 File: 12323343454 ipg (46 KB, 500x388) Anonymous 01/17/15(Sat)02:20:33 No.5255832752558419 52558774 52558305 High ground is the most powerful technique and he exploited it amazingly. He even allowed himself to die so he could train Luke from a higher plain of existence 52558327 so he could train Luke from a higher plain of existence. Here: in this video you can see Vader use 'Spinning' to defeat Luke Skywalker's position on the high ground https://www.youtube.com/watch?v AgulSScl4jY [Embed] [Embed] Anonymous 11/02/15(Mon)14.05:27 No.62358416 fuuug Sheev's power is 'it's Treason Then, which allows him to shift the perception of situations towards the conclusion that the other party has betrayed him, which briefly gives him the moral High Ground. That's how Sheev was able to quickly dispose of three highly-skilled Jedi Masters and yet slowly lose the fight to Mace, because his High Ground bonus was only temporary Compare that to his fight with Yoda, which was held within the Galactic Senate room, the spotlight of galactic politics, which made Yoda's treason clear and gave Sheev a High Ground advantage with essentially infinite duration It's less about Obi Wan having the high ground, and more about him having a different ground to his opponent He can't win if he's on the same surface as you (Dooku and Vader). He can't lose if he's on a different attitude (Maul, Grievous, Anakin). He's a master of the high ground, but that doesn't imply that he has to be the one ON the high ground itself, the high ground just has to be present in the battle Obi Wan, when given the high ground, is canonic ally the strongest Jedi. This is irrefutable If Yoda didn't stop Obi Wan when he said he wanted to kill Sheev, there's a better chance he could have won on account of the many available altitude differences seen in the Yoda x Sheev fight. But Yoda, filled with typic al Jedi arrogance, refused to let him do so, and wanted the glory of killing Sheev himself. Obviously, he failed, because you can't cleave the Sheev in a normal 1v1 battle Anonymous 01/17/15(Sat)08:22:26 No.5256461852564673252564889 File: tmp 14207 Anonymous 11/02/15(Mon)14:10:44 No.62358532 1428x6 Mace has 'This Party's Over, which allows him to temporanily reverse the possession of the High Ground, snatching a probable victory from the jaws of almost certain defeat. For example took the High Ground from the spectators of the Collosseum and gave it to the Jedi However, as Dooku then called for backup, the high ground advantage was swiftly lost, resulting in what would have been a crushing defeat had the Clones not arrived We're onto something /tvl. When Sheev took on the Jedi in his office, he took the high ground by leaping above them, but made one critical mistake: he tried Spinning. Grievous tried Spinning. Maul did a lot of spinning. Dooku even spun once or twice - however only one character in the Star Wars franchise was able to successfully employ spinning in anything but a Starship (I believe Obi Wan beat a pair of missiles this way) - that character? Anakin. eryone knows spinning is a good trick, but only the Chosen One can spin. This is because spinning employs a yin-yang approach, giving you a high-ground from above and a high-ground from below. All below the spin are low- ground, both from their perspective and physically - In this Universe, spinninh makes you the temporary center of the cosmos Anonymous 11/02/15(Mon)14:13:48 No 6235862862358708 Why else would Obi Wan be so emotional when he delivers the line "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!"? Because Anakin fails to spin. Obi Wan expected to lose the high ground to the spin, but he turned the spin against Anakin, lopping off three limbs at once. Vader never recovered, and not once more did he spin in the entire franc hise I am pretty sure that Grievous had an ability named "You Must Realise You Are Doomed that he powered by using the residual force echoes contained in his trophy sabers as batteries, and allowed him to force his opponent to see themselves as having the low ground This is why Obi-Wan was chosen to fight him, as 'From a Certain Point of View would just allow him to switch his perception of the high ground again, thus nullifying Grievous' powers Light and Dark. The High Ground, the Spin Cycle Also, Qui-Gon had 'Always a Bigger Fish, an esoteric power which held that even if his opponent had the high ground relative to him there would still be something else that held the high ground relative to them, typically resulting in 'accidents' involving scenery or wildlife 55Anonymous 01/17/15(Sat)10:00:32 No.52567355 2252567695 An 15/(Sat)08:24:29 No.52564673 ous (307 KB, 1991x2560) Anonymous 11/02/15(n)14:15:39 No 62358681 Spinning literally worked out quite well for Sheev Yoda had Size Matters Not, which nullified the difference in physic al heights completely, making it impossible for anyone to attain a high- advantage requiring a physical component. Only Metaphoric al high grounds can be used against Yoda which is why he was the Jedi Bunk, you say? Did he spin after that? No. Did spinning defeat Mace Dindu? No. Anakin came to the rescue. He is the one who Spins. Sheev trusted him, because he knew that Anakin could spin the Sith from the low ground of their dormancy to the high ground and usurp the Republic Your theory is bunk Sheev never had to have the physical high ground. He relied on the emotional high ground, which is why his dais was so high in the Senate, representing a high ground in politics Anonymous 11/02/15(Mon)14 18:52 No.623587772262359137 You can see that I am right. Search your feelings. You know it to be true Dooku had [You Have Fought Gallantly]. His powers are negation-based- any and all higher-ground-based abilities are cancelled out, and more mundane Force powers like telekinesis and lightning and swordplay become the only paths of victory He died because Sheev's [It's Treason Then] combined with the Rule of Two meant that Dooku was always going to betray him one day which means that Sheev would always have the high ground. And since Sheev was planning to betray Dooku and was pretending to be on Anakin's side, [Spinningl won the day If obi-wan took on sidious in the senate he would have got his ass stomped > obi-wan has the high ground morally and physically with respect to his ability, in that senate chamber > but before they got to the chamber they were in the emperor's office and he was on level ground with him there, sidious was on his own high ground and would have had lightning shooting between his teeth like luke > Even in the senate chamber despite Obi-Wan being able to get the High Ground repeatedly and whenever he wanted. Sidious has a proverbial P-Wing of high ground because while he is morally bankrupt the Galaxy still Supports his Rule > Also being physically below or above sidious in the senate chamber means nothing because he would be moving the ground/levels which means technically everything is below Sidious in that room because the ground itself is the high ground. This is why Sidious never remained on the same lift as Yoda](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/399/132/312.png)
I Have The High Ground
oh Jack, save me like one of your French droids

I Have The High Ground
Game Over

I Have The High Ground
It’s over Obi-Wan!

I Have The High Ground
It's over mannequin

I Have The High Ground
Star vs the Forces of High Ground

I Have The High Ground