Infographic Dumps - Images
![From July 12-14th, the Wieden + Kennedy agency produced a series of 181 YouTube videos which feature Old Spice spokesperson Isaiah Mustafa addressing various internet users Following the success of their Superbowl ad, The Man Your Man Could Smell Like, the videos generated over 23 million views in the first 36 hours of the campaign Campaign 3.5 Re: Evervone Re: Alyssa Milano 1-4 3.0 2.5 2.0 Re: Gilette Will it Blend: iPhone4 Re: Perez Hiltorn #3 Re: Rose Re: Alyssa Milano 1 0.5 0 Response Types (181 Videos with 42,619,987 Views) High-Profile responses to celebrity or other influential commenters Mid-Profile videos to mildly influential blogs and twitterers Unprompted unsolicited responses to questions unrelated to the Old Spice campaign Meta includes the two videos addressin Isaiah Mustafa and his daugter Hayley Low-Profile Group videos are addressed to Everyone and Anonymous responses to regular commenters 113 25 videos videoS videos videoS videos videos 43.18% 37.7 % 5.69% 1.47% 1.82% 10.12% of views of views of vieWS of views of views of views Sources: YouTube and Know Your Meme. View counts as of July 23, 2010. For more info, go to:](
![From July 12-14th, the Wieden + Kennedy agency produced a series of 181 YouTube videos which feature Old Spice spokesperson Isaiah Mustafa addressing various internet users Following the success of their Superbowl ad, The Man Your Man Could Smell Like, the videos generated over 23 million views in the first 36 hours of the campaign Campaign 3.5 Re: Evervone Re: Alyssa Milano 1-4 3.0 2.5 2.0 Re: Gilette Will it Blend: iPhone4 Re: Perez Hiltorn #3 Re: Rose Re: Alyssa Milano 1 0.5 0 Response Types (181 Videos with 42,619,987 Views) High-Profile responses to celebrity or other influential commenters Mid-Profile videos to mildly influential blogs and twitterers Unprompted unsolicited responses to questions unrelated to the Old Spice campaign Meta includes the two videos addressin Isaiah Mustafa and his daugter Hayley Low-Profile Group videos are addressed to Everyone and Anonymous responses to regular commenters 113 25 videos videoS videos videoS videos videos 43.18% 37.7 % 5.69% 1.47% 1.82% 10.12% of views of views of vieWS of views of views of views Sources: YouTube and Know Your Meme. View counts as of July 23, 2010. For more info, go to:](
Infographic Dumps
![THE HISTORY OF RICKRLLING Rickroling originally began as an internet prank where one person would be provided a link to something allegedly awesome. When they clicked the link they would be taken to Rick Astley's video Never Gonna Give You Up. something decidedly not awesome 1 MAY 2007 IS THE RUMORED BIRTH DATE OF THE WORLDS FIRST RICKROLL WHICH TOOK PLACE ON 4CHAN MAY 2007 APRIL 2008 BY APRIL OF 2008, OVER 25 MILLION PEOPLE HAD VIEWED RICK ASTLEYS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE. T WAS LISTENED TO MORE THAN.... 50 MILLION T A link supposedly redirecting to a trailer for the game Grand Theft Auto Ⅳ was nstead a Rickroll RICKROLLING is the evolution of DUCKROLLING where a link misdirects to a photo of a duck on wheels This in turn came about when a script on the 4chan message boards changed the word EGG to DUCK 2. DUCK ROLLING IS STILL FUNNY. RICKROLLING IS NOTt. Rickrolling is one of the 3. few Internet memes to have ACTUALLY ESCAPED THEINTERNET. Thus fa real world Rickrolling has 0O DURING NUMEROUS SUBWAY ATAMETS GAME SCIENTOLOGY STATIONS AROUND METS FANS BOOED THE SONG) PROTESTS THE WORLD ON APRIL FOOLS DAY 2008, EVERY VIDEO ON YOUTUBE'S HOMEPAGE REDIRECTED TO A RICKROLL 4. At the 2008 Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade RICK ASTLEY PERFORMED A LIVE RICKR 6. WE RICK The original YouTube video had been viewed more than 30 MILLION TIMES before it was mistakenly pulled for a terms of use violation in 2010 AFTER NUMEROUS BROUGHT BACK THE SAME DAY. 7. Pete Waterman co-wrote 'Never Gonna Give You Up. COMPLAINTS,IT WAS HIS ROYALTIES AFTER 150 MIL YOUTUBE PLAYS..WERE ONLY $16 LION 8. IPHONES WERE TARGETED BY A RICKROLL WORM THAT CHANGED THE BACKGROUND IMAGE TOA PICTURE OF RICK ASTLEY The hacker who developed the worm was later GIVEN A JOB developing iPhone applications NEVER THERE HAVE BEEN NUMEROUS VARIATIONS OF THE RICKROLL SINCEUP IT BECAME POPULAR INCLUDING: GME YOU ● BARACK ROLL featuring spliced clips of Barack Obama saying the lyrics to Rick Astleys song NEVER LET YOU POLM ● BEL AIR ROLL featuring the song cut with the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air .KIP ROLL featuring Mudkip Pokemon MAKE YOU 10. Microsoft uses Rickrolling as A METHOD OF monopolize wi-fi signals at their conferences EOPLE who Users who were downloading torrent files were Rickrolled In response to Rickrolling, Rick Astley wrote about 4chan's founder, moot, for TIME'S 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OF 2009 ISSUE in lineSchools Deign by Elle konirg tpwwwtmecon/tnelspecialsl pockogeslariclh/0.28804,1894410.1893837 189418000h](
![THE HISTORY OF RICKRLLING Rickroling originally began as an internet prank where one person would be provided a link to something allegedly awesome. When they clicked the link they would be taken to Rick Astley's video Never Gonna Give You Up. something decidedly not awesome 1 MAY 2007 IS THE RUMORED BIRTH DATE OF THE WORLDS FIRST RICKROLL WHICH TOOK PLACE ON 4CHAN MAY 2007 APRIL 2008 BY APRIL OF 2008, OVER 25 MILLION PEOPLE HAD VIEWED RICK ASTLEYS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE. T WAS LISTENED TO MORE THAN.... 50 MILLION T A link supposedly redirecting to a trailer for the game Grand Theft Auto Ⅳ was nstead a Rickroll RICKROLLING is the evolution of DUCKROLLING where a link misdirects to a photo of a duck on wheels This in turn came about when a script on the 4chan message boards changed the word EGG to DUCK 2. DUCK ROLLING IS STILL FUNNY. RICKROLLING IS NOTt. Rickrolling is one of the 3. few Internet memes to have ACTUALLY ESCAPED THEINTERNET. Thus fa real world Rickrolling has 0O DURING NUMEROUS SUBWAY ATAMETS GAME SCIENTOLOGY STATIONS AROUND METS FANS BOOED THE SONG) PROTESTS THE WORLD ON APRIL FOOLS DAY 2008, EVERY VIDEO ON YOUTUBE'S HOMEPAGE REDIRECTED TO A RICKROLL 4. At the 2008 Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade RICK ASTLEY PERFORMED A LIVE RICKR 6. WE RICK The original YouTube video had been viewed more than 30 MILLION TIMES before it was mistakenly pulled for a terms of use violation in 2010 AFTER NUMEROUS BROUGHT BACK THE SAME DAY. 7. Pete Waterman co-wrote 'Never Gonna Give You Up. COMPLAINTS,IT WAS HIS ROYALTIES AFTER 150 MIL YOUTUBE PLAYS..WERE ONLY $16 LION 8. IPHONES WERE TARGETED BY A RICKROLL WORM THAT CHANGED THE BACKGROUND IMAGE TOA PICTURE OF RICK ASTLEY The hacker who developed the worm was later GIVEN A JOB developing iPhone applications NEVER THERE HAVE BEEN NUMEROUS VARIATIONS OF THE RICKROLL SINCEUP IT BECAME POPULAR INCLUDING: GME YOU ● BARACK ROLL featuring spliced clips of Barack Obama saying the lyrics to Rick Astleys song NEVER LET YOU POLM ● BEL AIR ROLL featuring the song cut with the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air .KIP ROLL featuring Mudkip Pokemon MAKE YOU 10. Microsoft uses Rickrolling as A METHOD OF monopolize wi-fi signals at their conferences EOPLE who Users who were downloading torrent files were Rickrolled In response to Rickrolling, Rick Astley wrote about 4chan's founder, moot, for TIME'S 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OF 2009 ISSUE in lineSchools Deign by Elle konirg tpwwwtmecon/tnelspecialsl pockogeslariclh/0.28804,1894410.1893837 189418000h](
Infographic Dumps
What's under your mask?
![Batman (1 tao) l Vondettaceo05) | Tho Maak (1004) | wntelun息sa1000) : Gladiator (18000) : Piiantatt, of Paradise, 1074) Lord of the Rings (oo Daredevil 1200) Star Wars 37)Clockwork Orange 17)Phantom of the Opers (3004) Nacho Libre (2008) | Predator (g007) T!ae Mask of Zorro (1989) | 300 (toco)了X-Men (2000) | nao Spirit (2000) | Polat Break : : 901) Donnie Darlco (20O0L)Les Yeux sans Visage (190O) Catwoman (e2004)Amadess(1884) 1 Sleace of the Lambs 3991 Priday 12th ( 10g0) : π。booop (1087) | Ryes wide Shut ( 1009) | Saw (2004) : Hollow Man (2000) | Star war. 1977) 1 300 (2005) Iron Man (008 FantdmAS 101)Harry Potter (200T) Star Wars (1980 The Mask of Fa Maooh 393) loween 1978) The Man with the Iren Mask (1930) What's under your Mask?](
![Batman (1 tao) l Vondettaceo05) | Tho Maak (1004) | wntelun息sa1000) : Gladiator (18000) : Piiantatt, of Paradise, 1074) Lord of the Rings (oo Daredevil 1200) Star Wars 37)Clockwork Orange 17)Phantom of the Opers (3004) Nacho Libre (2008) | Predator (g007) T!ae Mask of Zorro (1989) | 300 (toco)了X-Men (2000) | nao Spirit (2000) | Polat Break : : 901) Donnie Darlco (20O0L)Les Yeux sans Visage (190O) Catwoman (e2004)Amadess(1884) 1 Sleace of the Lambs 3991 Priday 12th ( 10g0) : π。booop (1087) | Ryes wide Shut ( 1009) | Saw (2004) : Hollow Man (2000) | Star war. 1977) 1 300 (2005) Iron Man (008 FantdmAS 101)Harry Potter (200T) Star Wars (1980 The Mask of Fa Maooh 393) loween 1978) The Man with the Iren Mask (1930) What's under your Mask?](
Infographic Dumps
![A CHEESE TOASTY MA Kl Slice 2 sections from a loaf of bread. Wash your handt thoroughly under a tap Take a knife and spread butter Prepare the butter and cheese. on Hhe bread covering mott of the surface. Place cheese onto one slice of bread, then flphe other slice on top, to form a sandwich Place the sandwich in a sandwich maker dlote the tandwich maker and let cook for pproximately 2 minutes open sandwitkh maker and place the toasty orn a plate, Enjoy!](
![A CHEESE TOASTY MA Kl Slice 2 sections from a loaf of bread. Wash your handt thoroughly under a tap Take a knife and spread butter Prepare the butter and cheese. on Hhe bread covering mott of the surface. Place cheese onto one slice of bread, then flphe other slice on top, to form a sandwich Place the sandwich in a sandwich maker dlote the tandwich maker and let cook for pproximately 2 minutes open sandwitkh maker and place the toasty orn a plate, Enjoy!](
Infographic Dumps
![Processor Card Slots COMPUTER HARDWARE CHART NoteBook RAM Hard Drives Ports Sler A AMO Ahion- 242 Desktop Seria BusADB 804 Mac Procesor Bict-148 pins RAM Ram Processor Card Sockets DB-25 Serial/Com Port DE 2.8" Laptop IDE PATA 44 pin RS232 3.5" Desktop IDE PATA 40 pin Centronics SCSI 50pi T Keyboard PAC 418 neel Tarium-418 pire PA-RISC 8803 and 8900 intel hanium stereo/-Li隡 In Mic SCSI IDC urround sou RCAplug style MMC-1 280 pins PC100/133 Composit AudioWideo Video RF/COAX Micro artridge·240 pins Apple 63/G4G5 Processor card socket 300 pins SCSI SCA 80 pin ODIMM er DDR/DDR2 ganeport/AUI/DA-1S DisplayPort SCSI SAS 7 pin (data) t-Density 낳ideo Apple Display Connector . ADC FH60 (dual DVI DMS59 dual DVI DDR2 PDS 8b Desktop Ram HD-15 VGA/SVGA Memory CPU Sockets AMD/INTEL- AND :" Apple:■ 0ther: 1pc116b INTEL: ve PEN DIP 0286, 803 100 pins es 0486 0X, DX2, DX4 SX. x2 ntet Pentium 6oe6unz 273 pns nlel Pentium, MMX, AMO K3, K6, Pentium Pro Pentuim Overde:337 pin 370 pins rocessor Direct LOA 7S/Socket T LGA 1388 Socket B LBA771/ Socket J nte Xeon Pentum 4/atrePertium Peripheral Component Socket 423 Pentum 4-423 pins Celeron D. Core 2Oue Core 2 Extreme, Celpron Xeon 3000 Core 2 Ouad 775 pins mel Xeon, Moble Pentium 4- 803 ping 232 pin 32bit RDRAM Peripheral Component Interconnect Expres Peripheral Coeponent Interconnect Express PCIe x8 Socket 47 /NFCPSAIMPGA4T9M Socket 479v2/ mPGA478 Celeron DM P4 Extreme Cone 2 Duo Pentum Dint-Core. Ceeron 9a9 pins Extromo, Peniom M Mobs Celeron Laptog Cone sclolduo, Core 2 0ue 478 pins Geleron M-478 pin Accelerted Graphics Port AGP 1.5volt Graphics Port AGP 3.3vo Release dae LGA 71518ecket H replaces Soch TLGA 775 Super Socket 7 Sockst A Socket 462 Socket 754 Socket $39 Atioe Dison, Ahion XP Ailon XP Athion 64, Sempron, Turion 754 pin Athion 04 Attion 321 ps Accellerated Graphics Port AGP Pro 1.Svol 433 pis 939 pi Periphe Bocket 583/Socket A compact Socket G34 Neat Gen AMO procesor socket 1974 pins Bockat 940 Bocket F / Socket 1207 Moble Ahion XP Truign 64x2 Athion Mobile, 8empron 633 pins 40 pies Phenom (AM2+)-940 pis 1207 pins FB-DIMM Bocket 4531 Socket NeGern DEC Alpha 21164-499 pina 128 phg Power Connectors Extended Industry Standard Industry Standard Architecture ISA 16bi Pins r motherboard pins tondard ArchitectureISA 8bit/PC Bus 02009](
![Processor Card Slots COMPUTER HARDWARE CHART NoteBook RAM Hard Drives Ports Sler A AMO Ahion- 242 Desktop Seria BusADB 804 Mac Procesor Bict-148 pins RAM Ram Processor Card Sockets DB-25 Serial/Com Port DE 2.8" Laptop IDE PATA 44 pin RS232 3.5" Desktop IDE PATA 40 pin Centronics SCSI 50pi T Keyboard PAC 418 neel Tarium-418 pire PA-RISC 8803 and 8900 intel hanium stereo/-Li隡 In Mic SCSI IDC urround sou RCAplug style MMC-1 280 pins PC100/133 Composit AudioWideo Video RF/COAX Micro artridge·240 pins Apple 63/G4G5 Processor card socket 300 pins SCSI SCA 80 pin ODIMM er DDR/DDR2 ganeport/AUI/DA-1S DisplayPort SCSI SAS 7 pin (data) t-Density 낳ideo Apple Display Connector . ADC FH60 (dual DVI DMS59 dual DVI DDR2 PDS 8b Desktop Ram HD-15 VGA/SVGA Memory CPU Sockets AMD/INTEL- AND :" Apple:■ 0ther: 1pc116b INTEL: ve PEN DIP 0286, 803 100 pins es 0486 0X, DX2, DX4 SX. x2 ntet Pentium 6oe6unz 273 pns nlel Pentium, MMX, AMO K3, K6, Pentium Pro Pentuim Overde:337 pin 370 pins rocessor Direct LOA 7S/Socket T LGA 1388 Socket B LBA771/ Socket J nte Xeon Pentum 4/atrePertium Peripheral Component Socket 423 Pentum 4-423 pins Celeron D. Core 2Oue Core 2 Extreme, Celpron Xeon 3000 Core 2 Ouad 775 pins mel Xeon, Moble Pentium 4- 803 ping 232 pin 32bit RDRAM Peripheral Component Interconnect Expres Peripheral Coeponent Interconnect Express PCIe x8 Socket 47 /NFCPSAIMPGA4T9M Socket 479v2/ mPGA478 Celeron DM P4 Extreme Cone 2 Duo Pentum Dint-Core. Ceeron 9a9 pins Extromo, Peniom M Mobs Celeron Laptog Cone sclolduo, Core 2 0ue 478 pins Geleron M-478 pin Accelerted Graphics Port AGP 1.5volt Graphics Port AGP 3.3vo Release dae LGA 71518ecket H replaces Soch TLGA 775 Super Socket 7 Sockst A Socket 462 Socket 754 Socket $39 Atioe Dison, Ahion XP Ailon XP Athion 64, Sempron, Turion 754 pin Athion 04 Attion 321 ps Accellerated Graphics Port AGP Pro 1.Svol 433 pis 939 pi Periphe Bocket 583/Socket A compact Socket G34 Neat Gen AMO procesor socket 1974 pins Bockat 940 Bocket F / Socket 1207 Moble Ahion XP Truign 64x2 Athion Mobile, 8empron 633 pins 40 pies Phenom (AM2+)-940 pis 1207 pins FB-DIMM Bocket 4531 Socket NeGern DEC Alpha 21164-499 pina 128 phg Power Connectors Extended Industry Standard Industry Standard Architecture ISA 16bi Pins r motherboard pins tondard ArchitectureISA 8bit/PC Bus 02009](
Infographic Dumps
![The knee Posture High heels push the center of mass in the body forward, taking the hips and spine out of alignment. The altered posture of walking PATELLA FEMUR in high heels places excess force on the inside of the knee-a common site of osteoarthritis among women. One study Pressure High heels may make legs look longer, but as the heel height goes up, so does the pressure on the forefoot found that knee joint pressure increased by as much as 26 percent when a woman wears TIBIA heels Pressure increases on forefoot when wearing: 3-inch heels +76% +57% GASTROCNEMIUS MUSCLE CORRECT 1 22% ALTERED The calf Calf muscles contract and adjust to the angle of the high heels. Muscles may shorten and tighten. TIGHTENED RELAXED Morton's neuroma Heel height and a narrow toebox can create a thickening of tissue around a nerve between the third and fourth toes, which can lead to pain and numbness in the toes. SOLEUS MUSCLE erves Achilles tendon When the front of the foot moves down in relation to the heel, the Achilles tendon tightens up Tendon The higher the heel, the shorter the tendon becomes, creating TIGHTENED RELAXED Bunions Tight-fitting shoes can cause a bony growth on the joint at the base of the big toe, which forces the big toe to angle in toward the other toes. resulting in pain. Bony growth Pump bump The rigid backs or straps of high heels can irritate the heel, creating a bony enlargement also known as Haglund's deformity Ankle injuries High heels impair balance a wearer is at a greater risk of falling, which could lead to a sprained or broken ankle Corn Muscle Callus Metatarsalgia High heels force the body's weight to be redistributed. Prolonged wear can lead to joint pain in the of the foot Middle Ball of foot Hammertoes A narrow toebox pushes the smaller toes into a bent position at the middle joint. Eventually, the muscles in the second, third and fourth toes become unable to straighten, even when there is no confining shoe SOURCES: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American Apparel & Footwear Association, American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, Mayo Clinic, Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, "Women's Shoes and Knee Osteoarthritis," by D. Casey Kerrigan, Jennifer L. Lelas, Mark E. Karvosky, The Lancet 2001: 357: 1097-1098 GRAPHIC: Reporting by Brenna Maloney, The Washington Post](
![The knee Posture High heels push the center of mass in the body forward, taking the hips and spine out of alignment. The altered posture of walking PATELLA FEMUR in high heels places excess force on the inside of the knee-a common site of osteoarthritis among women. One study Pressure High heels may make legs look longer, but as the heel height goes up, so does the pressure on the forefoot found that knee joint pressure increased by as much as 26 percent when a woman wears TIBIA heels Pressure increases on forefoot when wearing: 3-inch heels +76% +57% GASTROCNEMIUS MUSCLE CORRECT 1 22% ALTERED The calf Calf muscles contract and adjust to the angle of the high heels. Muscles may shorten and tighten. TIGHTENED RELAXED Morton's neuroma Heel height and a narrow toebox can create a thickening of tissue around a nerve between the third and fourth toes, which can lead to pain and numbness in the toes. SOLEUS MUSCLE erves Achilles tendon When the front of the foot moves down in relation to the heel, the Achilles tendon tightens up Tendon The higher the heel, the shorter the tendon becomes, creating TIGHTENED RELAXED Bunions Tight-fitting shoes can cause a bony growth on the joint at the base of the big toe, which forces the big toe to angle in toward the other toes. resulting in pain. Bony growth Pump bump The rigid backs or straps of high heels can irritate the heel, creating a bony enlargement also known as Haglund's deformity Ankle injuries High heels impair balance a wearer is at a greater risk of falling, which could lead to a sprained or broken ankle Corn Muscle Callus Metatarsalgia High heels force the body's weight to be redistributed. Prolonged wear can lead to joint pain in the of the foot Middle Ball of foot Hammertoes A narrow toebox pushes the smaller toes into a bent position at the middle joint. Eventually, the muscles in the second, third and fourth toes become unable to straighten, even when there is no confining shoe SOURCES: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American Apparel & Footwear Association, American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, Mayo Clinic, Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, "Women's Shoes and Knee Osteoarthritis," by D. Casey Kerrigan, Jennifer L. Lelas, Mark E. Karvosky, The Lancet 2001: 357: 1097-1098 GRAPHIC: Reporting by Brenna Maloney, The Washington Post](
Infographic Dumps
![Eyebrow 6 to 8 weeks Infection Scarring Nostril 2t0 4 months Infection Jewelry swallowing or aspiration Localized swelling filled with blood KEY Approximate healing time 1 square 1 month Potential complications at piercing sites Septum 6 to 8 months Earlobe Localized swelling filled with blood Infection Tissue death 6 to 8 weeks Ear cartilage 4 months to 1 year Infection Allergic reaction Poor healing Serious bacterial infection Lip 2 to 3 months . Gum damage Localized swelling filled with blood Tongue 4 weeks Tooth fracture Gum damage Speech impediment Injury to salivary glands Nerve damage Swelling that could compromise airway 3 to 6 months Female genitalia 4 to 10 weeks .Abscess Infection Breast-feeding impairment Allergic reaction . Infection Compromise of condoms or diaphragms Navel 4 months to I year Male genitalia 4 weeks to 6 months Irritation from clothing Scarring Infection Frictional irritation Infection Urinary problems Penile engorgement](
![Eyebrow 6 to 8 weeks Infection Scarring Nostril 2t0 4 months Infection Jewelry swallowing or aspiration Localized swelling filled with blood KEY Approximate healing time 1 square 1 month Potential complications at piercing sites Septum 6 to 8 months Earlobe Localized swelling filled with blood Infection Tissue death 6 to 8 weeks Ear cartilage 4 months to 1 year Infection Allergic reaction Poor healing Serious bacterial infection Lip 2 to 3 months . Gum damage Localized swelling filled with blood Tongue 4 weeks Tooth fracture Gum damage Speech impediment Injury to salivary glands Nerve damage Swelling that could compromise airway 3 to 6 months Female genitalia 4 to 10 weeks .Abscess Infection Breast-feeding impairment Allergic reaction . Infection Compromise of condoms or diaphragms Navel 4 months to I year Male genitalia 4 weeks to 6 months Irritation from clothing Scarring Infection Frictional irritation Infection Urinary problems Penile engorgement](
Infographic Dumps
![●The workings of ORIENTAL-STYLE SHELL fireworks for lowering the Graphic by David Schlosser Research by Bryn Bailer RIZONA DAILY STAR Stars: Balls of chemicals that bum in Plastic ht colors. Mctalic particles are added to stars to create brilliant As the Fouurth of July draws near, there's magic in the air. Literally. Whether you're 7 or 70, it's wondrous to watch the night sky dazzle and sizzle with colors. In reality, staging a major fireworks display is a sophisticated process. Take a look: Types of aerial fireworks The size of the explosion a firework makes depends on specific ways to create the size of the shell The largest shells that will be fired differently shaped bursts. Here from A Mountain are 12 inches in diameter, which will a generate an explosion about 500 to 600 feet across. are the names of a tew of the *ささ* The loud bcom that accompanies doesnt comefrom the shel explod- CHRYSANTHEMUMS are a ful and flutty pattern of stars that hold their shape before fading. A 12-inch shell will produce a burst aboA the length of two football fields. 5 Finaly the time delay fuse antes the burst charge which blows the shell apart sections, like the one This allows The show at 'A' Mountair them to have two or more burst effects of ditterent colors in rapid succession from the shell, creating COMETS have a big head and Tempe-based Fireworks Productions ot Arizona wil use 1,200 shells in the city's $25,000 Fire in the Sky display Wednesday on A Mountain. Hazardous cargo Transporting explosve fireworks is itself a big production. Rules for and Firearms and n All tireworks shipments, for examples, Pyrotechnicians at the"A" Mountain show wil launch both Chinese and American-made fireworks, mostty by hand. The show's dramatic finale will be launched moving them are set by the Bureau of Alcohol are required to be placarded as explosive. Fireworks valued at $131.1 milion ltronical. were imported into the US. in 199. DFireworks Productions of Arizona stores its highly explosive shells in a from 3-inch shells to the 12-inch monsters used at the CROSS fuse, ignited D Fireworks at the "A" Mountan show will range in size is a comet that splits slowry burns. special, ATF-approved magazine on the outskirts ct Tempe The fireworks are carefully loaded into a van for the drive to Tucson. The vehicle must be operated by a commercial drver qualified to drive hazardous- materials loads ITALIAN/AMERICAN-STYLE SHELL Once at-A" Mountain, a crew of 10 takes most of the day to set up racks and mortars used to fire the shells. They also load the shells, so they're ready for the evenings show Fuse MORTAR PALMS are several large comets with a trunk created by a big. MORTAR STAND CONTROL PANEL made of thick Fireworks mortars can be arranged Displays can be cortrolled manual by partially burying them in sand, or №hting the fuses cn the treworks or metal and lined up by hand), through a control panel closed at one end 2 to 24 inches in sze of shell that in wood or metal racks. The mortars which has ignition butons, or by are angled to account for wind condtions and the desired direction ar. Fireworks are often synchronized computer, as many to music, making timing of the PEONIES are a loose pattern of color stars that break and drop will be fired from Ignition 1 The operator initiates 2 Wires carry the gnition chärge to the an electronic control golden stars that tall close to the 3 Shell a quick Creating the colors The chemical composition of the stars determines the color they will give off when they ignite. the black-powder lit of the shell. The ift charge separates blasting t out of the ORANGE/ WHITE YELLOW GREEN Strontium nitrate r salts](
![●The workings of ORIENTAL-STYLE SHELL fireworks for lowering the Graphic by David Schlosser Research by Bryn Bailer RIZONA DAILY STAR Stars: Balls of chemicals that bum in Plastic ht colors. Mctalic particles are added to stars to create brilliant As the Fouurth of July draws near, there's magic in the air. Literally. Whether you're 7 or 70, it's wondrous to watch the night sky dazzle and sizzle with colors. In reality, staging a major fireworks display is a sophisticated process. Take a look: Types of aerial fireworks The size of the explosion a firework makes depends on specific ways to create the size of the shell The largest shells that will be fired differently shaped bursts. Here from A Mountain are 12 inches in diameter, which will a generate an explosion about 500 to 600 feet across. are the names of a tew of the *ささ* The loud bcom that accompanies doesnt comefrom the shel explod- CHRYSANTHEMUMS are a ful and flutty pattern of stars that hold their shape before fading. A 12-inch shell will produce a burst aboA the length of two football fields. 5 Finaly the time delay fuse antes the burst charge which blows the shell apart sections, like the one This allows The show at 'A' Mountair them to have two or more burst effects of ditterent colors in rapid succession from the shell, creating COMETS have a big head and Tempe-based Fireworks Productions ot Arizona wil use 1,200 shells in the city's $25,000 Fire in the Sky display Wednesday on A Mountain. Hazardous cargo Transporting explosve fireworks is itself a big production. Rules for and Firearms and n All tireworks shipments, for examples, Pyrotechnicians at the"A" Mountain show wil launch both Chinese and American-made fireworks, mostty by hand. The show's dramatic finale will be launched moving them are set by the Bureau of Alcohol are required to be placarded as explosive. Fireworks valued at $131.1 milion ltronical. were imported into the US. in 199. DFireworks Productions of Arizona stores its highly explosive shells in a from 3-inch shells to the 12-inch monsters used at the CROSS fuse, ignited D Fireworks at the "A" Mountan show will range in size is a comet that splits slowry burns. special, ATF-approved magazine on the outskirts ct Tempe The fireworks are carefully loaded into a van for the drive to Tucson. The vehicle must be operated by a commercial drver qualified to drive hazardous- materials loads ITALIAN/AMERICAN-STYLE SHELL Once at-A" Mountain, a crew of 10 takes most of the day to set up racks and mortars used to fire the shells. They also load the shells, so they're ready for the evenings show Fuse MORTAR PALMS are several large comets with a trunk created by a big. MORTAR STAND CONTROL PANEL made of thick Fireworks mortars can be arranged Displays can be cortrolled manual by partially burying them in sand, or №hting the fuses cn the treworks or metal and lined up by hand), through a control panel closed at one end 2 to 24 inches in sze of shell that in wood or metal racks. The mortars which has ignition butons, or by are angled to account for wind condtions and the desired direction ar. Fireworks are often synchronized computer, as many to music, making timing of the PEONIES are a loose pattern of color stars that break and drop will be fired from Ignition 1 The operator initiates 2 Wires carry the gnition chärge to the an electronic control golden stars that tall close to the 3 Shell a quick Creating the colors The chemical composition of the stars determines the color they will give off when they ignite. the black-powder lit of the shell. The ift charge separates blasting t out of the ORANGE/ WHITE YELLOW GREEN Strontium nitrate r salts](
Infographic Dumps
Infographic Dumps
![1- 22 Long Rifle 2-.17 Hornady Mach2 3- 4.7x33 DM11 Caseless 4- .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire 5- 5.7x28 SS195 6- 5.7 Johnson Spitfire 7-.30 Carbine (7.62x33) 8-.17 Remington Fireball 9- .221 Remington Fireball 10- 7.92x33 Kurz 11-4.6x36 Loffelspitz 12-.50 Beowulf 13- 222 Remington 14-7.63x39 M43 15- .222 Special 16-5.56x45 M855 17-5.45x39 M74 18-6.5 Grendel 19-6.8 Remington Special 20- .222 Remington Magnum 21-7.62x45 M52 22-.30-30 Winchester Centerfire 23- .303 Savage 24- .45-70 Government 25- .280 British 26-6x45 SAW 27-.243 Winchester 28-.220 Swift 29- 9x51 SMAW Mk 217 Mod 0 30- 6.5x50R Arisaka 31-.276 Pedersen 32- 7.62x51 M80 33-7.35x51 Carcano 34- 8x5OR Lebel 35-7.65x54 Argentine 36- 6.5x52 Carcano 37- 7.5x54 MAS 38-7.62x54R 7N1 CHannepcKne 39- 8x56R Steyr 40- .30 Army (.30-40 Krag) 41-.303 British 42- 7.5x55 Swiss GP11 43- 7.7x58 Arisaka 44-7.7x58 Japanese MG 45- 9x57 Mauser 46- 7x57 Mauser 47- 8x57 Mauser 48- 7mm Remington Magnum 49-.30-06 Springfield M2 (7.62x63) 50-.300 Winchester Magnum 51-.577 Tyrannosaur 52-.600 Nitro Express 53- .500 A-Square 54- .460 Weatherby Magnum 55-.470 Nitro Express 56-.50 Browning MG (12.7x99) 57- 20x102 M55A3 58- 25x137 M793 59- 12ga 1oz Rifled Slug 60- 12ga 00 Buckshot 61-10ga Magnum No 4 Shot 내53A3 1 2 3 45678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5152 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6061](
![1- 22 Long Rifle 2-.17 Hornady Mach2 3- 4.7x33 DM11 Caseless 4- .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire 5- 5.7x28 SS195 6- 5.7 Johnson Spitfire 7-.30 Carbine (7.62x33) 8-.17 Remington Fireball 9- .221 Remington Fireball 10- 7.92x33 Kurz 11-4.6x36 Loffelspitz 12-.50 Beowulf 13- 222 Remington 14-7.63x39 M43 15- .222 Special 16-5.56x45 M855 17-5.45x39 M74 18-6.5 Grendel 19-6.8 Remington Special 20- .222 Remington Magnum 21-7.62x45 M52 22-.30-30 Winchester Centerfire 23- .303 Savage 24- .45-70 Government 25- .280 British 26-6x45 SAW 27-.243 Winchester 28-.220 Swift 29- 9x51 SMAW Mk 217 Mod 0 30- 6.5x50R Arisaka 31-.276 Pedersen 32- 7.62x51 M80 33-7.35x51 Carcano 34- 8x5OR Lebel 35-7.65x54 Argentine 36- 6.5x52 Carcano 37- 7.5x54 MAS 38-7.62x54R 7N1 CHannepcKne 39- 8x56R Steyr 40- .30 Army (.30-40 Krag) 41-.303 British 42- 7.5x55 Swiss GP11 43- 7.7x58 Arisaka 44-7.7x58 Japanese MG 45- 9x57 Mauser 46- 7x57 Mauser 47- 8x57 Mauser 48- 7mm Remington Magnum 49-.30-06 Springfield M2 (7.62x63) 50-.300 Winchester Magnum 51-.577 Tyrannosaur 52-.600 Nitro Express 53- .500 A-Square 54- .460 Weatherby Magnum 55-.470 Nitro Express 56-.50 Browning MG (12.7x99) 57- 20x102 M55A3 58- 25x137 M793 59- 12ga 1oz Rifled Slug 60- 12ga 00 Buckshot 61-10ga Magnum No 4 Shot 내53A3 1 2 3 45678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5152 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6061](
Infographic Dumps
![few Mfg Codes THE LOVE OF GOD AND READ ALL OF THE LEFT COLUMN BEPORE JUMPING TO THIS ONE Tohnson, Band-Aid Aveeno ike an image, ot Doweever ridge Fazn run "sudo Ec-cache Decide on an iten to make your coupon For this tutor be using Ocean con, and you can ve you found the CANNOT oupon somew COUPONS and coup Nabisc an online barcode gener use the barcode from poor qua the botton 94-Reserved Fut SAVE THIS IMAGE. IT IS A CHANGROUP ARCHIn: neat lonnd beo CONTAINING THE TOOLS YOUWILL NEE IUR OR PHOTOBUCKET MAY STRIP THE FTLE FRON THE TNAGE ona umex Brands nkscape. For this tuto 1 be using my companiea some anon mentioned tha PICTURE Save $X.xx ed do who do any number(#) pack/box/bag/etc of [Product Namel® So, I decided to na k DATABAR BARCODE and o18 don remember wha SMARTSOURCE 51 12345 0007 luded in this imag Coupon Templates, neces fonts, and the G31 DataBar sof obtained some special modi ing whitespace udes a more recen nux and Mac OS can the download or the sepa barcodes/dat bar PC Helpe ram I made shou de the sequence needed to the and how much box on the templ ong as you don' ype the ts of the UPC tnsimst avetihe: e key, and type the last WHTLE STILL HOLDING HIFT KEY Box w to use the GS1 Barcode Software The Smar synbology type FNCI' are inpat characte 12000 43001 BLUE MEANS OPTIONAL Manufacturet how mue Explration Date MORE TO DAIABARS THAN JUST LEAST THE king ane xit Progr then choos ram, use the GS1 barcod the ima one can't be done eas loosthistorentferentteandnissdivened4inthetmedregbetade f examp blank onal items that purchased ion dat remember no coupons. Loo ous. Make ones that make Here SMARTSOURCE 10100120000561311011043030 ten se never make coupons, so them. The coupon.pdf quor (The Doing so can only do PNG use another thi use something random, you're the only one uning the coupon you ever be det will ensure that the coupon Wal-Mar ason and sent acrossetomeborder rebouttalearenseringeunderpaialt fiches your output should and that requ READ ALL OF THE LINKS,AND THE INCLUDED TEXT FILES Th buy mu AND ALL THE OTHERS!](
![few Mfg Codes THE LOVE OF GOD AND READ ALL OF THE LEFT COLUMN BEPORE JUMPING TO THIS ONE Tohnson, Band-Aid Aveeno ike an image, ot Doweever ridge Fazn run "sudo Ec-cache Decide on an iten to make your coupon For this tutor be using Ocean con, and you can ve you found the CANNOT oupon somew COUPONS and coup Nabisc an online barcode gener use the barcode from poor qua the botton 94-Reserved Fut SAVE THIS IMAGE. IT IS A CHANGROUP ARCHIn: neat lonnd beo CONTAINING THE TOOLS YOUWILL NEE IUR OR PHOTOBUCKET MAY STRIP THE FTLE FRON THE TNAGE ona umex Brands nkscape. For this tuto 1 be using my companiea some anon mentioned tha PICTURE Save $X.xx ed do who do any number(#) pack/box/bag/etc of [Product Namel® So, I decided to na k DATABAR BARCODE and o18 don remember wha SMARTSOURCE 51 12345 0007 luded in this imag Coupon Templates, neces fonts, and the G31 DataBar sof obtained some special modi ing whitespace udes a more recen nux and Mac OS can the download or the sepa barcodes/dat bar PC Helpe ram I made shou de the sequence needed to the and how much box on the templ ong as you don' ype the ts of the UPC tnsimst avetihe: e key, and type the last WHTLE STILL HOLDING HIFT KEY Box w to use the GS1 Barcode Software The Smar synbology type FNCI' are inpat characte 12000 43001 BLUE MEANS OPTIONAL Manufacturet how mue Explration Date MORE TO DAIABARS THAN JUST LEAST THE king ane xit Progr then choos ram, use the GS1 barcod the ima one can't be done eas loosthistorentferentteandnissdivened4inthetmedregbetade f examp blank onal items that purchased ion dat remember no coupons. Loo ous. Make ones that make Here SMARTSOURCE 10100120000561311011043030 ten se never make coupons, so them. The coupon.pdf quor (The Doing so can only do PNG use another thi use something random, you're the only one uning the coupon you ever be det will ensure that the coupon Wal-Mar ason and sent acrossetomeborder rebouttalearenseringeunderpaialt fiches your output should and that requ READ ALL OF THE LINKS,AND THE INCLUDED TEXT FILES Th buy mu AND ALL THE OTHERS!](
Infographic Dumps
![MOZILLA FIREFOX CHEAT SHEET BASIC SEARCH KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Home Find as You Type Link Find as You Type Text Find in This Page Find Previous Extensions & Themes: Support Forum: ShiftF3 GENERAL KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS MOUSE SHORTCUTS Add Bookmaks Bookmads DOM Inspector Ctrl D Shift+Scrol Douwn Shift Scroll Up Ctrl +Left Click Ctrl + Shift Left Click ShiftLeft Click Ctrl Shift +I Open Link in Background Tab Open Link in Foreground Tab Open Link in New wWindow Scroll Line by Line History Page Source Print Refresh Page Refresh Page & Cache Ctrl H Middle Click on Tab Double Click on Tab Bar Ctrl + Scroll UP Ctrl Scroll Douun Ctrl + P Text Size Decrease Text Size Increase Ctrl + F5 Ctrl +S LOCATIONS Cached Elements CADocuments and SettingsusernameliApplication DataMozillaFirefoProfiles [profilenameliCache Profile Manager Close Firefox. From the "Start menu, select "Run" and type "firefox.exe p" User Profile Folder CADocuments and Settingsusername] Application DataMozillaefoProfilesvoo00x.defaulti Advanced Configuration Address Bar: about:config Cache Info Address Bar: about:cache Plugin Info Address Bar: about:plugins NAVIGATION KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Alt +Left Arrouw Douwn One Line Down One Page PageDoun Alt + Right Arrouw Frame Next Shift F6 Alt + Home Ctrl L Frame Previous Jump to Address Bar Jump to Searh Bar TIPS/TRICKS Home Esc Ctrl + Ctrl + T Ctrl Tab Ctrl Shift Tab lock Popup Windows Tools-> Options-> eb Features Customize Toolbars Right click on a toolbar and chose customize toolba. To add icons drag and drop them on the toolbar To subtract icons drag them from the tolbar to the "Customize Toolba wwindouw Desktop Shortcut to Current Page Drag the icon in the address bar to the desktop Make Firefox Default Browser Tools-> Options-> Genera> Set Firefox As Default Broser Manage Cache, Cookies, History and Passwords Tools-> Options- Privacy Set Home Page Tools-> Options> Geal Home Page Tabbed Browsing Options Tools-> Options-> Advanced > Tabbed Brouusing Stop Tab Next Tab Previous Ctrl Shift + Ctrl N indou Neww TEXT KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Ctrl + C Text Size Decrease Text Size Increase Text Size Default Note: This cheat sheet is for use with Firefox running on Windows XP machines. Based on the work by David Tenser Ctrl ++](
![MOZILLA FIREFOX CHEAT SHEET BASIC SEARCH KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Home Find as You Type Link Find as You Type Text Find in This Page Find Previous Extensions & Themes: Support Forum: ShiftF3 GENERAL KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS MOUSE SHORTCUTS Add Bookmaks Bookmads DOM Inspector Ctrl D Shift+Scrol Douwn Shift Scroll Up Ctrl +Left Click Ctrl + Shift Left Click ShiftLeft Click Ctrl Shift +I Open Link in Background Tab Open Link in Foreground Tab Open Link in New wWindow Scroll Line by Line History Page Source Print Refresh Page Refresh Page & Cache Ctrl H Middle Click on Tab Double Click on Tab Bar Ctrl + Scroll UP Ctrl Scroll Douun Ctrl + P Text Size Decrease Text Size Increase Ctrl + F5 Ctrl +S LOCATIONS Cached Elements CADocuments and SettingsusernameliApplication DataMozillaFirefoProfiles [profilenameliCache Profile Manager Close Firefox. From the "Start menu, select "Run" and type "firefox.exe p" User Profile Folder CADocuments and Settingsusername] Application DataMozillaefoProfilesvoo00x.defaulti Advanced Configuration Address Bar: about:config Cache Info Address Bar: about:cache Plugin Info Address Bar: about:plugins NAVIGATION KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Alt +Left Arrouw Douwn One Line Down One Page PageDoun Alt + Right Arrouw Frame Next Shift F6 Alt + Home Ctrl L Frame Previous Jump to Address Bar Jump to Searh Bar TIPS/TRICKS Home Esc Ctrl + Ctrl + T Ctrl Tab Ctrl Shift Tab lock Popup Windows Tools-> Options-> eb Features Customize Toolbars Right click on a toolbar and chose customize toolba. To add icons drag and drop them on the toolbar To subtract icons drag them from the tolbar to the "Customize Toolba wwindouw Desktop Shortcut to Current Page Drag the icon in the address bar to the desktop Make Firefox Default Browser Tools-> Options-> Genera> Set Firefox As Default Broser Manage Cache, Cookies, History and Passwords Tools-> Options- Privacy Set Home Page Tools-> Options> Geal Home Page Tabbed Browsing Options Tools-> Options-> Advanced > Tabbed Brouusing Stop Tab Next Tab Previous Ctrl Shift + Ctrl N indou Neww TEXT KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Ctrl + C Text Size Decrease Text Size Increase Text Size Default Note: This cheat sheet is for use with Firefox running on Windows XP machines. Based on the work by David Tenser Ctrl ++](
Infographic Dumps
![More than one in every 1oo American adults are in the United States incarcerated With the highests secumented inearceration rate in the world, the United States government houses 25% of the world's incarcerated population while accounting for only 5% of the worlds population. China, which has a popula tion 4 times greater than that of the United States, comes in second with 14% of the world's incarcerated population HOW THIS WORKS THE NUMBER ON EACH STATE DENOTES THE FRE QUENCY OF INCARCER ATED CITIZENS 1 IN EVERY 88 CITIZENS IN ALASKA ARE INCARCERATED 204 226 132 100 148 105 190 143 187 97 140 120 97 110 103 76 90 108 70 75 71 82 55-89 90-125 125 169 170 -205 RACIAL BREAKDOWN 3.11% 1 IN 106 WHITE MEN ARE BEHIND BARS 18.26% 43.91% 34.72% 1 IN 36 HISPANIC MEN ARE BEHIND BARS □-□ black hispanic 1 IN 15 BLACK MEN ARE BEHIND BARS Which is roughly 435 TIMES The population of inceratated inmates in the United States is the amount of US MILITARY CASUALTIES 2.3 MILLION in Ir aq and Afghanistan 518% of prisoners released end up back in prison within 3 years inmates are on death roww ·140,61 Cinmates are serving life sentences The average prison sentence is 5 YEARS It costs an average of $23,876 PER YEAR to incarcerate one inmate $25,000 Cost of 1 inmate $15,000 per year Average tax paid to the federal government Healthcare costs per person Education costs per child household $5,o00 The United States spent $44 BILLION IN TAX DOLLARS in 2007 on corrections US Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics http://www.ojp.usdoj gov/bjs/prisons.htm Number of Life Terms Hits Record (o7/z2/0g) -The New York Times 1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says (02/28/o8) The New York Time U.S. and Coalition Casualties CNN](
![More than one in every 1oo American adults are in the United States incarcerated With the highests secumented inearceration rate in the world, the United States government houses 25% of the world's incarcerated population while accounting for only 5% of the worlds population. China, which has a popula tion 4 times greater than that of the United States, comes in second with 14% of the world's incarcerated population HOW THIS WORKS THE NUMBER ON EACH STATE DENOTES THE FRE QUENCY OF INCARCER ATED CITIZENS 1 IN EVERY 88 CITIZENS IN ALASKA ARE INCARCERATED 204 226 132 100 148 105 190 143 187 97 140 120 97 110 103 76 90 108 70 75 71 82 55-89 90-125 125 169 170 -205 RACIAL BREAKDOWN 3.11% 1 IN 106 WHITE MEN ARE BEHIND BARS 18.26% 43.91% 34.72% 1 IN 36 HISPANIC MEN ARE BEHIND BARS □-□ black hispanic 1 IN 15 BLACK MEN ARE BEHIND BARS Which is roughly 435 TIMES The population of inceratated inmates in the United States is the amount of US MILITARY CASUALTIES 2.3 MILLION in Ir aq and Afghanistan 518% of prisoners released end up back in prison within 3 years inmates are on death roww ·140,61 Cinmates are serving life sentences The average prison sentence is 5 YEARS It costs an average of $23,876 PER YEAR to incarcerate one inmate $25,000 Cost of 1 inmate $15,000 per year Average tax paid to the federal government Healthcare costs per person Education costs per child household $5,o00 The United States spent $44 BILLION IN TAX DOLLARS in 2007 on corrections US Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics http://www.ojp.usdoj gov/bjs/prisons.htm Number of Life Terms Hits Record (o7/z2/0g) -The New York Times 1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says (02/28/o8) The New York Time U.S. and Coalition Casualties CNN](
Infographic Dumps
![THE ULTIMATE NELWUFAG GUIDE The Ultimate Newfag !GuiDEYXioY POSTING IOI noko this one makes you return to the thread after posting sage this one makes you reply to the thread without bumping it E-mail E-mail No. 183521479 click the post number to quote it in your reply to write green text, type ">" before the text: to write Zalgo text, go to to write bubble text, go to ⓑⓤⓑⓑⓛⓔ to write upsidedown text, go to umopapisdn reen te [on the following, when asked to write an "invisible character", hold the ALT key and type 0I73 on the numpad] to blank post, write the "invisible character" on the Comment field to have a red name, write the "invisible character" on the Name field and write the name on the Subjec't (or leave it blank to have no name at al) Red Anonymous to bypass the wordfilters (p.e between "PE" and "NIS") an write the "invisible character" in the middle of the word PENIS to triforce, using the numpad for the numbers, follow these steps: I - hold ALT and press 255; 5-repeat step 3; 2 - repeat step I; 3 - hold ALT and press 30;7- repeat step 3 again. 4 - press ENTER; 6- press SPACE; GENERAL RECOMENDATIONS don't delete your system32 folder be careful when dealing with links create original content don't "inb4" when making a thread, shitstorm is guaranteed report all the spam you seedon't be a cancer of /b/ there s no invasion board do not feed the trolls don't save a picture as a ·js file and run it SO, I HEARD YOU NEED SOME SAUCE ON check the following BEFORE asking: FOR HEMES: FOR IMAGES: FOR EVERYTHING ELSE: TinHye inow C eme Google Your encyclopaædia dramatica (anime/manga) (animated gifs) AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS: LURK MOAR](
![THE ULTIMATE NELWUFAG GUIDE The Ultimate Newfag !GuiDEYXioY POSTING IOI noko this one makes you return to the thread after posting sage this one makes you reply to the thread without bumping it E-mail E-mail No. 183521479 click the post number to quote it in your reply to write green text, type ">" before the text: to write Zalgo text, go to to write bubble text, go to ⓑⓤⓑⓑⓛⓔ to write upsidedown text, go to umopapisdn reen te [on the following, when asked to write an "invisible character", hold the ALT key and type 0I73 on the numpad] to blank post, write the "invisible character" on the Comment field to have a red name, write the "invisible character" on the Name field and write the name on the Subjec't (or leave it blank to have no name at al) Red Anonymous to bypass the wordfilters (p.e between "PE" and "NIS") an write the "invisible character" in the middle of the word PENIS to triforce, using the numpad for the numbers, follow these steps: I - hold ALT and press 255; 5-repeat step 3; 2 - repeat step I; 3 - hold ALT and press 30;7- repeat step 3 again. 4 - press ENTER; 6- press SPACE; GENERAL RECOMENDATIONS don't delete your system32 folder be careful when dealing with links create original content don't "inb4" when making a thread, shitstorm is guaranteed report all the spam you seedon't be a cancer of /b/ there s no invasion board do not feed the trolls don't save a picture as a ·js file and run it SO, I HEARD YOU NEED SOME SAUCE ON check the following BEFORE asking: FOR HEMES: FOR IMAGES: FOR EVERYTHING ELSE: TinHye inow C eme Google Your encyclopaædia dramatica (anime/manga) (animated gifs) AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS: LURK MOAR](
Infographic Dumps
![The Caffeine Poster Discovered in 1819 by German chemist Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, caffeine is a crystalline xanthine alkaloid that is a psychoactive stimulant drug C3H1ON,02 (Caffeine) 1.23 g/cma Coffee Drinks 300 Caffeine Intoxication, also known as "the jitters", usually occurs after consuming 300mg of caffein JOLT Energy, 13oz can IL Starbucks Tall Coffee, 12oz cup NOS Energy Drink 16oz can 260 250 SEP September 29th is National Coffee Day Global consumption of caffeine has been estimated at 120,000 tons per year, making it the world's most popular psychoactive substance. Einstein Bros. Coffee, 16oz cup 206 200 Caribou Small Coffee, 12oz cup CAR Coff Monster or Rockstar, 16oz can 160 NSTE 150 McDonald's Large Coffee, 16oz cujp Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 16oz cup 145 Starbucks Doubleshot + Coffee, 15oz can Full Throttle, 16oz can 143 146 Starbucks Doubleshot, 6.5oz can Coffee (Brewed), 8oz cup 100 Red Bull Energy Drink, 8.3oz can Amp Energy Drink, 8.4oz can 75 Coffee (Espresso), 1.5oz cup Instant Coffee (Instant), 8oz cup Mountain Dew, 13oz can 50 Diet Coke, 12oz can Caffeine has a half-life (the time for the body to eliminate half of the caffeine) of approximately 4.9 hours Coca-Cola Classic, 12oz can 35 Coffee (Decaf), 8oz cup Sprite or 7-UP, 13oz can mg of Caffeine © 2010 Randy Krum, Version 10, Image available on DATA SOURCES: Company websites,,, and of course](
![The Caffeine Poster Discovered in 1819 by German chemist Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, caffeine is a crystalline xanthine alkaloid that is a psychoactive stimulant drug C3H1ON,02 (Caffeine) 1.23 g/cma Coffee Drinks 300 Caffeine Intoxication, also known as "the jitters", usually occurs after consuming 300mg of caffein JOLT Energy, 13oz can IL Starbucks Tall Coffee, 12oz cup NOS Energy Drink 16oz can 260 250 SEP September 29th is National Coffee Day Global consumption of caffeine has been estimated at 120,000 tons per year, making it the world's most popular psychoactive substance. Einstein Bros. Coffee, 16oz cup 206 200 Caribou Small Coffee, 12oz cup CAR Coff Monster or Rockstar, 16oz can 160 NSTE 150 McDonald's Large Coffee, 16oz cujp Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 16oz cup 145 Starbucks Doubleshot + Coffee, 15oz can Full Throttle, 16oz can 143 146 Starbucks Doubleshot, 6.5oz can Coffee (Brewed), 8oz cup 100 Red Bull Energy Drink, 8.3oz can Amp Energy Drink, 8.4oz can 75 Coffee (Espresso), 1.5oz cup Instant Coffee (Instant), 8oz cup Mountain Dew, 13oz can 50 Diet Coke, 12oz can Caffeine has a half-life (the time for the body to eliminate half of the caffeine) of approximately 4.9 hours Coca-Cola Classic, 12oz can 35 Coffee (Decaf), 8oz cup Sprite or 7-UP, 13oz can mg of Caffeine © 2010 Randy Krum, Version 10, Image available on DATA SOURCES: Company websites,,, and of course](
Infographic Dumps
![Step by PG qa SAVE THIS IMAGE. IT IS A CHANGROUP ARCHIVE CONTAINING THE TOOLS YOU WILL NEEDUR WELO B you want TO SONE INAGE SERVICES SUCH AS noat Dove, tever 2000 The Download ChanGrouper has been you don't know how, googl some stores, sone anon mentioned that tions upon "Choose Groupand select you use this code) and such. content you want your choi Learned how basi realized that the AMP realized I needed anot indows FontS oS x, use Font Book. Restart/logout rementioned vector based templates. While coupons I made at this tten include a unique Smart onea much goog1 found a good many documents explaining how these barcodes worked. Over nonths this recomnend around 300x300 content knew that my best option knowiedge t arch,, and Amazon.con tolay, Taco Parkay, Egg Beaters. soee,asp Included in this image are Coupon Templates, necessary fonts, and the G1 DataBar software 200 onsii removed some annoying whitespace Since I was not (who ]What manufacturer/company, Now, let's take a look ranberry juice being on sale for as cheap as around $2 For further deta learn almost everything, go gd/5ehf lex, Fresh Step litter you can Neatle, Pancy Feast, tealthy cholce Banquet extract contents ONLINE METHOD luded templ companies have nore than ae This ident any number惻packboxbagielc of [Product Name)® The begin and end Kanufactuze nunber row, but then had UPC-B 00Any DATABAR BARCODE half, and UPC than the The UPC ided in the midle by understand this better when using the font I designed. For image you obtained ear nkscape can be kinda arcode. These u Mexico) setup is you don t have to remenber and the purchased and hold down the inimum quantit tems that nust be the expiration tructions to the roper format AMP UPC: VPC and progr t terminology and company names you can use whatever number you want noticed the XXXXX sonetines agreeing down the shift key, and type the last WHILE STILL HOLDING THE SHIFT KEY you can GS So For Windowa, ssenctin.exe the corporate headquarters. The last thing notices 20. Now for 303 totna dita atarta with at see what gd/5eh bl epazat can include 21 sequences . When nted the coupon. Since this Buy Sare XFanily code Expiration Date retired 1st, 2010, but it vas recently postponed by a year. For coupons made raud at the clearing house, and ensure that the coupon program, use the G81 but if you don houses and then learing HOW TO MAKE COUPONS savvy, a homemade coupon won't get noticed Import the out.bmp necessary (inkscape sometimes flips has been shipped across the border. Even then. they are only spot checked. lick App you can rever you saved that OUPON "We can't accept the same cashier you deei can't renember where you got then, you you got nsparent) Now, set Buy 3 get your nane ( export thingy is set to "Page". Set the DPI to 300 DON'T MAKE THEM FOR HARD LIQUOR, Liquor compa quor stores cut out, and use at most quor (Ther Share them. Put them under wipers, drop them in the parking lot](
![Step by PG qa SAVE THIS IMAGE. IT IS A CHANGROUP ARCHIVE CONTAINING THE TOOLS YOU WILL NEEDUR WELO B you want TO SONE INAGE SERVICES SUCH AS noat Dove, tever 2000 The Download ChanGrouper has been you don't know how, googl some stores, sone anon mentioned that tions upon "Choose Groupand select you use this code) and such. content you want your choi Learned how basi realized that the AMP realized I needed anot indows FontS oS x, use Font Book. Restart/logout rementioned vector based templates. While coupons I made at this tten include a unique Smart onea much goog1 found a good many documents explaining how these barcodes worked. Over nonths this recomnend around 300x300 content knew that my best option knowiedge t arch,, and Amazon.con tolay, Taco Parkay, Egg Beaters. soee,asp Included in this image are Coupon Templates, necessary fonts, and the G1 DataBar software 200 onsii removed some annoying whitespace Since I was not (who ]What manufacturer/company, Now, let's take a look ranberry juice being on sale for as cheap as around $2 For further deta learn almost everything, go gd/5ehf lex, Fresh Step litter you can Neatle, Pancy Feast, tealthy cholce Banquet extract contents ONLINE METHOD luded templ companies have nore than ae This ident any number惻packboxbagielc of [Product Name)® The begin and end Kanufactuze nunber row, but then had UPC-B 00Any DATABAR BARCODE half, and UPC than the The UPC ided in the midle by understand this better when using the font I designed. For image you obtained ear nkscape can be kinda arcode. These u Mexico) setup is you don t have to remenber and the purchased and hold down the inimum quantit tems that nust be the expiration tructions to the roper format AMP UPC: VPC and progr t terminology and company names you can use whatever number you want noticed the XXXXX sonetines agreeing down the shift key, and type the last WHILE STILL HOLDING THE SHIFT KEY you can GS So For Windowa, ssenctin.exe the corporate headquarters. The last thing notices 20. Now for 303 totna dita atarta with at see what gd/5eh bl epazat can include 21 sequences . When nted the coupon. Since this Buy Sare XFanily code Expiration Date retired 1st, 2010, but it vas recently postponed by a year. For coupons made raud at the clearing house, and ensure that the coupon program, use the G81 but if you don houses and then learing HOW TO MAKE COUPONS savvy, a homemade coupon won't get noticed Import the out.bmp necessary (inkscape sometimes flips has been shipped across the border. Even then. they are only spot checked. lick App you can rever you saved that OUPON "We can't accept the same cashier you deei can't renember where you got then, you you got nsparent) Now, set Buy 3 get your nane ( export thingy is set to "Page". Set the DPI to 300 DON'T MAKE THEM FOR HARD LIQUOR, Liquor compa quor stores cut out, and use at most quor (Ther Share them. Put them under wipers, drop them in the parking lot](
Infographic Dumps