It Was My Privilege - Trending Images
![File (hide): 1415720606322.ipg (45.05 KB. 860x320, 43:16, image-775103-breitwandaufm... .ipa) Putin gives jacket to chinky First Lady, everyone mad Anonymous 11/11/14 (Tue) 10:43:26 ID: 63fbd4 No.328940 [Watch Thread] r=0 >Then Mr. Putin, a former Soviet spymaster who rides horses bare-chested, made his move. He whipped a tan blanket from beneath the table and slipped it over Ms. Peng's shoulders as she stood up. On the state television broadcast, the action could be glimpsed in the lower right corner of the screen. Within seconds of sitting down, Ms. Peng stood up again and handed the blanket to an attendant. The television commentator noted Mr. Putin's act, but Chinese news websites later deleted the video, presumably at the request of censors. It can still be seen online, including as a GIF animation >Speculation over Mr. Putin's intentions has been rife. One English-language magazine aimed at foreigners ran an online article with a headline saying, "Putin Just Put the Moves on Peng Liyuan During APEC." Others have called it an innocent and perhaps even noble action Btw, everyone is talking about Putin "hitting on her". What the f---? Dat "quality" journalism. Dat proaganda. Dat despair to smear China and Russia with something, anything When did you realize Western journalism is dead? 「Anonymous 11/11/14 (Tue) 12:05:55 ID:e956e6 No.329232 >>329247 >>329278 >>329319 >>329323 >>329849 >>329995 File (hide): 1415725555566.jpg (14.11 KB, 250x259, 250:259, P4PXIDC jpg) >Ms. Peng looked up at Putin shivering in the cold Chinese wind >It wasn't just the frosty air that made her shiver, it was fear and anticipation of what was to come >Putin looked down on his weak victim, brimming with Oppressive energy >his throbbing erection barely contained behind his pants >"N-no, please don't" cried out Mrs. Peng timidly >Putin ignored her cries as he revealed an enormous, oppressive, r----blanket. >Putin enveloped her in warm oppression as tears streamed down her cheeks s"...t-thank you" squeaked out Mrs Peng >Putin glared back at her with masculine pride " To Moe 「Anonymous 11/11/14 (Tue) 12:09:09 ID: e240a6 No.329247 File (hide): 1415725749507 ipg (64.42 KB. 538x482, 269:241. 1414568330563.jpa) >329232](
![File (hide): 1415720606322.ipg (45.05 KB. 860x320, 43:16, image-775103-breitwandaufm... .ipa) Putin gives jacket to chinky First Lady, everyone mad Anonymous 11/11/14 (Tue) 10:43:26 ID: 63fbd4 No.328940 [Watch Thread] r=0 >Then Mr. Putin, a former Soviet spymaster who rides horses bare-chested, made his move. He whipped a tan blanket from beneath the table and slipped it over Ms. Peng's shoulders as she stood up. On the state television broadcast, the action could be glimpsed in the lower right corner of the screen. Within seconds of sitting down, Ms. Peng stood up again and handed the blanket to an attendant. The television commentator noted Mr. Putin's act, but Chinese news websites later deleted the video, presumably at the request of censors. It can still be seen online, including as a GIF animation >Speculation over Mr. Putin's intentions has been rife. One English-language magazine aimed at foreigners ran an online article with a headline saying, "Putin Just Put the Moves on Peng Liyuan During APEC." Others have called it an innocent and perhaps even noble action Btw, everyone is talking about Putin "hitting on her". What the f---? Dat "quality" journalism. Dat proaganda. Dat despair to smear China and Russia with something, anything When did you realize Western journalism is dead? 「Anonymous 11/11/14 (Tue) 12:05:55 ID:e956e6 No.329232 >>329247 >>329278 >>329319 >>329323 >>329849 >>329995 File (hide): 1415725555566.jpg (14.11 KB, 250x259, 250:259, P4PXIDC jpg) >Ms. Peng looked up at Putin shivering in the cold Chinese wind >It wasn't just the frosty air that made her shiver, it was fear and anticipation of what was to come >Putin looked down on his weak victim, brimming with Oppressive energy >his throbbing erection barely contained behind his pants >"N-no, please don't" cried out Mrs. Peng timidly >Putin ignored her cries as he revealed an enormous, oppressive, r----blanket. >Putin enveloped her in warm oppression as tears streamed down her cheeks s"...t-thank you" squeaked out Mrs Peng >Putin glared back at her with masculine pride " To Moe 「Anonymous 11/11/14 (Tue) 12:09:09 ID: e240a6 No.329247 File (hide): 1415725749507 ipg (64.42 KB. 538x482, 269:241. 1414568330563.jpa) >329232](
It Was My Privilege

It Was My Privilege

It Was My Privilege

It Was My Privilege
It was my privilege

It Was My Privilege

It Was My Privilege
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It Was My Privilege

It Was My Privilege

It Was My Privilege
![目File: 1357728781 (5 KB, 198x254, connery jpg) GI 器 _ Anonymous (ID: ⑩70Nzki) 01/09/13(Wed)05:53 01 UTC-5 No 449711286 Reply] Replies: 2244971 1463 >:449711642 >Go on a date with girl >Take her to nice restaurant >She orders a shrimp cocktail and several drinks >Ask for the check >The waiter places the check in front of me, not in front of her, not in the middle of the table >Look of horror comes across the girl's face reach for the check and place my credit card inside >She begins to tremble >Tears well up in her eyes >l can tell she is paralyzed by fear at the oppression she is experiencing >l chauvinistically place the check with the my credit card on the table in front of me, daring her to do something about it The power of my oppression of this woman surges through my body as I lean back in my seat and stare directly at her >She is shaking with fright, the oppression strangling her voice away >The waiter returns to take the check away >All is lost to her now >Men at other tables begin to stand up and clap >Women all over the restaurant begin to shriek and cry >l feel my erect penis lift the tablecloth in front of me >l ask my date, "Did you enjoy your dinner?" >Y-yes... thank you", she says behind a mask of tears I lean forward, a devious, patriarchical smile spreading across my face >And I tell her, "It was my privilege."](
![目File: 1357728781 (5 KB, 198x254, connery jpg) GI 器 _ Anonymous (ID: ⑩70Nzki) 01/09/13(Wed)05:53 01 UTC-5 No 449711286 Reply] Replies: 2244971 1463 >:449711642 >Go on a date with girl >Take her to nice restaurant >She orders a shrimp cocktail and several drinks >Ask for the check >The waiter places the check in front of me, not in front of her, not in the middle of the table >Look of horror comes across the girl's face reach for the check and place my credit card inside >She begins to tremble >Tears well up in her eyes >l can tell she is paralyzed by fear at the oppression she is experiencing >l chauvinistically place the check with the my credit card on the table in front of me, daring her to do something about it The power of my oppression of this woman surges through my body as I lean back in my seat and stare directly at her >She is shaking with fright, the oppression strangling her voice away >The waiter returns to take the check away >All is lost to her now >Men at other tables begin to stand up and clap >Women all over the restaurant begin to shriek and cry >l feel my erect penis lift the tablecloth in front of me >l ask my date, "Did you enjoy your dinner?" >Y-yes... thank you", she says behind a mask of tears I lean forward, a devious, patriarchical smile spreading across my face >And I tell her, "It was my privilege."](
It Was My Privilege

It Was My Privilege
It Was My Privilege Collage
![File: 1357712187532 ipg-(22 KB, 500x375, DealWithltTurtle.jpg) □Anonymous >in a library >a woman walks by with a towering pile of books in her arms 01/09/13(Wed)01:16 No.9036631 Replies: >>903672->>9036739 >>9036768 >towers being phallic in nature, it's obviously a provocation at this point I'm burning with the des >suddenly she trips and drops most of the books >l quickly respond and start picking them up in a pretend attempt to aid her >deadly silence descends as this is taking place, all eyes are on us >ln the city on business About to enter building when a woman walks up behind me >A grin spreads across my face as I step back and hold on the door open for her o the doorway and c--- hardens with every book I pick p with my capabl uddering, eyes tearing up, her voice breaking while trying to find words as this brutal act of oppression is taking pla their erections >She is visibly shaken, tears running down her face, as she walks through the doorway with patriarchal fire burning in my eyes, I say "it was a privilege >The power I feel as I oppress a female courses through my veins >Nearby men all start applauding and grabbing their crotches in a sexual manner while biting ther lips and drooling at the sight of the oppressed woman □ Anonymous 01/09/13(Wed)03:43 No.9039581 privilege privilege privilege 1357720939509.ipg-(34 KB, 3C0x4 00, esq an-connery-tuxedo-bond-071 >As she walks by I whisper "it was a privilege 01/ 09/13(Wed)03:42 No.5410844 Replies:5410859 privilege privilege >Walking down a busy street when it begins to rain hard >I take out and pop open my umbrella above my head l turn File: 1357721005856.jpg-(152 KB, 765x970, 1357718477563[1].jpg) an woman in a dress made of a thin fabric staurant rain is drenching her and she lc She orders a shrimp cocktail and several drink mbrella and hand i The waiter places the check in front of me, not in front of her, not in the middle of the table Terror washes over her face as she is forced to take my umbrella >Look of horror comes across the girl's face She begins to squeal in fear of my oppression reach for the check and place my credit card inside ra ommitting against her causes her to stumble backward and she bumps into another man >Tears well up in her eves I can tell she is paralyzed by fear at the oppression >She turns around violently to see >The man excuses himself and says that he >The oppression is hitting her from al sides >Other men on the street be experiencin cla chauvinistically place the check with the my credit card on the table in front of me, daring her to do something about it The power of my oppression of this woman surges through my body as I lean back in my seat and stare directly at her h veli aboe her headsemen ing with fright, the ion strangling her voice away on the girl's face, mixing with her tears s my umbrella Shvers shoot through my body as I revel in the oppression I am subjecting this woman t feel rain dops bounce onto my now erect penis >l stare at her, chauvinistically expecting nothing in return, ard aggravate the r--- as I begin to turn away >T-thank you >l turn back for a moment and smil speration behi thousand rainy tears >I feel I my erect penis lift the tablecloth in front of me And I tell her, "It was my prvilege 01/09/1 3(Wed)01:01 No 90399101 ▼] >l ask my date, "Did you enjoy your dinner?" □ Anonymous s my face rl lege Anan tel her, a was my mearchical smie spreading acros exual activitie me a woman frantically running towards the life boat, completely oblivious to what is in front of her She comes within 2 feet of me and o choke out a word behind the tears d--- could not be any harder "You go Semen As she puts the meat on the bread I look at her and we lock eyes herself in the reflection of the windows, making me a sandwich walks on to the boat with her child, but not the fathe She starts crying and My d--- hardens from the dominance l exhibited Slowly it begins to dawn on her what is happening, but it is far too late king rude gestures and >Hear similar sou e made all of them sandwiches too As her lifeboat,and the other lifeboats exclusively filled with women drop into the water, the remaining men shout in unison "it was my privilege All the men left then simultaneously orgasmed at their masculine actions, unloading metric tons of semen on to the boat Every single one of them oppressively drowned that day, though the boat never went under eyes as she hands me the sub, so distraught that she forgets to make me pay ears burn in her terally ta me Anonymous 01/09/13(Wed)01:27 No.9040394 [r] >As I bleed out, I take a bite of the sandwich and mutter. "it was a privilege" >In an elevator at a shopping complex >Crowded and uncomfortable >A young lady is standing next to me, looking noticeably rushed >Notice a young, black, lesbian couple skating together They S >As they laugh and use their strong female powers and independence to get up off the floor I race towards them >They stop, faces frozen colder then th ground sA hush descends upon the lift >She appears simultaneously furious and ashamed You ladies need a hand?" I say in a suave manner. My heart begins to race and penis becomes erect shocked at the oppression that is being displayed. The men begin to furiously masturbate >Help them up anyway. Tears begin to roll down the A brave independent Woman can only take so much ion ming in fear, tears rolling down their faces onto the ice beat the Women in the rink HHHH" THEY SCREAM POUNDING THEIR CHESTS! The male bloodlust turns into regular lus poor, defe women It was a privilege" I whisper into their ears /pol/-PSlotics all day eryday](
![File: 1357712187532 ipg-(22 KB, 500x375, DealWithltTurtle.jpg) □Anonymous >in a library >a woman walks by with a towering pile of books in her arms 01/09/13(Wed)01:16 No.9036631 Replies: >>903672->>9036739 >>9036768 >towers being phallic in nature, it's obviously a provocation at this point I'm burning with the des >suddenly she trips and drops most of the books >l quickly respond and start picking them up in a pretend attempt to aid her >deadly silence descends as this is taking place, all eyes are on us >ln the city on business About to enter building when a woman walks up behind me >A grin spreads across my face as I step back and hold on the door open for her o the doorway and c--- hardens with every book I pick p with my capabl uddering, eyes tearing up, her voice breaking while trying to find words as this brutal act of oppression is taking pla their erections >She is visibly shaken, tears running down her face, as she walks through the doorway with patriarchal fire burning in my eyes, I say "it was a privilege >The power I feel as I oppress a female courses through my veins >Nearby men all start applauding and grabbing their crotches in a sexual manner while biting ther lips and drooling at the sight of the oppressed woman □ Anonymous 01/09/13(Wed)03:43 No.9039581 privilege privilege privilege 1357720939509.ipg-(34 KB, 3C0x4 00, esq an-connery-tuxedo-bond-071 >As she walks by I whisper "it was a privilege 01/ 09/13(Wed)03:42 No.5410844 Replies:5410859 privilege privilege >Walking down a busy street when it begins to rain hard >I take out and pop open my umbrella above my head l turn File: 1357721005856.jpg-(152 KB, 765x970, 1357718477563[1].jpg) an woman in a dress made of a thin fabric staurant rain is drenching her and she lc She orders a shrimp cocktail and several drink mbrella and hand i The waiter places the check in front of me, not in front of her, not in the middle of the table Terror washes over her face as she is forced to take my umbrella >Look of horror comes across the girl's face She begins to squeal in fear of my oppression reach for the check and place my credit card inside ra ommitting against her causes her to stumble backward and she bumps into another man >Tears well up in her eves I can tell she is paralyzed by fear at the oppression >She turns around violently to see >The man excuses himself and says that he >The oppression is hitting her from al sides >Other men on the street be experiencin cla chauvinistically place the check with the my credit card on the table in front of me, daring her to do something about it The power of my oppression of this woman surges through my body as I lean back in my seat and stare directly at her h veli aboe her headsemen ing with fright, the ion strangling her voice away on the girl's face, mixing with her tears s my umbrella Shvers shoot through my body as I revel in the oppression I am subjecting this woman t feel rain dops bounce onto my now erect penis >l stare at her, chauvinistically expecting nothing in return, ard aggravate the r--- as I begin to turn away >T-thank you >l turn back for a moment and smil speration behi thousand rainy tears >I feel I my erect penis lift the tablecloth in front of me And I tell her, "It was my prvilege 01/09/1 3(Wed)01:01 No 90399101 ▼] >l ask my date, "Did you enjoy your dinner?" □ Anonymous s my face rl lege Anan tel her, a was my mearchical smie spreading acros exual activitie me a woman frantically running towards the life boat, completely oblivious to what is in front of her She comes within 2 feet of me and o choke out a word behind the tears d--- could not be any harder "You go Semen As she puts the meat on the bread I look at her and we lock eyes herself in the reflection of the windows, making me a sandwich walks on to the boat with her child, but not the fathe She starts crying and My d--- hardens from the dominance l exhibited Slowly it begins to dawn on her what is happening, but it is far too late king rude gestures and >Hear similar sou e made all of them sandwiches too As her lifeboat,and the other lifeboats exclusively filled with women drop into the water, the remaining men shout in unison "it was my privilege All the men left then simultaneously orgasmed at their masculine actions, unloading metric tons of semen on to the boat Every single one of them oppressively drowned that day, though the boat never went under eyes as she hands me the sub, so distraught that she forgets to make me pay ears burn in her terally ta me Anonymous 01/09/13(Wed)01:27 No.9040394 [r] >As I bleed out, I take a bite of the sandwich and mutter. "it was a privilege" >In an elevator at a shopping complex >Crowded and uncomfortable >A young lady is standing next to me, looking noticeably rushed >Notice a young, black, lesbian couple skating together They S >As they laugh and use their strong female powers and independence to get up off the floor I race towards them >They stop, faces frozen colder then th ground sA hush descends upon the lift >She appears simultaneously furious and ashamed You ladies need a hand?" I say in a suave manner. My heart begins to race and penis becomes erect shocked at the oppression that is being displayed. The men begin to furiously masturbate >Help them up anyway. Tears begin to roll down the A brave independent Woman can only take so much ion ming in fear, tears rolling down their faces onto the ice beat the Women in the rink HHHH" THEY SCREAM POUNDING THEIR CHESTS! The male bloodlust turns into regular lus poor, defe women It was a privilege" I whisper into their ears /pol/-PSlotics all day eryday](
It Was My Privilege