Mildly Interesting - Images
It's Supposed To Say 'Dream', The Shadow Says 'Die' And Looks Like Tinkerbell Hung Herself | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
These adventurous frog tracks on my windshield | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My pets match the animals on this spray bottle. | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This compressed air can has a picture of itself, which has a picture of itself, which also has a picture of itself. | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Giraffe Shadow | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This Shadow Looks Like Its Low Resolution | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
A Couple Days Out Of The Year A Mountain In My Hometown Casts A Shadow That Looks Like A Cougar Attacking Its Prey | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Me firing a gun... and the camera catching the actual “firing” part. | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Detective Comics #1000 issue cover recreated on a whiteboard at a hospital | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This rock that looks like a steak | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My aunt has an old camp stove from Nazi Germany | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
A guy and his hawk chilling on the streets of Kyiv | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
[OC] I won a box of just Lucky Charms marshmallows. | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This pencil with two erasers still has lead inside | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
When using sunflower seeds/butter in baking, the chlorophyll in the seeds will react to any baking soda/powder in the recipe, causing a green color to form as the cookies cool off. This is completely harmless, and doesn’t affect taste! | r/mildlyinteresti
Mildly Interesting
My dog sits in the car like a person would | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
The shadow of this tree left the snow untouched. | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Keeping with the immersive theming, Disney and Coke teamed up to make these bottles to be sold inside the new Star Wars Land | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Boat made out of plastic bottles. | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This perfectly “U”-shaped noodle I found in my pasta box. | r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting