When using sunflower seeds/butter in baking, the chlorophyll in the seeds will react to any baking soda/powder in the recipe, causing a green color to form as the cookies cool off. This is completely harmless, and doesn’t affect taste! | r/mildlyinteresti
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Aug 04, 2019 at 10:31PM EDT
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Keeping with the immersive theming, Disney and Coke teamed up to make these bottles to be sold inside the new Star Wars Land | r/mildlyinteresting
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Had a vase with a bubble in the bottom, so I added some water, food coloring, and flex tape. Neat. Thanks Phil Swift | r/mildlyinteresting
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Mildly Interesting - When using sunflower seeds/butter in baking, the chlorophyll in the seeds will react to any baking soda/powder in the recipe, causing a green color to form as the cookies cool off. This is completely harmless, and doesn’t affect taste! | r/mildlyinteresti
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