New York Times Opinions Parodies - Images
The Keymaker is not the solution. The Keymaker is the problem.
New York Times Opinions Parodies
gollum: give us the precious, hobbitses
New York Times Opinions Parodies
dog's tail: maybe we should let the dog bite me, for once
New York Times Opinions Parodies
Yet another shameful, irresponsible column in the NYT Opinion Pages.
New York Times Opinions Parodies
wow seriously @nytopinion
New York Times Opinions Parodies
it's completely normal to check out other people
New York Times Opinions Parodies
glad to see the NYT representing a broad range of voices on its op-ed section
New York Times Opinions Parodies
Oh come on @nytopinion
New York Times Opinions Parodies
what has happened to the @nytopinion section?
New York Times Opinions Parodies
Pretty irresponsible column in today's @nytopinion
New York Times Opinions Parodies
Stay tuned for next week's @nytopinion op-ed penned by Phillip Morris: "Cigarettes are chock full of vitamin C, not cancer and death."
New York Times Opinions Parodies
please read my new @nytopinion piece: Why Giving Me All Of Your Gold, Not Legitimate Leadership or Party Unity, Will Save America
New York Times Opinions Parodies
Trump's plan to increase troops in Afghanistan will merely continue the conflict, says Erik Prince
New York Times Opinions Parodies