Anita Sarkeesian - Images
He's not hero we deserve, but he's the one we need right now
Anita Sarkeesian
Does anybody know why the fuck does this happen?
![wikipedia twitter Web News mages VideosS hopping MoreSearch tools About 245,000,000 results (0.35 seconds) Twitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikiped.a ▼ Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and Jack Dorsey - Biz Stone Noah Glass - Evan Williams Twitter Inc Company Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Wikipedia Anita Sarkeesian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▼ Wikipedia ▼ Attempts were made to hack her Twitter and Google accounts, doctored images of. Her Wikipedia article was repeatedly vandalized with images of sex acts You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 9/17/14 0.00 (0.00%) Stock price: TWTR (NYSE) $51.94 Sep 22, 4:01 PM EDT - Disclaimer Headquarters: San Francisco, CA Founded: March 21, 2006, San Francisco, California, United States CEO: D--- Costolo Twitter - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▼ Simple English Wikipedia ▼ Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service. Users use mobile phones or computers to send and to read messages, called "tweets". Tweets can be. Founders: Evan Williams, Noah Glass, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone Feedback](
![wikipedia twitter Web News mages VideosS hopping MoreSearch tools About 245,000,000 results (0.35 seconds) Twitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikiped.a ▼ Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and Jack Dorsey - Biz Stone Noah Glass - Evan Williams Twitter Inc Company Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Wikipedia Anita Sarkeesian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▼ Wikipedia ▼ Attempts were made to hack her Twitter and Google accounts, doctored images of. Her Wikipedia article was repeatedly vandalized with images of sex acts You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 9/17/14 0.00 (0.00%) Stock price: TWTR (NYSE) $51.94 Sep 22, 4:01 PM EDT - Disclaimer Headquarters: San Francisco, CA Founded: March 21, 2006, San Francisco, California, United States CEO: D--- Costolo Twitter - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▼ Simple English Wikipedia ▼ Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service. Users use mobile phones or computers to send and to read messages, called "tweets". Tweets can be. Founders: Evan Williams, Noah Glass, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone Feedback](
Anita Sarkeesian
99.9% sure it's a troll, but...
![File: index.ipg (11 KB, 299x168) □ Anonymous ID 2 ST 09/21/14 Sun 20:38:52 No.569920280 >2569920506 >>569920512 >2569920520 >>569920562 >569920590 >>569920593 >>569920621 Hey guy, Anita Sarkeesian here Now, I know what you're thinking, "oh here she comes to talk about how terrible /b/ is or something" but I promise you, I come here on a peace meeting Now I'm sure you are aware that some of the 4chan newer 4Chan mods are more "progressive" than a lot of you guys are, and there has been a lot of chaos going on here from that. I would like to apologize, as I fear that I may have had something to do with that Now I notice that a lot of people on this site have a "rah rah WAR" mentality, and I would like to address that. You see, this isn't about 4Chan vs. the "Social Justice Warriors", this isn't even about Misogyny This whole Gamer Gate thing is nothing than a culture and ideal clash, such a thing is trivial and should be nipped in the bud before something awful happens. This is why I am here to officially offer some kind of Truce between our two communities. I ask you guys to stop looking into this "gaming journalism corruption" nonsense, and I will (to the best of my abilities) try to stop this demonizing of 4chan that so many journalism sites are doing So what do you say guys? Are we cool? Anonymous (ID: Bo914bjl ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:25 No. 569920479、2>569920875 Ps File: 1382553986487 gif (47 KB, 350x283) NEAT This is now a spidey thread Anonymous (ID: 57WKicVD) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:28 No.569920485 g8 bait m8 8/8 Anonymous (ID: u6ufZwTD) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:33 No.569920501 maoo □ Anonymous (ID: MPATNm) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:59 No.569920564 File: melsmovie.png (61 KB, 178x268) Anonymous (ID: eeaven) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:37 No.569920506 >Implying she would waste her time 2/10 replied didn't read 0 Ps Anonymous (ID: gk4NT6n) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:38 No. 569920512 P> No one cares Anonymous (ID: OcVJby ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:41:06 No. 569920590 I would like to say yes but it is far too late for Half-Chan now □ Anonymous (ID: reBx8UW) 09/21/14(Sun)20:41:08 No.569920593 Ps Anonymous (ID: 20025%) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:42 No. 569920520 P> Ummmm Nah...F--- off Ps Anonymous (ID: 87xyA76) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:43 No.569920524 sorry Anita, all your hot topics are prob 2edgy4chan t--- or gtfo, c---------- Anonymous (ID: GyhtEaZ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:41:20 No. 569920621、2-569921149 Anonymous (ID: yuMBOSU4) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:44 No.569920527 569920693 File: 10401904 805 (39 KB, 478x640) my d--- is f------ hard right now P> This isn't even decent trolling Anonymous (ID: Pst96) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:53 No. 569920548 Obvious troll but still kill yourself you fat w---- c--- □ Anonymous (ID: TONDO) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:58 No.569920562 Anonymous (ID: PTpwpIi ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:44:12 No. 569920986 File: we are notamused Go f--- vourself (230 KB, 499x300) P> No thanks. I demand equality and ethics in the gaming scene, not this constant SJW b------- and corruption. And if you are Anita Sarkeesian, go educate yourself about video games with actual f------ statistics before running your mouth to try and make it look as misogynistic as possible ) Anonymous (ID: File: whitehipsterconvention jpg (102 KB, 1024x768) MNpHTGo ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:42:34 No. 569920779 B------- Anita doesn't actually address her critics. She just throws a smokebomb and cries "DEATH THREATS!" And convinces weak-willed site administrators to ban them Anonymous (ID: CRY TH ) 09/21/14(Sun )20:42:37 No.569920783 How about you win a debate for once, then we'll talk about how advanced and progressive you are 2/10, made me reply](
![File: index.ipg (11 KB, 299x168) □ Anonymous ID 2 ST 09/21/14 Sun 20:38:52 No.569920280 >2569920506 >>569920512 >2569920520 >>569920562 >569920590 >>569920593 >>569920621 Hey guy, Anita Sarkeesian here Now, I know what you're thinking, "oh here she comes to talk about how terrible /b/ is or something" but I promise you, I come here on a peace meeting Now I'm sure you are aware that some of the 4chan newer 4Chan mods are more "progressive" than a lot of you guys are, and there has been a lot of chaos going on here from that. I would like to apologize, as I fear that I may have had something to do with that Now I notice that a lot of people on this site have a "rah rah WAR" mentality, and I would like to address that. You see, this isn't about 4Chan vs. the "Social Justice Warriors", this isn't even about Misogyny This whole Gamer Gate thing is nothing than a culture and ideal clash, such a thing is trivial and should be nipped in the bud before something awful happens. This is why I am here to officially offer some kind of Truce between our two communities. I ask you guys to stop looking into this "gaming journalism corruption" nonsense, and I will (to the best of my abilities) try to stop this demonizing of 4chan that so many journalism sites are doing So what do you say guys? Are we cool? Anonymous (ID: Bo914bjl ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:25 No. 569920479、2>569920875 Ps File: 1382553986487 gif (47 KB, 350x283) NEAT This is now a spidey thread Anonymous (ID: 57WKicVD) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:28 No.569920485 g8 bait m8 8/8 Anonymous (ID: u6ufZwTD) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:33 No.569920501 maoo □ Anonymous (ID: MPATNm) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:59 No.569920564 File: melsmovie.png (61 KB, 178x268) Anonymous (ID: eeaven) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:37 No.569920506 >Implying she would waste her time 2/10 replied didn't read 0 Ps Anonymous (ID: gk4NT6n) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:38 No. 569920512 P> No one cares Anonymous (ID: OcVJby ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:41:06 No. 569920590 I would like to say yes but it is far too late for Half-Chan now □ Anonymous (ID: reBx8UW) 09/21/14(Sun)20:41:08 No.569920593 Ps Anonymous (ID: 20025%) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:42 No. 569920520 P> Ummmm Nah...F--- off Ps Anonymous (ID: 87xyA76) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:43 No.569920524 sorry Anita, all your hot topics are prob 2edgy4chan t--- or gtfo, c---------- Anonymous (ID: GyhtEaZ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:41:20 No. 569920621、2-569921149 Anonymous (ID: yuMBOSU4) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:44 No.569920527 569920693 File: 10401904 805 (39 KB, 478x640) my d--- is f------ hard right now P> This isn't even decent trolling Anonymous (ID: Pst96) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:53 No. 569920548 Obvious troll but still kill yourself you fat w---- c--- □ Anonymous (ID: TONDO) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:58 No.569920562 Anonymous (ID: PTpwpIi ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:44:12 No. 569920986 File: we are notamused Go f--- vourself (230 KB, 499x300) P> No thanks. I demand equality and ethics in the gaming scene, not this constant SJW b------- and corruption. And if you are Anita Sarkeesian, go educate yourself about video games with actual f------ statistics before running your mouth to try and make it look as misogynistic as possible ) Anonymous (ID: File: whitehipsterconvention jpg (102 KB, 1024x768) MNpHTGo ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:42:34 No. 569920779 B------- Anita doesn't actually address her critics. She just throws a smokebomb and cries "DEATH THREATS!" And convinces weak-willed site administrators to ban them Anonymous (ID: CRY TH ) 09/21/14(Sun )20:42:37 No.569920783 How about you win a debate for once, then we'll talk about how advanced and progressive you are 2/10, made me reply](
Anita Sarkeesian
Anita the damsel
Anita Sarkeesian
Anita thought this was a good thing
![Feminist Frequency @femfreq-1h "You made me throw all my game ideas in the trash & I couldn't thank you enough for it. What you're doing is making a difference." #lovemail Expand tamlin69 retweeted Venimus Vidimus@venimus_vidimus 56m @femfreq u made someone throw away their creative work?1 That is abhorrent Art should be personal and unfiltered by outside sensibilities.](
![Feminist Frequency @femfreq-1h "You made me throw all my game ideas in the trash & I couldn't thank you enough for it. What you're doing is making a difference." #lovemail Expand tamlin69 retweeted Venimus Vidimus@venimus_vidimus 56m @femfreq u made someone throw away their creative work?1 That is abhorrent Art should be personal and unfiltered by outside sensibilities.](
Anita Sarkeesian
Anita Sarkeesian
Big Sister
Anita Sarkeesian
Anita and her diverse colleagues
![Silverstring Media TEAM EXPERIMENTS PROJECTS WORK WITH US STORE BLOG CONTACT "SOCIAL JUSTICE" COMPANY DOESN'T HIRE MINORITIES Harmony between story and design is the core concern of Silverstring Media's leadership, who fuse writing, transmedia storytelling, ludology, architecture, and design. Supported by a stellar team of creative and savvy people, Silverstring is ready to tackle any challenge LUCAS J.W. JOHNSON-FOUNDER, CEO, DIRECTOR OF NARRATIVE Fueled by a love of mythology, and having spent most of his childhood making up video games and playing with plastic swords, Lucas had so many stories in his head he had to become a writer. For fifteen years, Lucas has experimented with interactive narratives, game systems design, and emergent storytelling. He is an author, a game designer, a producer, and a storyteller. With a BFA in Honours Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia, he runs the Transmedia Vancouver Meetup Group, and has spoken at conferences across North America on digital and transmedia storytelling. CEMELUSINE-GAME DEVELOPER AND PROJECT MANAGER A game designer and developer, ceMelusine has been instrumental in creating over a dozen different games. He has worked with procedural generation, programming AIs, designing levels, writing dialogue, language parsing, and creating his own design tools. ceMelusine has a Bachelors of Arts from UBC for Honours English with a minor in Computer Science. He is highly interested in surrealism, feminism, the horror genre, and computer glitches. He explores what video games are capable of as an artistic medium, and is constantly pushing himself to learn new skills. MAYA FELIX KRAMER PR/PROGRAMMING/ART Maya Felix Kramer has worked for eight years as a creative in the entertainment industry. With experience in writing, filming, editing, creative direction, journalism, PR and games development, Maya has an extremely wide and applicable skill set. Maya is also deeply concerned with issues of inclusion and diversity in the entertainment industry, specifically within the games community DEVIN VIBERT-MUSICAL DIRECTOR To this day Devin has written over three hundred original songs in genres ranging from soundtrack to video game music as well as more contemporary styles like pop/rock and alternative. He has logged several hundred hours' worth of experience on several analogue and digital recording consoles while completing his studies in London at Fanshawe College's internationally-acclaimed Music Industry Arts program, where he graduated with Honours. DANNIELE LIVENGOOD-BUSINESS MANAGER Danniele likes systems. Studying everything from the small-scale systems at work in chemical reactions to global resource management and sustainability, she has cultivated an effective approach to systems- based thinking. Danniele is fascinated by what is achieved when we dismantle the assumptions of what something must be. She believes in optimizing systems by first seeing how they can be broken. She helps Silverstring Media grow our business responsibly, keep the administrative tasks in check, and optimize how we produce our games. Advisors Silverstring Media is proud to be backed by a fantastic group of advisors Anita Sarkeesian, Media Critic, Feminist Frequency Jonathan McIntosh, Media Critic and Transformative Storyteller J.C. Hutchins, Transmedia Zoya Street, Game Design Writer Historian, Industry Consultant Sept 14 2014 Kayla Kinnunen, Game Director at Roadhouse Interactive Melinda Johnston, Communications and Marketing Brian Clark, CEO of GMD Studios](
![Silverstring Media TEAM EXPERIMENTS PROJECTS WORK WITH US STORE BLOG CONTACT "SOCIAL JUSTICE" COMPANY DOESN'T HIRE MINORITIES Harmony between story and design is the core concern of Silverstring Media's leadership, who fuse writing, transmedia storytelling, ludology, architecture, and design. Supported by a stellar team of creative and savvy people, Silverstring is ready to tackle any challenge LUCAS J.W. JOHNSON-FOUNDER, CEO, DIRECTOR OF NARRATIVE Fueled by a love of mythology, and having spent most of his childhood making up video games and playing with plastic swords, Lucas had so many stories in his head he had to become a writer. For fifteen years, Lucas has experimented with interactive narratives, game systems design, and emergent storytelling. He is an author, a game designer, a producer, and a storyteller. With a BFA in Honours Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia, he runs the Transmedia Vancouver Meetup Group, and has spoken at conferences across North America on digital and transmedia storytelling. CEMELUSINE-GAME DEVELOPER AND PROJECT MANAGER A game designer and developer, ceMelusine has been instrumental in creating over a dozen different games. He has worked with procedural generation, programming AIs, designing levels, writing dialogue, language parsing, and creating his own design tools. ceMelusine has a Bachelors of Arts from UBC for Honours English with a minor in Computer Science. He is highly interested in surrealism, feminism, the horror genre, and computer glitches. He explores what video games are capable of as an artistic medium, and is constantly pushing himself to learn new skills. MAYA FELIX KRAMER PR/PROGRAMMING/ART Maya Felix Kramer has worked for eight years as a creative in the entertainment industry. With experience in writing, filming, editing, creative direction, journalism, PR and games development, Maya has an extremely wide and applicable skill set. Maya is also deeply concerned with issues of inclusion and diversity in the entertainment industry, specifically within the games community DEVIN VIBERT-MUSICAL DIRECTOR To this day Devin has written over three hundred original songs in genres ranging from soundtrack to video game music as well as more contemporary styles like pop/rock and alternative. He has logged several hundred hours' worth of experience on several analogue and digital recording consoles while completing his studies in London at Fanshawe College's internationally-acclaimed Music Industry Arts program, where he graduated with Honours. DANNIELE LIVENGOOD-BUSINESS MANAGER Danniele likes systems. Studying everything from the small-scale systems at work in chemical reactions to global resource management and sustainability, she has cultivated an effective approach to systems- based thinking. Danniele is fascinated by what is achieved when we dismantle the assumptions of what something must be. She believes in optimizing systems by first seeing how they can be broken. She helps Silverstring Media grow our business responsibly, keep the administrative tasks in check, and optimize how we produce our games. Advisors Silverstring Media is proud to be backed by a fantastic group of advisors Anita Sarkeesian, Media Critic, Feminist Frequency Jonathan McIntosh, Media Critic and Transformative Storyteller J.C. Hutchins, Transmedia Zoya Street, Game Design Writer Historian, Industry Consultant Sept 14 2014 Kayla Kinnunen, Game Director at Roadhouse Interactive Melinda Johnston, Communications and Marketing Brian Clark, CEO of GMD Studios](
Anita Sarkeesian
Anita Sarkeesian
XOXOFest 2014
Anita Sarkeesian
Seems a bit cultish to me
![Laura Hudson @laura hudson 50m "One of the most radical things you can do is believe women when they tell you about their experiences." -@femfreq and わ 42-330 ★ 260 View more photos and videos](
![Laura Hudson @laura hudson 50m "One of the most radical things you can do is believe women when they tell you about their experiences." -@femfreq and わ 42-330 ★ 260 View more photos and videos](
Anita Sarkeesian
Truth Of Sexism
![THE TRUTH OF SEXISM HURTS. But the truth must be told, whether people want to hear it or not!](
![THE TRUTH OF SEXISM HURTS. But the truth must be told, whether people want to hear it or not!](
Anita Sarkeesian
Quoting the FemFreq videos: "Intentionally or not..."
![Feminist Frequency @femfreq Follow Harassers spamming my account with abhorrent images of child p---------- & @Twitter has no mechanism to report that?! How is this possible?! Reply t Retweet ★ Favorite More ODDS AND ENDS RETWEETS FAVORITES 6:13 PM - 5 Sep 2014 Feminist Frequency @femfreq Follow Looks like @twitter has a hidden form that's not accessible from the report button on tweets. Reply t: Retweet ★ Favorite More Block or Report Block @iamgroot10 Giamgroot10 will no longer be able to follow or message you. Learn more about blocking. This account was used to send child p---------- to @femfreq @radicalbytes, @carolynmichelle and @gagrulenet The messages were direct tweets and did not contain any hashtags, thus it was virtually impossible for any other people to be exposed to the child p---------- File a report But thanks to this tweet, the account was shown to Anita's 138k followers and was spread even further as people urged others to report it What's the problem? O This Tweet is annoying This Tweet is spam This account may be compromised This user is abusive This Tweet may be in violation of the Twitter Rules. In order to file a report, you must still choose and complete a form. Select this option to continue. OImpersonation Trademarks OHarassment OReport self harm Report an ad Next RETWEETS FAVORITES 270 6:26 PM - 5 Sep 2014 Flag media](
![Feminist Frequency @femfreq Follow Harassers spamming my account with abhorrent images of child p---------- & @Twitter has no mechanism to report that?! How is this possible?! Reply t Retweet ★ Favorite More ODDS AND ENDS RETWEETS FAVORITES 6:13 PM - 5 Sep 2014 Feminist Frequency @femfreq Follow Looks like @twitter has a hidden form that's not accessible from the report button on tweets. Reply t: Retweet ★ Favorite More Block or Report Block @iamgroot10 Giamgroot10 will no longer be able to follow or message you. Learn more about blocking. This account was used to send child p---------- to @femfreq @radicalbytes, @carolynmichelle and @gagrulenet The messages were direct tweets and did not contain any hashtags, thus it was virtually impossible for any other people to be exposed to the child p---------- File a report But thanks to this tweet, the account was shown to Anita's 138k followers and was spread even further as people urged others to report it What's the problem? O This Tweet is annoying This Tweet is spam This account may be compromised This user is abusive This Tweet may be in violation of the Twitter Rules. In order to file a report, you must still choose and complete a form. Select this option to continue. OImpersonation Trademarks OHarassment OReport self harm Report an ad Next RETWEETS FAVORITES 270 6:26 PM - 5 Sep 2014 Flag media](
Anita Sarkeesian
4chan's reaction at the time child porn is tweeted to Anita
![Anonymous 09/05/14 Fr File 223402 No 261867576 ▶22616775,-261867758)-261867851쯔201367878220188221,-20108835Q 20100108 An y ou s 09/05/14 Fn 21 33 07 No 261857816 2618579翌竺2618SS024 261858025 26185809-161858192w261 s 201, 261858282 261855372 261558653 26185940s-261859469-261 s sos, 26185963 261859686 51 KB, 787x7 Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)22:45 19 No 261869373 SOMEONE, TRY TO FIND IF SOMEONE REALLY TWEETED CP TO ANITA, AND TRY TO SEE IF ITS A FAKE ACCOUNT File 108 KB, 649x403 Case# 05649640: CSE (Twitter)-. UQosC:ref O-ref:00DA0000000KOA8. 500G000000 Hello, (I would do it myself but I don't have proxies) 10:24 PM (6 minutes ago) ☆ Twitter Support<> tome 으 Thank you for your report. We do not tolerate child sexual exploitation on Twitter and partner with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to ensure that appropriate law enforcement agencies are notified when such content is located. We will review the content you have reported as soon as possible. Please be aware that content that has been removed from the site may still be visible to you until you've refreshed your browser or cleared your browser's history or cache Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21 34 05 No 261857959 261858173-261859347쯔26185940s Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21:34:33 No.261858024以61asses Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21:35:13 No.261858098 26 1859405 Hello, It's real, I accidentally clicked the link to his profile last thread and it's kinda ruined my night now They did ITS R Thank you for your report. We do not tolerate child sexual exploitation on Twitter and partner with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to ensure that appropriate law enforcement agencies are notified when such content is located. We will review the content you have reported as soon as possible. Please be aware that content that has been removed from the site may still be visible to you until you've refreshed your browser or cleared your browser's history or cache. s 09/05/14(Fri)21:34:35 No.261858025 2-25185945 Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21:35:51 No.261858192 22261559405 Anonymous 09 05 14(Fri21:35:58 No.261858209 23281859405 File: 1403804288636 gif (1.61 MB, 280x296) 261857816 BAN THE F----- AND GET THE COPS ON HIM I think the account was10, I didn't click the link i ain't having any of that s--- its f------ disgusting If you have more context or more information on the content that you have reported, you can send that information to NCMEC directly by using this link: Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21: 36:19 No.261 858282以61asess If you have more context or more information on the content that you have reported, you can send that information to NCMEC directly by using this link For more information on Twitter's policy regarding child sexual exploitation, please see our help page: https/ org/index Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21: 37:03 No 261858379-a201asaser2以61a sees s 09/05/14(Fri)21:43:28 No.261859405 File: screenshot 16 ing (233 KB, 580x713) For more information on Twitter's policy regarding child sexual exploitation, please see our help page: https:lsupport 37370 The account is10. Report to FB Did my part. Thank you, https// REPORT THE USER TO THAT ADDRESS Twitter Trust & Safety Anonymous 09 05/14(Fri)21:45:11 No 261859686 REPORT HIM I DONT KNOW HOW IM NEW GET THIS SICK F--- INTO PRISON Your case number #05649640 DONT GO LOOK ITS ACTUAL CP REPORT REPORT System Reference: ref 00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000UQosC.ref REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market st. Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103 Done](
![Anonymous 09/05/14 Fr File 223402 No 261867576 ▶22616775,-261867758)-261867851쯔201367878220188221,-20108835Q 20100108 An y ou s 09/05/14 Fn 21 33 07 No 261857816 2618579翌竺2618SS024 261858025 26185809-161858192w261 s 201, 261858282 261855372 261558653 26185940s-261859469-261 s sos, 26185963 261859686 51 KB, 787x7 Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)22:45 19 No 261869373 SOMEONE, TRY TO FIND IF SOMEONE REALLY TWEETED CP TO ANITA, AND TRY TO SEE IF ITS A FAKE ACCOUNT File 108 KB, 649x403 Case# 05649640: CSE (Twitter)-. UQosC:ref O-ref:00DA0000000KOA8. 500G000000 Hello, (I would do it myself but I don't have proxies) 10:24 PM (6 minutes ago) ☆ Twitter Support<> tome 으 Thank you for your report. We do not tolerate child sexual exploitation on Twitter and partner with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to ensure that appropriate law enforcement agencies are notified when such content is located. We will review the content you have reported as soon as possible. Please be aware that content that has been removed from the site may still be visible to you until you've refreshed your browser or cleared your browser's history or cache Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21 34 05 No 261857959 261858173-261859347쯔26185940s Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21:34:33 No.261858024以61asses Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21:35:13 No.261858098 26 1859405 Hello, It's real, I accidentally clicked the link to his profile last thread and it's kinda ruined my night now They did ITS R Thank you for your report. We do not tolerate child sexual exploitation on Twitter and partner with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to ensure that appropriate law enforcement agencies are notified when such content is located. We will review the content you have reported as soon as possible. Please be aware that content that has been removed from the site may still be visible to you until you've refreshed your browser or cleared your browser's history or cache. s 09/05/14(Fri)21:34:35 No.261858025 2-25185945 Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21:35:51 No.261858192 22261559405 Anonymous 09 05 14(Fri21:35:58 No.261858209 23281859405 File: 1403804288636 gif (1.61 MB, 280x296) 261857816 BAN THE F----- AND GET THE COPS ON HIM I think the account was10, I didn't click the link i ain't having any of that s--- its f------ disgusting If you have more context or more information on the content that you have reported, you can send that information to NCMEC directly by using this link: Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21: 36:19 No.261 858282以61asess If you have more context or more information on the content that you have reported, you can send that information to NCMEC directly by using this link For more information on Twitter's policy regarding child sexual exploitation, please see our help page: https/ org/index Anonymous 09/05/14(Fri)21: 37:03 No 261858379-a201asaser2以61a sees s 09/05/14(Fri)21:43:28 No.261859405 File: screenshot 16 ing (233 KB, 580x713) For more information on Twitter's policy regarding child sexual exploitation, please see our help page: https:lsupport 37370 The account is10. Report to FB Did my part. Thank you, https// REPORT THE USER TO THAT ADDRESS Twitter Trust & Safety Anonymous 09 05/14(Fri)21:45:11 No 261859686 REPORT HIM I DONT KNOW HOW IM NEW GET THIS SICK F--- INTO PRISON Your case number #05649640 DONT GO LOOK ITS ACTUAL CP REPORT REPORT System Reference: ref 00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000UQosC.ref REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market st. Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103 Done](
Anita Sarkeesian
Anita Sarkeesian
[From reddit]
If you're wondering about the backstory: a few months ago, a child on Twitter said that a comedian's job is to push the envelope, and that a comedian making jokes about r--- doesn't necessarily support r--- culture.
So naturally the SJW mob doxxed him and made fun of how he looked and made threats and generally acted like complete bully assholes.
The kid was pretty cool with it and acted infinitely more adult than any of the SJWs who were harassing him.
I'd post a pic of this harassment but last time I did I was shadowbanned, presumably for inciting a witch hunt against the people bullying a child.](
[From reddit]
If you're wondering about the backstory: a few months ago, a child on Twitter said that a comedian's job is to push the envelope, and that a comedian making jokes about r--- doesn't necessarily support r--- culture.
So naturally the SJW mob doxxed him and made fun of how he looked and made threats and generally acted like complete bully assholes.
The kid was pretty cool with it and acted infinitely more adult than any of the SJWs who were harassing him.
I'd post a pic of this harassment but last time I did I was shadowbanned, presumably for inciting a witch hunt against the people bullying a child.](
Anita Sarkeesian