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920 Views Created 9 years ago By SophGhizz • Updated 5 years ago

Created By SophGhizz • Updated 5 years ago

File: index.ipg (11 KB, 299x168) □ Anonymous ID 2 ST 09/21/14 Sun 20:38:52 No.569920280 >2569920506 >>569920512 >2569920520 >>569920562 >569920590 >>569920593 >>569920621 Hey guy, Anita Sarkeesian here Now, I know what you're thinking, "oh here she comes to talk about how terrible /b/ is or something" but I promise you, I come here on a peace meeting Now I'm sure you are aware that some of the 4chan newer 4Chan mods are more "progressive" than a lot of you guys are, and there has been a lot of chaos going on here from that. I would like to apologize, as I fear that I may have had something to do with that Now I notice that a lot of people on this site have a "rah rah WAR" mentality, and I would like to address that. You see, this isn't about 4Chan vs. the "Social Justice Warriors", this isn't even about Misogyny This whole Gamer Gate thing is nothing than a culture and ideal clash, such a thing is trivial and should be nipped in the bud before something awful happens. This is why I am here to officially offer some kind of Truce between our two communities. I ask you guys to stop looking into this "gaming journalism corruption" nonsense, and I will (to the best of my abilities) try to stop this demonizing of 4chan that so many journalism sites are doing So what do you say guys? Are we cool? Anonymous (ID: Bo914bjl ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:25 No. 569920479、2>569920875 Ps File: 1382553986487 gif (47 KB, 350x283) NEAT This is now a spidey thread Anonymous (ID: 57WKicVD) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:28 No.569920485 g8 bait m8 8/8 Anonymous (ID: u6ufZwTD) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:33 No.569920501 maoo □ Anonymous (ID: MPATNm) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:59 No.569920564 File: melsmovie.png (61 KB, 178x268) Anonymous (ID: eeaven) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:37 No.569920506 >Implying she would waste her time 2/10 replied didn't read 0 Ps Anonymous (ID: gk4NT6n) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:38 No. 569920512 P> No one cares Anonymous (ID: OcVJby ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:41:06 No. 569920590 I would like to say yes but it is far too late for Half-Chan now □ Anonymous (ID: reBx8UW) 09/21/14(Sun)20:41:08 No.569920593 Ps Anonymous (ID: 20025%) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:42 No. 569920520 P> Ummmm Nah...F--- off Ps Anonymous (ID: 87xyA76) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:43 No.569920524 sorry Anita, all your hot topics are prob 2edgy4chan t--- or gtfo, c---------- Anonymous (ID: GyhtEaZ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:41:20 No. 569920621、2-569921149 Anonymous (ID: yuMBOSU4) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:44 No.569920527 569920693 File: 10401904 805 (39 KB, 478x640) my d--- is f------ hard right now P> This isn't even decent trolling Anonymous (ID: Pst96) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:53 No. 569920548 Obvious troll but still kill yourself you fat w---- c--- □ Anonymous (ID: TONDO) 09/21/14(Sun)20:40:58 No.569920562 Anonymous (ID: PTpwpIi ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:44:12 No. 569920986 File: we are notamused Go f--- vourself (230 KB, 499x300) P> No thanks. I demand equality and ethics in the gaming scene, not this constant SJW b------- and corruption. And if you are Anita Sarkeesian, go educate yourself about video games with actual f------ statistics before running your mouth to try and make it look as misogynistic as possible ) Anonymous (ID: File: whitehipsterconvention jpg (102 KB, 1024x768) MNpHTGo ) 09/21/14(Sun)20:42:34 No. 569920779 B------- Anita doesn't actually address her critics. She just throws a smokebomb and cries "DEATH THREATS!" And convinces weak-willed site administrators to ban them Anonymous (ID: CRY TH ) 09/21/14(Sun )20:42:37 No.569920783 How about you win a debate for once, then we'll talk about how advanced and progressive you are 2/10, made me reply
Origin Entry:

Anita Sarkeesian


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