Donald Trump - Images
The Great Wall of The_Donald

Donald Trump

Donald Trump
low energy bait

Donald Trump
when you see someone trying to climb your wall

Donald Trump
from /pol/

Donald Trump
God damn I love being trump

Donald Trump

Donald Trump
Are you frustrated?

Donald Trump
The Republican/GOP/Conservative Savior.......(NOT!) Keep Praying!

Donald Trump
from /pol/
![rumpNightlyNews llaYQdm22wtME (ID: GEE ) 05/14/16(Sat)00:38:32 No.73948574 >>73948675 25 years ago a reporter called Trump Tower to ask about why he broke up with his girlfriend Marla Maples. After waiting on hold she was put on the phone with someone who called themselves "John Miller" who discussed Trump broke up with Ms. Maples. People say Miller is Trump because Trump never uses PR people and Miller has a similar accent (doesnt sound like Trump too much IMO) So the Washington Post which Trump recently BTFO and exposed for giving Hillary money got this story and began to spread it to try and paint Trump as dishonest, Trump gets on the phone with them (this is the hilarious part) when asked about it his line suddenly goes dead and after a few moments of silence the secretary for Mr Trump says the call was somehow dropped. WashPo tries to push that Trump n this "John Miller" but then lied to the people about it (denied it this morning on GMA). So Megyn Kelly of Fox gets THE JOURNALIST that recorded this originally on her show. The Interview is going just fine, the the journalist says "I didn't leak the tape, I haven't had it in 25 years" which blows Megyn's mind because everyone assumes its this woman who leaked it to WashPo because shes the only one with the recording. Megyn asks her who she thinks would have leaked it, and the journalist responds "Donald Trump Sorry I haven't been doing summaries lately, been moving IN THE LAST 24 HOURS MAIN SUM Trump used to troll reporters as a fake publicist 25 years ago Trump would use the name "John Miller" or John Barron Audio released of one conversation allegedly involving Trump posing as John Miller Media frenzy ensues Trump stokes the fire in subsequent interviews nly pretended to be Trump to Stephanopoulos: Hillary is a good friend of yours and you worked for her but you don't reveal it >Trump says tax returns will be released after audit >Says his tax rate is "None of [the press's] business >Cruz: Those responsible for Trump's rise bear the responsibility going forward >Bill Clinton flew on p---'s jet wlo secret service >Trump campaign pushing The Don to blacklist Never Trump people at convention >Blacklist would include consultants and "operatives who worked for Never Trump groups and some who worked for Trump's GOP presidential rivals or their supportive super PACs Ensuing madness as the Media realizes they've been f------ played like a fiddle by The Donald >Megyn Kelly has reporter who spoke to Trump when Trump used fake name >Reporter says she didn't release audio >suggested that Trump released audio >Media in full panic mode as they have fallen into another Trump trap (2.01 MB, 260x260) Embed ) 05/13/16(Fri)22:10:02 No.73938533 KB, 480x480 Anonymous ( D CONVN、 ile 05/13/16(Fri)22:20:16 No.7393 (25 KB, 400x386) F------ LEAKED THE TAPE HIMSELF THE SOLUTE MADMAN he leaked it himself JUST A GOD Anonymous (ID: TARASGT )= 05/13/16(Fri)22:10:17 No 73938551 AND THE RABBITHOLE GOES DEEPER Anon ) 05/13/16(Fri )22: 15: 18 No. 73938903 >>73939018 >>73939047 >>73939080 >273939349 >>L File Anonymous (ID RDOMI.) 05/13/16(Fri)22.28: This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen Anonymous (ID: CKEWe) 05/13 16(Fri)22:30-1 TRUMP IS A MASTERMIND The mental gymnastics the media has to play now are hilarious Anonymous (ID WERD, 05/13/16(Fri)22:12:27 No. 73938701 but maybe Trump wants us to talk aboutit you can actually pinpoint the moment their hearts rip in half but what if that's Trump's plan? File Anonymous (ID: @Bihann)亟05/13/16(Fri)22: 17:48 No 73939077 things You can see the lightbulb's going off in Megyn's head. I've never heard so much laughter from the off set staff Anonymous (ID TE 20, 05/13/16(Fri)22.28.37 No. 73939890 An ) 06/13/16(Fn)22:33: PLAYING 4D CHESS ON A 3D CHESSBOARD AGAINS EOPLE PLAYING 2D I CANT HANDLE THIS HOW DOES GETTING CAUGHT WAS PART OF HIS PLAN TRUMP DENIES HE'S MILLER" ON 1991 TAPS master tol Anonymous (ID SSoest)售05/13/16(Fri)22:22:11 No.73939416 >>739398 An ID CON APO 05/13/16(Fri)22:33:40 No.73940 File media starts to attack him over his tax returns the f------ madman leaks a recorded phonec all of himself pretending to be his spokesperson 25 years ago the media jumps onit the ONLY other person who had the recording (other than Trump) just denied leaking it and claimed Trump did it for public Anonymous (ID: @aenazeb) 05/13/16(Fri )2 YEAR OLD TROLLING How can one man be so interesting? His the media is no longer talking about his tax returns MADMAN WILLS IT F------ GENIUS Anonymous (ID: 6BikeYx ile 05/13/16(Fri)22:23:22 No.7393949173939754 O Anonymous (IDOT TORD)画05/13/16(Fri)22:14:35 No.73938851 >>73938917 >>73938926ヅ3939009"73939065ヅ3939107>>73939168,-73939179>>7393 TRUMP has done more than trolled the whole media and IRLbaneposting (Getting was part of his plangn He poisoned the Washington post well. All scandals will be jokes now was part of his plan? Oh s---, you're totally right. This happened in 1991 - perfectly framing the active time period for the Clinton presidency. Jesus Christ, he's playing Civ 5 while everyone else is playing Pong He's a genius on so many different levels. It's incredible He beat the s--- out of sixteen governors and senators and made it look easy The entire American media edifice is working to destroy him and he's using their efforts for his goals instead of paying for TV ads(that people would just skip over anyway.) He shitposts and trolls people on a level that even 4chan can't fully comprehend. I didn't think this was even possible, that a single man could conquer the internet in this way He's routinely made bold pronouncements that can't possibly be true. Obvious bravado and exaggeration. AND THEN HE ACHIEVES THOSE GOALS. He said he'd get 1400+ del get closer to 1500,) He said he'd win the Hispanic vote. (A recent poll shows him at 55% among Hispanics.) It is manifestly obvious why this man is a self-made billionaire. He has shown, again and again throughout his life that he can accomplish literally any goal that he sets his mind to just through sheer competence ge](
![rumpNightlyNews llaYQdm22wtME (ID: GEE ) 05/14/16(Sat)00:38:32 No.73948574 >>73948675 25 years ago a reporter called Trump Tower to ask about why he broke up with his girlfriend Marla Maples. After waiting on hold she was put on the phone with someone who called themselves "John Miller" who discussed Trump broke up with Ms. Maples. People say Miller is Trump because Trump never uses PR people and Miller has a similar accent (doesnt sound like Trump too much IMO) So the Washington Post which Trump recently BTFO and exposed for giving Hillary money got this story and began to spread it to try and paint Trump as dishonest, Trump gets on the phone with them (this is the hilarious part) when asked about it his line suddenly goes dead and after a few moments of silence the secretary for Mr Trump says the call was somehow dropped. WashPo tries to push that Trump n this "John Miller" but then lied to the people about it (denied it this morning on GMA). So Megyn Kelly of Fox gets THE JOURNALIST that recorded this originally on her show. The Interview is going just fine, the the journalist says "I didn't leak the tape, I haven't had it in 25 years" which blows Megyn's mind because everyone assumes its this woman who leaked it to WashPo because shes the only one with the recording. Megyn asks her who she thinks would have leaked it, and the journalist responds "Donald Trump Sorry I haven't been doing summaries lately, been moving IN THE LAST 24 HOURS MAIN SUM Trump used to troll reporters as a fake publicist 25 years ago Trump would use the name "John Miller" or John Barron Audio released of one conversation allegedly involving Trump posing as John Miller Media frenzy ensues Trump stokes the fire in subsequent interviews nly pretended to be Trump to Stephanopoulos: Hillary is a good friend of yours and you worked for her but you don't reveal it >Trump says tax returns will be released after audit >Says his tax rate is "None of [the press's] business >Cruz: Those responsible for Trump's rise bear the responsibility going forward >Bill Clinton flew on p---'s jet wlo secret service >Trump campaign pushing The Don to blacklist Never Trump people at convention >Blacklist would include consultants and "operatives who worked for Never Trump groups and some who worked for Trump's GOP presidential rivals or their supportive super PACs Ensuing madness as the Media realizes they've been f------ played like a fiddle by The Donald >Megyn Kelly has reporter who spoke to Trump when Trump used fake name >Reporter says she didn't release audio >suggested that Trump released audio >Media in full panic mode as they have fallen into another Trump trap (2.01 MB, 260x260) Embed ) 05/13/16(Fri)22:10:02 No.73938533 KB, 480x480 Anonymous ( D CONVN、 ile 05/13/16(Fri)22:20:16 No.7393 (25 KB, 400x386) F------ LEAKED THE TAPE HIMSELF THE SOLUTE MADMAN he leaked it himself JUST A GOD Anonymous (ID: TARASGT )= 05/13/16(Fri)22:10:17 No 73938551 AND THE RABBITHOLE GOES DEEPER Anon ) 05/13/16(Fri )22: 15: 18 No. 73938903 >>73939018 >>73939047 >>73939080 >273939349 >>L File Anonymous (ID RDOMI.) 05/13/16(Fri)22.28: This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen Anonymous (ID: CKEWe) 05/13 16(Fri)22:30-1 TRUMP IS A MASTERMIND The mental gymnastics the media has to play now are hilarious Anonymous (ID WERD, 05/13/16(Fri)22:12:27 No. 73938701 but maybe Trump wants us to talk aboutit you can actually pinpoint the moment their hearts rip in half but what if that's Trump's plan? File Anonymous (ID: @Bihann)亟05/13/16(Fri)22: 17:48 No 73939077 things You can see the lightbulb's going off in Megyn's head. I've never heard so much laughter from the off set staff Anonymous (ID TE 20, 05/13/16(Fri)22.28.37 No. 73939890 An ) 06/13/16(Fn)22:33: PLAYING 4D CHESS ON A 3D CHESSBOARD AGAINS EOPLE PLAYING 2D I CANT HANDLE THIS HOW DOES GETTING CAUGHT WAS PART OF HIS PLAN TRUMP DENIES HE'S MILLER" ON 1991 TAPS master tol Anonymous (ID SSoest)售05/13/16(Fri)22:22:11 No.73939416 >>739398 An ID CON APO 05/13/16(Fri)22:33:40 No.73940 File media starts to attack him over his tax returns the f------ madman leaks a recorded phonec all of himself pretending to be his spokesperson 25 years ago the media jumps onit the ONLY other person who had the recording (other than Trump) just denied leaking it and claimed Trump did it for public Anonymous (ID: @aenazeb) 05/13/16(Fri )2 YEAR OLD TROLLING How can one man be so interesting? His the media is no longer talking about his tax returns MADMAN WILLS IT F------ GENIUS Anonymous (ID: 6BikeYx ile 05/13/16(Fri)22:23:22 No.7393949173939754 O Anonymous (IDOT TORD)画05/13/16(Fri)22:14:35 No.73938851 >>73938917 >>73938926ヅ3939009"73939065ヅ3939107>>73939168,-73939179>>7393 TRUMP has done more than trolled the whole media and IRLbaneposting (Getting was part of his plangn He poisoned the Washington post well. All scandals will be jokes now was part of his plan? Oh s---, you're totally right. This happened in 1991 - perfectly framing the active time period for the Clinton presidency. Jesus Christ, he's playing Civ 5 while everyone else is playing Pong He's a genius on so many different levels. It's incredible He beat the s--- out of sixteen governors and senators and made it look easy The entire American media edifice is working to destroy him and he's using their efforts for his goals instead of paying for TV ads(that people would just skip over anyway.) He shitposts and trolls people on a level that even 4chan can't fully comprehend. I didn't think this was even possible, that a single man could conquer the internet in this way He's routinely made bold pronouncements that can't possibly be true. Obvious bravado and exaggeration. AND THEN HE ACHIEVES THOSE GOALS. He said he'd get 1400+ del get closer to 1500,) He said he'd win the Hispanic vote. (A recent poll shows him at 55% among Hispanics.) It is manifestly obvious why this man is a self-made billionaire. He has shown, again and again throughout his life that he can accomplish literally any goal that he sets his mind to just through sheer competence ge](
Donald Trump
Punished Trump

Donald Trump
Owned (Trump pulls covers off of the Racist GOP) He's the Leader of the Republican Party!

Donald Trump
John Miller

Donald Trump
Standing here I realize you are just like me

Donald Trump

Donald Trump
Bernie Supporters In A Nutshell

Donald Trump