Gawr Gura - Images
The ocean IRL vs. the ocean according to weebs
![The ocean in real life The ocean according to weebs](
![The ocean in real life The ocean according to weebs](
Gawr Gura
Snoot challenge
Gawr Gura
Hammerhead Gura
Gawr Gura
Not the schizo we deserve, but the schizo we need
![43 BATMAN-ARKHAM C Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)14:25:05 No.163205 v >>163233 >>163237 >>163238 >>163243 >>163263 >>163273 >>163291 >>163298 >>163304 >>163315 >>163317 >>163318 >>163327 >>163334 >>163365 >>163377 >>163382 >>163390 >>163416 >>163439 >>163458 >>163489 >>163496 >>163513 >>163524 >>163534 >>163577 >>163583 >>163605 >>163613 >>163659 >>163745 >>163793 I keep a spreadsheet of all of gura's paypigs on excel, and I also have all of their social media accounts and comb them over every day to ensure that they are not going full skitzo. I only do this for love of Gura and I want her to be SAFE. If Gura read every SC equally then it'd be okay but she does not so that's why I do this. I don't feel jealousy or insecurity, I just track their activities to ensure no wrongdoing is happening and seeing if gura interacts with them on twitter](
![43 BATMAN-ARKHAM C Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)14:25:05 No.163205 v >>163233 >>163237 >>163238 >>163243 >>163263 >>163273 >>163291 >>163298 >>163304 >>163315 >>163317 >>163318 >>163327 >>163334 >>163365 >>163377 >>163382 >>163390 >>163416 >>163439 >>163458 >>163489 >>163496 >>163513 >>163524 >>163534 >>163577 >>163583 >>163605 >>163613 >>163659 >>163745 >>163793 I keep a spreadsheet of all of gura's paypigs on excel, and I also have all of their social media accounts and comb them over every day to ensure that they are not going full skitzo. I only do this for love of Gura and I want her to be SAFE. If Gura read every SC equally then it'd be okay but she does not so that's why I do this. I don't feel jealousy or insecurity, I just track their activities to ensure no wrongdoing is happening and seeing if gura interacts with them on twitter](
Gawr Gura
![Note to self: Practice fingers](
![Note to self: Practice fingers](
Gawr Gura
Gura's new outfit
Gawr Gura
Gawr Gura, but everything seems off...
Gawr Gura
Gura Headpats (GIF)
!["Cute Sharks Need Petting!"
!["Cute Sharks Need Petting!"
Gawr Gura
Gura Dance
Gawr Gura
Gawr Gura's main goal
!["Her main goal, is to blow up..."
!["Her main goal, is to blow up..."
Gawr Gura
sharp teeth
Gawr Gura
Gawr Gura
!["To celebrate 6 month's of Holomyth/HoloEN I made each of the girls in picocad.
This was good practice with both pixel art and 3d modeling."
!["To celebrate 6 month's of Holomyth/HoloEN I made each of the girls in picocad.
This was good practice with both pixel art and 3d modeling."
Gawr Gura
Pumpkin Gura
!["Gura when she realizes she is too late for Halloween"
!["Gura when she realizes she is too late for Halloween"
Gawr Gura
Gawr Gura w/ floaties
!["A short loop of the cute shark vtuber"
!["A short loop of the cute shark vtuber"
Gawr Gura
"If you want it, then you'll have to take it." -Gawr Gura - Art by tabakko / HYDE
Gawr Gura
!["🔱 Gawr Gura ~ Hololive EN 🔱
The most dangerous apex predator!! 🦈✨
!["🔱 Gawr Gura ~ Hololive EN 🔱
The most dangerous apex predator!! 🦈✨
Gawr Gura