Justin Bieber - Images
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Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Justin The Adult Baby

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
4chan is lovely
![File: 1363113957343.ipg-(115 KB, 520x522, llsadfiajfaldfja.jpg) □ Anonymous (ID: 7D8jPE0m) 03/12/13(Tue)14:45:57 No.464655053 Replies: 2,464555323 464555432-64655497 22464655682 46455652旦24G New thread Justin Bieber molesbed a 13 year old girl Thats why he had to ee from England and doesnt come back. Reports of the girl talking to Scotand Yard just leaked to the public. Spread the news! Our talking points are: 1. He is late to his first gig because he was sorting legalities out with the parents, including substantal pay-off 2. He cancels another gig due to "breathing difficulties caused by a panic attack over what he had done and the fear of being arrested 3. Told by his PR company to stop the show business lifestyle and to give the car away in a chairty. He declines and rages. 4. I personally dont know what happened at all, I couldnt be assed to follow it, but perhaps mention he was seen talking with lawyers before leaving on a flight back to America 5. He cancels his Portugal gig in order to reduce personal stress. This is where our message needs to spread: acebook/jail4bieber twitter.com/searchrealtime?q=jail4bieber www.youtube.com/watch?v-ij89w9 x8d4 [Embed) www.youtube.com/watch?v-CHVhwcog6y8 (Embed) www.youtube.com/watch?v-kfacxfA7G4 Embed] www.youtube.com/watch?v qdDVFvJwUc [Embed) When on facebook, link to youtube, witter links to fo, and so one... Try to spread it to other pages and link back to your sources >> C. Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/12/13(Tue)14:47:00 No.464655236 Reples24646SS60旦竺464655728 4646613 2 THIS HAS NO CHANCE Anonymous (ID: XiQlshoB) 03/12/13(Tue)14:4720 No 464655310](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/512/808/ac3.png)
![File: 1363113957343.ipg-(115 KB, 520x522, llsadfiajfaldfja.jpg) □ Anonymous (ID: 7D8jPE0m) 03/12/13(Tue)14:45:57 No.464655053 Replies: 2,464555323 464555432-64655497 22464655682 46455652旦24G New thread Justin Bieber molesbed a 13 year old girl Thats why he had to ee from England and doesnt come back. Reports of the girl talking to Scotand Yard just leaked to the public. Spread the news! Our talking points are: 1. He is late to his first gig because he was sorting legalities out with the parents, including substantal pay-off 2. He cancels another gig due to "breathing difficulties caused by a panic attack over what he had done and the fear of being arrested 3. Told by his PR company to stop the show business lifestyle and to give the car away in a chairty. He declines and rages. 4. I personally dont know what happened at all, I couldnt be assed to follow it, but perhaps mention he was seen talking with lawyers before leaving on a flight back to America 5. He cancels his Portugal gig in order to reduce personal stress. This is where our message needs to spread: acebook/jail4bieber twitter.com/searchrealtime?q=jail4bieber www.youtube.com/watch?v-ij89w9 x8d4 [Embed) www.youtube.com/watch?v-CHVhwcog6y8 (Embed) www.youtube.com/watch?v-kfacxfA7G4 Embed] www.youtube.com/watch?v qdDVFvJwUc [Embed) When on facebook, link to youtube, witter links to fo, and so one... Try to spread it to other pages and link back to your sources >> C. Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/12/13(Tue)14:47:00 No.464655236 Reples24646SS60旦竺464655728 4646613 2 THIS HAS NO CHANCE Anonymous (ID: XiQlshoB) 03/12/13(Tue)14:4720 No 464655310](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/512/808/ac3.png)
Justin Bieber
![1. Notice the ridiculously studded yellow cap that deliberately matches the "CREAM" (a.k.a. Cash Rules Everything Around Me) sweater 2. Notice the hunched posture that indicates his thuggish style from Canada. Constantly looks as if he's just standing up from a toilet. 3. Notice the Aqua colored T-Shirt underneathe the black sweater to accommodate the Aqua on his sweater. and also to deliberately match his black and aqua sneakers 4. Notice the "Jesus piece" that hangs around his neck to represent his religious side. With this ridiculously extravagant GOLD piece, he's indicating that "yes, I am in touch with Jesus (the saviour of the Poor). 5. Notice the gold watches. Both of them One on each wrist. In case one of them stops working. 6. Notice his purple-leopard print "Harem Pants" that hangs around his thighs. Here he's saying, "Even with all my masculinity, ]I am in touch with my feminine side." 7. Notice that "whuddup homie" stare. © Rex Features](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/506/201/59b.jpg)
![1. Notice the ridiculously studded yellow cap that deliberately matches the "CREAM" (a.k.a. Cash Rules Everything Around Me) sweater 2. Notice the hunched posture that indicates his thuggish style from Canada. Constantly looks as if he's just standing up from a toilet. 3. Notice the Aqua colored T-Shirt underneathe the black sweater to accommodate the Aqua on his sweater. and also to deliberately match his black and aqua sneakers 4. Notice the "Jesus piece" that hangs around his neck to represent his religious side. With this ridiculously extravagant GOLD piece, he's indicating that "yes, I am in touch with Jesus (the saviour of the Poor). 5. Notice the gold watches. Both of them One on each wrist. In case one of them stops working. 6. Notice his purple-leopard print "Harem Pants" that hangs around his thighs. Here he's saying, "Even with all my masculinity, ]I am in touch with my feminine side." 7. Notice that "whuddup homie" stare. © Rex Features](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/506/201/59b.jpg)
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Collectable Doll

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Smoking Weed

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber