Zoë Quinn - Images
More hate

Zoë Quinn
The Happening of Based Baldwin

Zoë Quinn
So the Slant magazine has some really nice "journalists"
![← Twitter, Inc. [US]| https://twitter.com > Home ·Notifications #Discover Ale Search Twitter #OneGood Reason Promoted by CVS/pharmacy Iweets Wes Welker Wes Welker Busted For Amphetamine Use Suspended Four Games by NFL Zoe 'Tom-Kun' Quinn @TheQuinnspiracy 18h 3 weeks of constant streams f------ harassment on me, my friends, and my family over s--- I didn't do Expand The League The League: "Sitting Shiva" Review Reply t Retweet ★ Favorite More Denver Denver mural honors Robin Williams as 'Mork Ryan Aston @TheRyanAston 18h Molly Deadmou5 vs Mickey Mouse Ears.. and Maybe Molly Fighting Over TheQuinnspiracy Has anyone done anything about or to your ex, who fired all of this BS off? Texas Texas suspends 2 offensive linemen for BYU game Expand Shawn Toronto: Shawn Levy on His Jason Bateman- Tina Fey Dramedy, Entering.. Strain Is @luckyknuckles38 46m @TheRyanAston @TheQuinnspiracy so the response you come up with is eye for a eye. Lovely Expand Super Bowl The Lions Might Make the Super Bowl, But the Reason Scares Me Taylor Jen Taylor, voice of Microsoft Windows Cortana, prefers to use Apple's iPhone Ryan Aston @TheRyanAston 37m @luckyknuckles38 Guess what? I'm a real bad person. And I don't care. F--- you. The things I would do if I could get to you people Expand Rockies Jorge De La Rosa, Rockies agree to 2-year extension worth $25 million Strain Is @luckyknuckles38 6m @TheRyanAston @Slant_Magazine this is the type of person you allow to contribute to your magazine? #GamerGate 12:52 AM -4 Sep 2014 Details Hide conversation Reply * Favorite More](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/823/601/4d2.jpg)
![← Twitter, Inc. [US]| https://twitter.com > Home ·Notifications #Discover Ale Search Twitter #OneGood Reason Promoted by CVS/pharmacy Iweets Wes Welker Wes Welker Busted For Amphetamine Use Suspended Four Games by NFL Zoe 'Tom-Kun' Quinn @TheQuinnspiracy 18h 3 weeks of constant streams f------ harassment on me, my friends, and my family over s--- I didn't do Expand The League The League: "Sitting Shiva" Review Reply t Retweet ★ Favorite More Denver Denver mural honors Robin Williams as 'Mork Ryan Aston @TheRyanAston 18h Molly Deadmou5 vs Mickey Mouse Ears.. and Maybe Molly Fighting Over TheQuinnspiracy Has anyone done anything about or to your ex, who fired all of this BS off? Texas Texas suspends 2 offensive linemen for BYU game Expand Shawn Toronto: Shawn Levy on His Jason Bateman- Tina Fey Dramedy, Entering.. Strain Is @luckyknuckles38 46m @TheRyanAston @TheQuinnspiracy so the response you come up with is eye for a eye. Lovely Expand Super Bowl The Lions Might Make the Super Bowl, But the Reason Scares Me Taylor Jen Taylor, voice of Microsoft Windows Cortana, prefers to use Apple's iPhone Ryan Aston @TheRyanAston 37m @luckyknuckles38 Guess what? I'm a real bad person. And I don't care. F--- you. The things I would do if I could get to you people Expand Rockies Jorge De La Rosa, Rockies agree to 2-year extension worth $25 million Strain Is @luckyknuckles38 6m @TheRyanAston @Slant_Magazine this is the type of person you allow to contribute to your magazine? #GamerGate 12:52 AM -4 Sep 2014 Details Hide conversation Reply * Favorite More](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/823/601/4d2.jpg)
Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
There's no conspiracy or corruption. Especially by the admins on reddit

Zoë Quinn
Nathan Grayson makes a ass of him self

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
I Don't Even KNOW This Person...

Zoë Quinn
Jack Thompson threats

Zoë Quinn
They Ain't Winning Anytime Soon.

Zoë Quinn
Mods, use this as the new article image.

Zoë Quinn
On 'Social Justice Warriors'

Zoë Quinn
To The BBC!
![Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23 12 26 No 261361274 、 61361701 >>261362661 There is already an operation underway to handle the BBC article, because they are very strictly unbiased, unlike the f---- we are fighting. 1 . Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23:16:47 No.261 361701 61352始 Would like more info on this. I proposed the following in previous threads, didn't get much response from Anons. If it's being worked on, I can go to sleep tonight. Reminder: BBC article requires action. Author is neutral-yet uninformed about #GamerGate, just reporting on abuse we can win him to our side with supporters like @CHSommers. His article http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29028236 epsonse (pic related): TWATTER USERS, please let this journalist know what's really going on. Contact: s/506859317052846080/photo/1 BBC Nows Sport Weather Capital FutureShop TV Radio NEWS TECHNOLOGY Home US& Canada Latin America UK Africa Asia Europe Mid-East Business Health ScVEnvironment Tech 2 September 2014 Last updated at 13:35 ET Gamers are a huge group, Gamers take a stand against misogyny encompassing people of all genders reats and races. We are against misogyny, yes, but against ANY form of abuse. Death threats not required for this. By Kevin Rawlinson One version of the petition is here: https://www.change.org/p/the-gaming-indu stry-please-stop-the-hate Anita Sarkeesian was threatened after releasing the latest in a series of videos about in It not only states that harassing critics like Anita is wrong, but it also "[asks] indie developers, AAA developers, and other folks More than 2,000 people have signed an open letter calling for an end to discrimination in the gaming industry It came in response to death threats made against the feminist reviewer Anita Sarkeesian after she released the latest in a series of videos onto branding gamers as neckbearded, stop misogynistic, hatefueled, ignorant, homophobic, idiots." in 19 She said she contacted police and felt compelled to leave her home. She called the threats a "form of terrorism" The letter called for gamers to report "hateful, harassing speech It read: We believe that everyone, no matter what gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or disability has the right to play games criticise games and make games without getting harassed or threatened. it is the diversity of our community that allows games to flourish. The gaming press launched a coordinated assault declaring “gamers are dead" on 28 August 2014 See #GamerGate for info. The letter, which was written by games developer Andreas Zecher of independent games studio Spaces of Play, encouraged people who witnessed threats of violence on sites such as Twitch, Facebook and Twitter -as well as others-to report them "If you see hateful, harassing speech, take a public stand against it and make the gaming community a more enjoyable space to be in,"it read Each time a woman is harassed or assaulted an alarming number of men react by immediately accusing the target of fabricating the abuse 30 AM-30 Aup 2014 Feminist Frequency Not giving the benefit of the doubt to women targeted by harassment is a reaction rooted in sexist ideology. Its called victim blaming わReply etweet * Favorite … More 1,208 1,504 32 AM-30 Aup 2014 t was signed by developers from major studios, such as Electronic Arts While some gamers are at odds with Anita's and Ubisoft, as well as smaller, independent ones. work, the #GamerGate movement On 25 August, Sarkeesian, who runs the Feminist Frequency website is not about her released the latest episode in her series on the portrayal of women in video In it, she addressed the tendency towards "largely insignificant non- playable female characters whose sexuality or victimhood is exploited as a way to infuse edgy, gritty or r--- favoring into game worlds" Gamers were fed up with corruption in the gaming journalism community: cronyism and sex being used to get the Within two days, she said she had received "some very scary threats unethical people ahead in the industry against herself and her family on Twitter, adding that she had contacted Learn more about that here: http://www.ign.com/blogs/robojules/2014 iving She also produced a screengrab that suggested the person who threatened her knew where she lived and said she was going to stay with a friend because she no longer felt safe in her own home. Later, Sarkeesian tweeted that she was safe Tm not giving up. But this harassment of women in tech must stop, she wrote And she suggested that the abuse was still going on in a tweet posted on Monday She has been subject to misogynist abuse before, most notably in 2012 when a first-person game was published online entitied: Beat Up +55% of UK gamers are male Earlier this year, Sarkeesian won the Game Developers Choice ambassador award. The Source:ipsos Mori accolade is given to a person deemed to have helped the game industry advance to a better place, either through facilitating a better game community from within, or by reaching outside the industry to be an advocate for video games and help further our art](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/823/113/a53.jpg)
![Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23 12 26 No 261361274 、 61361701 >>261362661 There is already an operation underway to handle the BBC article, because they are very strictly unbiased, unlike the f---- we are fighting. 1 . Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23:16:47 No.261 361701 61352始 Would like more info on this. I proposed the following in previous threads, didn't get much response from Anons. If it's being worked on, I can go to sleep tonight. Reminder: BBC article requires action. Author is neutral-yet uninformed about #GamerGate, just reporting on abuse we can win him to our side with supporters like @CHSommers. His article http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29028236 epsonse (pic related): TWATTER USERS, please let this journalist know what's really going on. Contact: s/506859317052846080/photo/1 BBC Nows Sport Weather Capital FutureShop TV Radio NEWS TECHNOLOGY Home US& Canada Latin America UK Africa Asia Europe Mid-East Business Health ScVEnvironment Tech 2 September 2014 Last updated at 13:35 ET Gamers are a huge group, Gamers take a stand against misogyny encompassing people of all genders reats and races. We are against misogyny, yes, but against ANY form of abuse. Death threats not required for this. By Kevin Rawlinson One version of the petition is here: https://www.change.org/p/the-gaming-indu stry-please-stop-the-hate Anita Sarkeesian was threatened after releasing the latest in a series of videos about in It not only states that harassing critics like Anita is wrong, but it also "[asks] indie developers, AAA developers, and other folks More than 2,000 people have signed an open letter calling for an end to discrimination in the gaming industry It came in response to death threats made against the feminist reviewer Anita Sarkeesian after she released the latest in a series of videos onto branding gamers as neckbearded, stop misogynistic, hatefueled, ignorant, homophobic, idiots." in 19 She said she contacted police and felt compelled to leave her home. She called the threats a "form of terrorism" The letter called for gamers to report "hateful, harassing speech It read: We believe that everyone, no matter what gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or disability has the right to play games criticise games and make games without getting harassed or threatened. it is the diversity of our community that allows games to flourish. The gaming press launched a coordinated assault declaring “gamers are dead" on 28 August 2014 See #GamerGate for info. The letter, which was written by games developer Andreas Zecher of independent games studio Spaces of Play, encouraged people who witnessed threats of violence on sites such as Twitch, Facebook and Twitter -as well as others-to report them "If you see hateful, harassing speech, take a public stand against it and make the gaming community a more enjoyable space to be in,"it read Each time a woman is harassed or assaulted an alarming number of men react by immediately accusing the target of fabricating the abuse 30 AM-30 Aup 2014 Feminist Frequency Not giving the benefit of the doubt to women targeted by harassment is a reaction rooted in sexist ideology. Its called victim blaming わReply etweet * Favorite … More 1,208 1,504 32 AM-30 Aup 2014 t was signed by developers from major studios, such as Electronic Arts While some gamers are at odds with Anita's and Ubisoft, as well as smaller, independent ones. work, the #GamerGate movement On 25 August, Sarkeesian, who runs the Feminist Frequency website is not about her released the latest episode in her series on the portrayal of women in video In it, she addressed the tendency towards "largely insignificant non- playable female characters whose sexuality or victimhood is exploited as a way to infuse edgy, gritty or r--- favoring into game worlds" Gamers were fed up with corruption in the gaming journalism community: cronyism and sex being used to get the Within two days, she said she had received "some very scary threats unethical people ahead in the industry against herself and her family on Twitter, adding that she had contacted Learn more about that here: http://www.ign.com/blogs/robojules/2014 iving She also produced a screengrab that suggested the person who threatened her knew where she lived and said she was going to stay with a friend because she no longer felt safe in her own home. Later, Sarkeesian tweeted that she was safe Tm not giving up. But this harassment of women in tech must stop, she wrote And she suggested that the abuse was still going on in a tweet posted on Monday She has been subject to misogynist abuse before, most notably in 2012 when a first-person game was published online entitied: Beat Up +55% of UK gamers are male Earlier this year, Sarkeesian won the Game Developers Choice ambassador award. The Source:ipsos Mori accolade is given to a person deemed to have helped the game industry advance to a better place, either through facilitating a better game community from within, or by reaching outside the industry to be an advocate for video games and help further our art](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/823/113/a53.jpg)
Zoë Quinn
On The Use Of Hashtags...
![Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23:02: 1 3 No.26 1360276 2226 1360409 >>21 590 >>261361195 >261359398 DON'T FORGET TO STRUCTURE YOUR TWEETS CAREFULLY MAKE SURE IT'S CLEAR THAT YOU'RE STATING TWO THINGS 1. You don't want SJWs/Journalists/Extremists to use your ethnicity/nationality/gender/etc. as your shield 2.You are in support of #GamerGate BE F------ CAREFUL WITH HOW YOU INTEGRATE BOTH HASHTAGS BECAUSE SOMEONE IS GONNA MISINTERPRET YOUR TWEET AND THINK THAT YOU DON'T WANT GAMERGATE TO USE YOU AS A SHIELD INSTEAD Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23:03:41 No.261 360409 261360276 THIS THIS F------ THIS We cannot afford to let them hijack this one Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23:03:00 No.261360346 File: sh26.ipg (22 KB, 400x250) OPERATION Make Them Hear You >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq2x4-Sbu0g [Embed] 1) Operation Disrespectful Nod >https://github.com/GamerGateOP/GamerGateOP/tree/master/Operation %20Disrespectful%20N od A) we need people fixing this list to make more sense. For example, better graph out who advertises for what website, and the article(s) in question that you are emailing them about. B) Actually follow through with ODN. Send out those emails 2 Tweet, blog, post, phone ca advertisers that's a big one)-a about #Game Gate and #notyourshield Again, this S Simple, but very. VERY mportant. Go through every avenue you can and speak the truth. Don't Just sit here and monitor the thread 3) Support non-shill feminism. This is arguably the most important step of all. The only ammo they have against us is that we are anti-feminist, which is a bold faced lie. They are hiding behind a good cause to deflect away from their journalistic corruption. So, make videos, post on every site you can, and do all in your power to talk about REAL issues relating to feminism in video games. NOT the masturbatory drivel of Anita and the like. For example What is one of your favorite female Video Game characters? And why? Are there any missteps there you would hope to be rectified in the future? Is there anything about this character in particular that gets something right that other characters should learn? Is there a character that you feel was interesting but got less screen time than you would have liked? What are the TRULY bad examples of female characters (I.E. not just complaining for the sake of complaining about every single thing like FemFrequency)? Discuss real life female devs AND THEIR GAMES (important!), support proper blogs and kickstarters (if you can), and explore and share all other avenues 4) MOST IMPORTANTLY, remember (3) is a backbeat to the issue on journalism. It is ENDLESSLY important, but keep aware of the current main point here. And stay strong Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue 22:55 25 No.261 359562·22261359857 >>261 359941 >> 61360221 22261360295 22261360785 22261 361449 File: 1409282652753 png (84 KB, 256x256) ATTENTION MINORITIES+WOMEN WHO ARE BEING IGNORED BY SJWS BECAUSE YOU DON'T FIT THEIR NARRATIVE ATTENTION MINORITIES +WOMEN WHO ARE BEING IGNORED BY SJWS BECAUSE YOU DON'T FIT THEIR NARRATIVE HASHTAG IS #NOTYOURSHIELD >USE THE TAGS TOGETHER #NOTYOURSHIELD + #GAMERGATE >DO NOT USE ONLY #NOTYOURSHIELD USE THESE TO TALK ABOUT YOUR BEING SILENCED. BE CLEARLY IN FAVOUR OF #GAMERGATE FOCUS ON CORRUPTION AND HOW YOUR VOICE IS SILENCED BECAUSE YOU DON'T FIT THE AGENDA LET YOUR FRUSTRATION FLOW. EVERYONE: RETWEET THE HELL OUT OF #NOTYOURSHIELD >ADVICE ON USE OF #NOTYOURSHIELD Targeting is crucial to avoid SJW h ack or normal person misunderstanding/dismissal of this tag. Make sure your tweet s CLEARLYin avour of #GamerGate and AGAINST SJW hypocrisy corrupt journalists. Misinterpretation is SJV bread and butter OPEN TO HIJACK/MISINTERPRETATION >"As an Asian who deals with more serious social justice issues. I'm #notyourshield #Gamergate AA Could be interpreted as "I am not the shield of GamerGate, stop claiming to represent me, gamers." >"I love games, and I'm black, so to all you who claim to be fighting for equality I'm #notyourshield for your agenda Leaves out #GamerGate. To he casual observer appears o be against hose ghting or equality . Equal s our word against he SJWs we pain as extrem st. Also appears o be against equality A so eas y interpreted as #GamerGate claims o represent me". Very attackable GOOD > Being Latino isn't enough: Now I have SJW claiming to fight for my equality by trying to silence my free speech #NotyourShield #GamerGate >"Genderqueer person, checking in I am #notyourshield . journalists! #GamerGate" THE TAG MEANS NOTHING ON ITS OWN. YOU MUST GIVE IT ITS CLEAR MEANING THE TAG MEANS NOTHING ON ITS OWN. YOU MUST GIVE IT ITS CLEAR MEANING DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE? LOOK AT EXISTING TWEETS ON #NOTYOURSHIELD FOR INSPIRATION REFER ALL "WUTS DIS" POSTS BACK HERE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/823/106/f44.jpg)
![Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23:02: 1 3 No.26 1360276 2226 1360409 >>21 590 >>261361195 >261359398 DON'T FORGET TO STRUCTURE YOUR TWEETS CAREFULLY MAKE SURE IT'S CLEAR THAT YOU'RE STATING TWO THINGS 1. You don't want SJWs/Journalists/Extremists to use your ethnicity/nationality/gender/etc. as your shield 2.You are in support of #GamerGate BE F------ CAREFUL WITH HOW YOU INTEGRATE BOTH HASHTAGS BECAUSE SOMEONE IS GONNA MISINTERPRET YOUR TWEET AND THINK THAT YOU DON'T WANT GAMERGATE TO USE YOU AS A SHIELD INSTEAD Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23:03:41 No.261 360409 261360276 THIS THIS F------ THIS We cannot afford to let them hijack this one Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue)23:03:00 No.261360346 File: sh26.ipg (22 KB, 400x250) OPERATION Make Them Hear You >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq2x4-Sbu0g [Embed] 1) Operation Disrespectful Nod >https://github.com/GamerGateOP/GamerGateOP/tree/master/Operation %20Disrespectful%20N od A) we need people fixing this list to make more sense. For example, better graph out who advertises for what website, and the article(s) in question that you are emailing them about. B) Actually follow through with ODN. Send out those emails 2 Tweet, blog, post, phone ca advertisers that's a big one)-a about #Game Gate and #notyourshield Again, this S Simple, but very. VERY mportant. Go through every avenue you can and speak the truth. Don't Just sit here and monitor the thread 3) Support non-shill feminism. This is arguably the most important step of all. The only ammo they have against us is that we are anti-feminist, which is a bold faced lie. They are hiding behind a good cause to deflect away from their journalistic corruption. So, make videos, post on every site you can, and do all in your power to talk about REAL issues relating to feminism in video games. NOT the masturbatory drivel of Anita and the like. For example What is one of your favorite female Video Game characters? And why? Are there any missteps there you would hope to be rectified in the future? Is there anything about this character in particular that gets something right that other characters should learn? Is there a character that you feel was interesting but got less screen time than you would have liked? What are the TRULY bad examples of female characters (I.E. not just complaining for the sake of complaining about every single thing like FemFrequency)? Discuss real life female devs AND THEIR GAMES (important!), support proper blogs and kickstarters (if you can), and explore and share all other avenues 4) MOST IMPORTANTLY, remember (3) is a backbeat to the issue on journalism. It is ENDLESSLY important, but keep aware of the current main point here. And stay strong Anonymous 09/02/14(Tue 22:55 25 No.261 359562·22261359857 >>261 359941 >> 61360221 22261360295 22261360785 22261 361449 File: 1409282652753 png (84 KB, 256x256) ATTENTION MINORITIES+WOMEN WHO ARE BEING IGNORED BY SJWS BECAUSE YOU DON'T FIT THEIR NARRATIVE ATTENTION MINORITIES +WOMEN WHO ARE BEING IGNORED BY SJWS BECAUSE YOU DON'T FIT THEIR NARRATIVE HASHTAG IS #NOTYOURSHIELD >USE THE TAGS TOGETHER #NOTYOURSHIELD + #GAMERGATE >DO NOT USE ONLY #NOTYOURSHIELD USE THESE TO TALK ABOUT YOUR BEING SILENCED. BE CLEARLY IN FAVOUR OF #GAMERGATE FOCUS ON CORRUPTION AND HOW YOUR VOICE IS SILENCED BECAUSE YOU DON'T FIT THE AGENDA LET YOUR FRUSTRATION FLOW. EVERYONE: RETWEET THE HELL OUT OF #NOTYOURSHIELD >ADVICE ON USE OF #NOTYOURSHIELD Targeting is crucial to avoid SJW h ack or normal person misunderstanding/dismissal of this tag. Make sure your tweet s CLEARLYin avour of #GamerGate and AGAINST SJW hypocrisy corrupt journalists. Misinterpretation is SJV bread and butter OPEN TO HIJACK/MISINTERPRETATION >"As an Asian who deals with more serious social justice issues. I'm #notyourshield #Gamergate AA Could be interpreted as "I am not the shield of GamerGate, stop claiming to represent me, gamers." >"I love games, and I'm black, so to all you who claim to be fighting for equality I'm #notyourshield for your agenda Leaves out #GamerGate. To he casual observer appears o be against hose ghting or equality . Equal s our word against he SJWs we pain as extrem st. Also appears o be against equality A so eas y interpreted as #GamerGate claims o represent me". Very attackable GOOD > Being Latino isn't enough: Now I have SJW claiming to fight for my equality by trying to silence my free speech #NotyourShield #GamerGate >"Genderqueer person, checking in I am #notyourshield . journalists! #GamerGate" THE TAG MEANS NOTHING ON ITS OWN. YOU MUST GIVE IT ITS CLEAR MEANING THE TAG MEANS NOTHING ON ITS OWN. YOU MUST GIVE IT ITS CLEAR MEANING DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE? LOOK AT EXISTING TWEETS ON #NOTYOURSHIELD FOR INSPIRATION REFER ALL "WUTS DIS" POSTS BACK HERE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/823/106/f44.jpg)
Zoë Quinn
Can you spot the white straight ablebodied cishets person?

Zoë Quinn