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Hulks Stand is The Hulk
Hulks Stand is The Hulk

I… honestly can't tell which side they're taking with this. On one hand Arin went to Quinns defense early on, and all the purposeful spelling errors might be an indirect attack on the #gamergate group by implying that the typical person upset over this is too dumb to spell words longer than 3 syllables.

But on the OTHER hand, they aren't just yelling about misogyny, which would be a first for the other side.


in reply to they_call_me_bob

The way I understood ego's early tweets were more that he wasn't convinced there was definitive proof at the time and that people should turn down the flames until more evidence was found. I think that ego is mostly uninformed about most of the dealings that are going on and were taking ZQ and Anita at face value without really digging any deeper, thus his defensive tweets. I feel that he's entitled to his opinions and as long as he doesn't descend into the "gamers are literally hitler" camp that so many others have jumped into lately I don't see any reason to personally boycott his videos. Ego seems like a pretty even headed dude and even though he likely still stands on ZQ's side I wouldn't call him a SJW in any sense.


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