Zoë Quinn - Images
Chelsea Van Valkenburg, Zoe Quinn's true identity! 3

Zoë Quinn
Chelsea Van Valkenburg, Zoe Quinn's true identity! 2

Zoë Quinn
Valkenburg Masonry!

Zoë Quinn
Patreon Conflict Of Interest

Zoë Quinn
Edited version of "The Evolution of Games Journalism."

Zoë Quinn
Interrogating a Reddit Mod - How they "found" the leak 2/2
![-] Deimorz -6 points 3 hours ago The only thing "funny" was that we had a moderator on the team that apparently felt like an appropriate way to resolve a disagreement was to "leak some specific lies to try to initiate a 4chan witch-hunt. Ive always known that having XavierMendel as a mod of /Games was taking a risk, because he's a compulsive liar with a massive need for attention. He regularly tries to stir up drama for the sake of getting this attention (just check the type of submissions he makes in /t/SubredditOfTheDay if you want to see examples of that). Until yesterday, Ive always just rolled my eyes at the ridiculous lies he makes up and his drama-causing propensities because he generally seemed to keep it separate from /r Games, and the constant lies weren't actually hurting anyone. He definitely did a lot of good things for the subreddit as well, so tolerating his issues seemed to be a reasonable price for having that positive involvement. But that changed yesterday, when his need for feeling important finally got him to try and play both sides in a way that was fully intended to hurt both the subreddit as a whole, and one person in particular. Ijust wish that I had paid more attention to my instincts and removed him earlier, on one of the previous occasions that I've needed to figure out if he was still a net positive for the subreddit. Overall, Im mostly just glad that he's embarrassingly terrible at lying, especially for someone that spends so much of his time doing it. He's playing things as the victim and poor, innocent scapegoat for now, as you can see from his "statement" on pastebin that someone else posted, which includes the generous usual helping of s----he-completely-made-up (scorpions in Kuwait? uh-huh). But if that doesn't get him enough sympathy, expect him to move on to being a whistleblower martyr next if that seems like it'll get more attention. It's just what he does. permalink save report give gold reply -] Genericron [score hidden] 2 hours ago The crazy thing is that most of the stuff you described about him sounds like you are describing Zoe Quinn. The drama that keeps on giving permalink save parent report give gold reply -l A Cylon_Raider XavierMendel must be Zoe Quinn. The facts are all there people permalink save parent report give gold reply [score hidden] 2 hours ago -] shuckels [score hidden] 2 hours ago what if they are both just Unidan? permalink save parent report give gold reply XavierMendel [score hidden] an hour ago Can confirm, am slept with Uniquinn. Wait, that came out wrong permalink save parent report give gold reply l shuckels [score hidden] an hour ago Nice try Uniquindel permalink save parent report give gold reply -1 FungusFields [score hidden] 2 hours ago Kuwait does have scorpions. Specifically, the Fattail scorpion. If wikipedia doesn't convince you, here is video proof permalink save parent report give gold reply Scorpion in Kuwait -] Deimorz [score hidden] 2 hours ago Uh.. thanks? It's not whether there are scorpions in Kuwait tha I think he's lying about permalink save parent report give gold reply](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/817/761/99d.png)
![-] Deimorz -6 points 3 hours ago The only thing "funny" was that we had a moderator on the team that apparently felt like an appropriate way to resolve a disagreement was to "leak some specific lies to try to initiate a 4chan witch-hunt. Ive always known that having XavierMendel as a mod of /Games was taking a risk, because he's a compulsive liar with a massive need for attention. He regularly tries to stir up drama for the sake of getting this attention (just check the type of submissions he makes in /t/SubredditOfTheDay if you want to see examples of that). Until yesterday, Ive always just rolled my eyes at the ridiculous lies he makes up and his drama-causing propensities because he generally seemed to keep it separate from /r Games, and the constant lies weren't actually hurting anyone. He definitely did a lot of good things for the subreddit as well, so tolerating his issues seemed to be a reasonable price for having that positive involvement. But that changed yesterday, when his need for feeling important finally got him to try and play both sides in a way that was fully intended to hurt both the subreddit as a whole, and one person in particular. Ijust wish that I had paid more attention to my instincts and removed him earlier, on one of the previous occasions that I've needed to figure out if he was still a net positive for the subreddit. Overall, Im mostly just glad that he's embarrassingly terrible at lying, especially for someone that spends so much of his time doing it. He's playing things as the victim and poor, innocent scapegoat for now, as you can see from his "statement" on pastebin that someone else posted, which includes the generous usual helping of s----he-completely-made-up (scorpions in Kuwait? uh-huh). But if that doesn't get him enough sympathy, expect him to move on to being a whistleblower martyr next if that seems like it'll get more attention. It's just what he does. permalink save report give gold reply -] Genericron [score hidden] 2 hours ago The crazy thing is that most of the stuff you described about him sounds like you are describing Zoe Quinn. The drama that keeps on giving permalink save parent report give gold reply -l A Cylon_Raider XavierMendel must be Zoe Quinn. The facts are all there people permalink save parent report give gold reply [score hidden] 2 hours ago -] shuckels [score hidden] 2 hours ago what if they are both just Unidan? permalink save parent report give gold reply XavierMendel [score hidden] an hour ago Can confirm, am slept with Uniquinn. Wait, that came out wrong permalink save parent report give gold reply l shuckels [score hidden] an hour ago Nice try Uniquindel permalink save parent report give gold reply -1 FungusFields [score hidden] 2 hours ago Kuwait does have scorpions. Specifically, the Fattail scorpion. If wikipedia doesn't convince you, here is video proof permalink save parent report give gold reply Scorpion in Kuwait -] Deimorz [score hidden] 2 hours ago Uh.. thanks? It's not whether there are scorpions in Kuwait tha I think he's lying about permalink save parent report give gold reply](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/817/761/99d.png)
Zoë Quinn
PressFartToContinue - Interrogating a Reddit Mod - How they "found" the leak 1/2

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
Eron discusses journalism coverage of games

Zoë Quinn
DMCA by Quinn on 8chan

Zoë Quinn
Zoe Quin: "oh shi-- pepsi is coming for me!

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
Is This A GAME_JAM Confession?

Zoë Quinn
Markus "Notch" Persson Supports Quinn's Patreon

Zoë Quinn
Patricia Hernandez Connection Admission

Zoë Quinn
Zoe Asks for Hacking Favors

Zoë Quinn