holy freaking crap lois, the mean rean machine's come to visit us!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy crap Lois, it's our new character, Mittens! Hope our liberal dog, Brian Griffin, doesn't get je...

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy friggin crap Lois, it's Johnny Silverhand!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
No frickin' way! Jihadist SpongeBob?

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy crap, it's Big Smoke! Has he come to have two numbah nine's?

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy crap Lois, it's Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy crap Lois, it's way better than Sephiroth, it's Emet-Selch!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy crap, it's James Rolfe the Angry Video Game Nerd!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy crap Lois, it's Ryuko Matoi, again!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy crap, Lois! It's Knuckles the Echidna from the video game series, Sonic the Hedgehog!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy shit, Lois! It's the rejected Simpsons character, Gumbly!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Lois! Hide your money and bank accounts while I hold off Anita Sarkeesian!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
Holy crap Lois, it's Takumi Fuiiwara's Toyota Corolla AE86 Sprinter Trueno!!!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"
NO FRICKIN' WAY! It's the Gorillaz!

Peter Griffin At The Door / "Holy Crap Lois, It's X!"