Political Compass - Images
This took more effort than I care to admit | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
7x7 wojak compass: people you see on dating apps and websites | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes
![POLITICAL AGENDA EXCESSIVE EXPECTATIONS "If you didn't vote for [Democratic candidate], swipe left" #ImWithHer "BLM" "ACAB" "Trans Lives Matter" Most of their pictures are them campaigning or simping for local politicians they've met "NO HOOKUPS" Usually was hurt by too many people expecting sex "too early" Often hardly detectable But by their definition, "too early" means after the sixth date Doesn't seem to know what app they're on GIRLBOSS "I don't need a man, so don't try and take care of me" Will reject 99% of guys, usually looking for someone who will be subservient to her TRANS The majority of straight people don't want to date Don't seem to recognize that people can have preferences in dating Recently came to It's sad because the US, often uses statistically broken English speaking, they have the least success in dating High suicide rate HOROSCOPE Immediately asks you for your birth date If you're not "compatible" based on her arbitrary chart you're dropped "Drive me around, buy me food, and call me pretty" Seems not to notice XX Usually obese "Nobody under 6'2" (she's 4'11") "Plus-sized queen and proud of it" "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" them and they accuse the world of Mysteriously cut off at the neckline transphobia Generally just seeking a financier "JUST ASK ME!" Nobody pays attention to them Queen IMMIGRANT GROUP PICTURES Usually with the same friend group Have to beg for people to send messages Too meek to approach others, waiting for someone to approach them All pictures are with *that* angle, know the one you Often all the pics are from the same day They're generally the ugliest one in the group www SINGLE MOTHER LINKEDIN LIGHT THIRST TRAP SHIRTLESS SELFIE MILITARY/POLICE HEIGHT HIGHLIGHTER "My kids Bio looks like 80% of the time he's just looking for a hookup "Looking for a new daddy for jaden and xandra" They know damn well it matters are my life" Half the time it's a good selfie, the other half he's showing off for nothing "6'4 if it matters" SNAP FILTERS Every picture has a super fake dog or flower crown filter, nothing is genuine Usually self- conscious NO HYGIENE 420 FRIENDLY Not really looking for a Takes selfies in a room that looks relationship, just free weed and a smoking partner like it hasn't been cleaned since 2002 about how they look COUPLES ACCOUNT 100% looking for a three- way although they won't explicitly say it Usually looking to fulfill some cuckold fetish Makes you realize how many people are high all the time a resume DIPLOMA "Self- employed!" MLM HIDDEN FAT HARRY POTTER/MARVEL NERD PIC WITH KID Thought posting pictures with his Funko Pops was a good idea It's his whole personality, but it won't find him love "It's not my kid it's my niece" MARVEL Only wants to discuss work Lowkey seeking collaboration and networking ** "Join my small business today!" You will get asked to sell knives or makeup 1550 BASIC First pic shows face, alone At least he's being genuine Second pic shows off body Third pic with a group Fourth pic on the job or traveling Fifth pic something funny PLUGGING INSTA/ SOUNDCLOUD No bio, just "follow DADDY Sets his filters to "18-24" even though he's almost three times that age Makes his willingness to pay extremely clear Any attempts to have a conversation will immediately devolve into "follow me I don't talk here" Won't follow back Sometimes the money is enough, most times it isn't All her pics show off her cleavage or ass When you suggest this is the case she gets offended Usually just seeking attention and has no intention of ever meeting anyone OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE Eye candy, your heart melts to think They of the life you could definitely have together swiped left on you so you savor the fantasy for a moment then More pics with an animal than with humans move on Virtue signal to show she/he is good with kids Most often looking for a long term thing and advertising they want kids right off the bat PET PICS "I'll probably like your dog more than you" Usually no other personality because they're always about to leave; on a trip; or just got back Usually on dating websites because they travel too often for al relationship NO FACE If it's a girl, she's looking to see if her boyfriend is cheating LYING ABOUT AGE Age set to 27, but there's no way he's under 40 If it's a guy, he's gay and deep in the closet Or age set to 18, but there's no way he's over 16 Either way it's unsettling and I steer clear Will never get a match because no face is super sketchy PERSON YOU KNOW CONSTANT TRAVEL SUGAR BABY Show skin and lean Every pic is in some exotic place, they seem to have been. on all seven continents Great conversation, but you'll never meet them into the Daddy types It's always super awkward because you're seeing the image they're projecting to try and get laid and it's someone you know just as a friend If you're friendly with them you match and say hi; if they're just a peer you pass like ships in the night and don't acknowledge it ever Often it's the only picture he has and the flash covers his face GREEK LIFE All their pictures are at frat/srat events They're looking for a Formal date When you ask them when they're free they're always busy with events NO BIO Her domineering friends made her make the account and she doesn't care about it "Visiting, looking for a good time" Will get no matches and will genuinely not mind DRUG DEALER and that's it Literally just looking to sell Dating apps are often the best place to buy drugs these days Make tons of money for little effort I met a college sophomore once who sent dudes nude pics for $20 apiece and had random guys venmo her every morning TOURIST A refreshing break from the usual crowd on the apps EDGELORD When a girl asks how tall he is he replies "how much do you weigh" then posts the result on /r/tinder Just looking for a hookup Pretty much acts as a contrarian to any popular view on the app Openly racist and sexist, claims it's a meme but it isn't Has a controversial profession and keeps getting rejected based on it I respect them for being open about it Bio usually disclaims "please don't swipe left" They're too good for you and you both know it Uses clickbaity means to draw people in then releases the ad YOUNG PROFESSIONAL FISHING PHOTO Visibly wealthy Already making yuppie in their $120k/year while late 20s you're still struggling with a retail job The app doesn't remove them because it's revenue Uses jokes he got off Google Thinks he's a comedic genius GROOMER I'm not sure how many of you have to deal with this but in the ADVERTISEMENT CHEATER Working for a company, has set up a profile to advertise that company gay community it's huge If you're a gay guy in his early 20s who could pass as a teenager a bunch of older men constantly hit you up looking for sex ULTRARELIGIOUS Usually you won't find these types unless you're on a religion-specific app Call you "boy" and "son" and "baby hole" Their first question is about your denomination Occasionally try and track you down in real life and it's super weird 9/10 times the conversation fizzles out and 10/10 times you will not have sex DEFINITE SCAM Blurry pictures of a super hot girl who's enthusiastic to meet you Within two messages trying to get you to go to a bit.io site Height serves as a substitute for personality, the ultimate declaration of "I'm PICKUP LINE WEALTH DISPLAY All pics show luxury items, expensive clothes and watches Very obvious posing on planes and boats good breeding stock and that's it" Pretty much every guy from a rural area Same pose, same clothing, often the same fish Looks bad most of the time Has a girlfriend, His girlfriend thinks looking to cheat they're staying loyal and the girls he's cheating with think he's their boyfriend When it blows up in his face he'll blame them Trying to show he can provide; usually all he has GHOSTER In the middle of a seemingly- successful conversation she suddenly disappears It's because she got cold feet and is afraid of communicating like an adult CATFISH Deliberately misrepresenting themselves to try and trick people into f------ them should "Hey you f--- my friend he's hot" (it's the real person) Get angry at you when the farce is revealed](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/474/154/27a.jpg)
![POLITICAL AGENDA EXCESSIVE EXPECTATIONS "If you didn't vote for [Democratic candidate], swipe left" #ImWithHer "BLM" "ACAB" "Trans Lives Matter" Most of their pictures are them campaigning or simping for local politicians they've met "NO HOOKUPS" Usually was hurt by too many people expecting sex "too early" Often hardly detectable But by their definition, "too early" means after the sixth date Doesn't seem to know what app they're on GIRLBOSS "I don't need a man, so don't try and take care of me" Will reject 99% of guys, usually looking for someone who will be subservient to her TRANS The majority of straight people don't want to date Don't seem to recognize that people can have preferences in dating Recently came to It's sad because the US, often uses statistically broken English speaking, they have the least success in dating High suicide rate HOROSCOPE Immediately asks you for your birth date If you're not "compatible" based on her arbitrary chart you're dropped "Drive me around, buy me food, and call me pretty" Seems not to notice XX Usually obese "Nobody under 6'2" (she's 4'11") "Plus-sized queen and proud of it" "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" them and they accuse the world of Mysteriously cut off at the neckline transphobia Generally just seeking a financier "JUST ASK ME!" Nobody pays attention to them Queen IMMIGRANT GROUP PICTURES Usually with the same friend group Have to beg for people to send messages Too meek to approach others, waiting for someone to approach them All pictures are with *that* angle, know the one you Often all the pics are from the same day They're generally the ugliest one in the group www SINGLE MOTHER LINKEDIN LIGHT THIRST TRAP SHIRTLESS SELFIE MILITARY/POLICE HEIGHT HIGHLIGHTER "My kids Bio looks like 80% of the time he's just looking for a hookup "Looking for a new daddy for jaden and xandra" They know damn well it matters are my life" Half the time it's a good selfie, the other half he's showing off for nothing "6'4 if it matters" SNAP FILTERS Every picture has a super fake dog or flower crown filter, nothing is genuine Usually self- conscious NO HYGIENE 420 FRIENDLY Not really looking for a Takes selfies in a room that looks relationship, just free weed and a smoking partner like it hasn't been cleaned since 2002 about how they look COUPLES ACCOUNT 100% looking for a three- way although they won't explicitly say it Usually looking to fulfill some cuckold fetish Makes you realize how many people are high all the time a resume DIPLOMA "Self- employed!" MLM HIDDEN FAT HARRY POTTER/MARVEL NERD PIC WITH KID Thought posting pictures with his Funko Pops was a good idea It's his whole personality, but it won't find him love "It's not my kid it's my niece" MARVEL Only wants to discuss work Lowkey seeking collaboration and networking ** "Join my small business today!" You will get asked to sell knives or makeup 1550 BASIC First pic shows face, alone At least he's being genuine Second pic shows off body Third pic with a group Fourth pic on the job or traveling Fifth pic something funny PLUGGING INSTA/ SOUNDCLOUD No bio, just "follow DADDY Sets his filters to "18-24" even though he's almost three times that age Makes his willingness to pay extremely clear Any attempts to have a conversation will immediately devolve into "follow me I don't talk here" Won't follow back Sometimes the money is enough, most times it isn't All her pics show off her cleavage or ass When you suggest this is the case she gets offended Usually just seeking attention and has no intention of ever meeting anyone OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE Eye candy, your heart melts to think They of the life you could definitely have together swiped left on you so you savor the fantasy for a moment then More pics with an animal than with humans move on Virtue signal to show she/he is good with kids Most often looking for a long term thing and advertising they want kids right off the bat PET PICS "I'll probably like your dog more than you" Usually no other personality because they're always about to leave; on a trip; or just got back Usually on dating websites because they travel too often for al relationship NO FACE If it's a girl, she's looking to see if her boyfriend is cheating LYING ABOUT AGE Age set to 27, but there's no way he's under 40 If it's a guy, he's gay and deep in the closet Or age set to 18, but there's no way he's over 16 Either way it's unsettling and I steer clear Will never get a match because no face is super sketchy PERSON YOU KNOW CONSTANT TRAVEL SUGAR BABY Show skin and lean Every pic is in some exotic place, they seem to have been. on all seven continents Great conversation, but you'll never meet them into the Daddy types It's always super awkward because you're seeing the image they're projecting to try and get laid and it's someone you know just as a friend If you're friendly with them you match and say hi; if they're just a peer you pass like ships in the night and don't acknowledge it ever Often it's the only picture he has and the flash covers his face GREEK LIFE All their pictures are at frat/srat events They're looking for a Formal date When you ask them when they're free they're always busy with events NO BIO Her domineering friends made her make the account and she doesn't care about it "Visiting, looking for a good time" Will get no matches and will genuinely not mind DRUG DEALER and that's it Literally just looking to sell Dating apps are often the best place to buy drugs these days Make tons of money for little effort I met a college sophomore once who sent dudes nude pics for $20 apiece and had random guys venmo her every morning TOURIST A refreshing break from the usual crowd on the apps EDGELORD When a girl asks how tall he is he replies "how much do you weigh" then posts the result on /r/tinder Just looking for a hookup Pretty much acts as a contrarian to any popular view on the app Openly racist and sexist, claims it's a meme but it isn't Has a controversial profession and keeps getting rejected based on it I respect them for being open about it Bio usually disclaims "please don't swipe left" They're too good for you and you both know it Uses clickbaity means to draw people in then releases the ad YOUNG PROFESSIONAL FISHING PHOTO Visibly wealthy Already making yuppie in their $120k/year while late 20s you're still struggling with a retail job The app doesn't remove them because it's revenue Uses jokes he got off Google Thinks he's a comedic genius GROOMER I'm not sure how many of you have to deal with this but in the ADVERTISEMENT CHEATER Working for a company, has set up a profile to advertise that company gay community it's huge If you're a gay guy in his early 20s who could pass as a teenager a bunch of older men constantly hit you up looking for sex ULTRARELIGIOUS Usually you won't find these types unless you're on a religion-specific app Call you "boy" and "son" and "baby hole" Their first question is about your denomination Occasionally try and track you down in real life and it's super weird 9/10 times the conversation fizzles out and 10/10 times you will not have sex DEFINITE SCAM Blurry pictures of a super hot girl who's enthusiastic to meet you Within two messages trying to get you to go to a bit.io site Height serves as a substitute for personality, the ultimate declaration of "I'm PICKUP LINE WEALTH DISPLAY All pics show luxury items, expensive clothes and watches Very obvious posing on planes and boats good breeding stock and that's it" Pretty much every guy from a rural area Same pose, same clothing, often the same fish Looks bad most of the time Has a girlfriend, His girlfriend thinks looking to cheat they're staying loyal and the girls he's cheating with think he's their boyfriend When it blows up in his face he'll blame them Trying to show he can provide; usually all he has GHOSTER In the middle of a seemingly- successful conversation she suddenly disappears It's because she got cold feet and is afraid of communicating like an adult CATFISH Deliberately misrepresenting themselves to try and trick people into f------ them should "Hey you f--- my friend he's hot" (it's the real person) Get angry at you when the farce is revealed](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/474/154/27a.jpg)
Political Compass
Norm Macdonald Part 2 Tweets | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Fruits of the Compass | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
How every quadrant handles NNN | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
I sense a future Islamo-Fascist alliance | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Skyrim belongs to the Nords, u/SkoomaSloot69 | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
The State Of Our Politics
Political Compass
Who is it ? | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Wait, this can be used against us? | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Inspired by my friend's experience | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Today’ convo with a classmate in macroeconomics. | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Idk what to think about this | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Found on another sub with colors included! | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
It’s really that simple | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Almost like they want to discredit the climate movement | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass