Political Compass - Images
Fringe/Conspiracy theories I kinda believe in (WARNING: mucho texto, no wojaks) | /r/PoliticalCompas...

Political Compass
Op Ed reactions | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
I just finished my first week of law school and cliques are already developing, 3x3 wojak compass | ...
![GAY GUYS AND GO-GETTERS QUEEN BEES Extremely devoted to academic performance, want to be on top of every homework assignment and kiss faculty ass Act like law school is a high school theater class Every conversation bleeds with competitive energy If we were trapped in a room together for more than an hour I wouldn't be surprised at all if they killed me SJWS A group of [redacted], septum-pierced women (and one token gay guy) who feel the need to raise their hands and mention social justice or pronouns at every opportunity Will inevitably end up in public defense or legal aid making no money but it's ok, they're doing the equitable thing BLACK For some completely unknown reason, most of the black students in our class hang out with each other and nobody else Whenever one of them comes up to the front to speak the rest cheer and clap loudly Will likely end up at an associate position at a middle-tier firm and they'll love it SHY AND RECLUSIVE Students who haven't made an attempt at making friends and mostly keep to themselves Honestly, anyone who doesn't belong to the other categories falls into this one FORMER GREEK LIFE Very attractive, charismatic men and women who go out every night and will end up at corporate law jobs through connections They're the ones already hooking up with each other GI BILL A few solders, sailors, and airmen in their 30s and 40s who were in the military for years and are now going to law school on the government's dime. 30-45 year/ olds, usually with previous careers and spouses V Don't really talk to civilians, sit at tables together and discuss the OLDER FIGHTE glory days of blowing s--- up and traveling the world Simply do not relate culturally to the 22-year-olds straight out of undergrad, they have no idea what "bet" or "lit" mean STEM Got a non-liberal arts degree in undergrad and are likely going into patent law or corporate arbitration They're in it for the money and they're proud to say it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/649/671/8f6.jpg)
![GAY GUYS AND GO-GETTERS QUEEN BEES Extremely devoted to academic performance, want to be on top of every homework assignment and kiss faculty ass Act like law school is a high school theater class Every conversation bleeds with competitive energy If we were trapped in a room together for more than an hour I wouldn't be surprised at all if they killed me SJWS A group of [redacted], septum-pierced women (and one token gay guy) who feel the need to raise their hands and mention social justice or pronouns at every opportunity Will inevitably end up in public defense or legal aid making no money but it's ok, they're doing the equitable thing BLACK For some completely unknown reason, most of the black students in our class hang out with each other and nobody else Whenever one of them comes up to the front to speak the rest cheer and clap loudly Will likely end up at an associate position at a middle-tier firm and they'll love it SHY AND RECLUSIVE Students who haven't made an attempt at making friends and mostly keep to themselves Honestly, anyone who doesn't belong to the other categories falls into this one FORMER GREEK LIFE Very attractive, charismatic men and women who go out every night and will end up at corporate law jobs through connections They're the ones already hooking up with each other GI BILL A few solders, sailors, and airmen in their 30s and 40s who were in the military for years and are now going to law school on the government's dime. 30-45 year/ olds, usually with previous careers and spouses V Don't really talk to civilians, sit at tables together and discuss the OLDER FIGHTE glory days of blowing s--- up and traveling the world Simply do not relate culturally to the 22-year-olds straight out of undergrad, they have no idea what "bet" or "lit" mean STEM Got a non-liberal arts degree in undergrad and are likely going into patent law or corporate arbitration They're in it for the money and they're proud to say it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/649/671/8f6.jpg)
Political Compass
Libleft bad? No. Libleft LONG | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Black MAGA Atlanta Man in " . . . 4 Trump" Shirt Gives Hilarious Take | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
It's great when everyone agrees | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
AuthLeft after the government bans being sad | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
popcorn north of .... you know the thing | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Witches | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Celebrity moment | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
New Political Compass just dropped! | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
I can't even imagine the 4th wave | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
ask the Taliban | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Me and the boys about to give our political views | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Political compass but everyone is Grug | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
LIBLEFT'S MASTER PLAN EXPOSED!!!! | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass