Political Compass - Images
If you don’t hire me, I’ll have to call you a fascist. | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Title | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday PCM | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Did they even watch the trial??? | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
These colours are everywhere | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Pre-History Races of the Compass | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes
![Left The Shambhalan Just chills in his cave city pursuing hidden knowledge Too much knowledge ENLIGHTEN MAKE IT STOP AAAAAAAA The Nile Dweller Farming around a river? How original... It's not like the Sahara will stop being green Knowledge is overrated The Aztlantean Literally worships demons GED Probably wont do anything of note ever ÖÖÖÖÖÖ Is colonizing the Americas Will feed human hearts to his gods The Dravidian Trying to build dumb s--- at the Indus river valley Half the reason Atlantis sank "Classless society?" Yeah ok dude "Plumbing? Hygiene?" You're making up words now The New Lemurian ÖÖÖŸÖÖÖÖŸÖÖÖÖŸÖÖÖÖÖ Gave up on techonolgy after his empire collapsed The Matriarch Farmers and hunter-gatherers simp her constantly She'll leave them for the Hyperborear Hunts down Lemurian- made mutants in Australia The Natufian >go to farm >work home >go to farm >work >go bo Can't seem to get rid of the emus >go >sl "Does this clay figurine make me look fat?" Just wants to "Ooh ooh OOH hunt and OOOH EEEK EEEE EEEK EEEEE" gather throws s--- at "Oh gods is strangers that another Outlived all giant wave?" hominids except humans Varm The Viracochas "Ayy Imao" me Future wignats will claim they were white ppl The Cyclopes Suppousedly this powerful race of giant smiths Get conned by Nobody Actually just retarded shepards Imao His wife prefers The Nazca neanderthal men, Lines were Somehow outlives proto the neanderthal shitposts Actually demons The Doggerlander The Flores Islander The Rice Farmer The sinking of Atlantis "Ooh ooh ooh" ruined his homeland too else Would rather be doing anything If he stops working millions die "Eek eek eek" The Minoan Yes you can have un Atits out, its uhhhh our culture" Authoritarian "cover up ur ankles tho" The Agerthan The Nephilim What a fool you are, I'm a Terrorizes the manlets of earth Has two dads god! How can you kill a and a mom ta grand and innocence! own your is not too mercy. Watched his wife cuck him with a bull The Ant People Underground ginger midgets Possibly eat children Are unionized Will get wiped out by the Hopi The Denisovan Nobody even knows what they looked like ooga The Man of Mu who is he His lord keeps half the rice The Tiremenen 9ft tall, likes tossing short people off cliffs Keeps the locals terrorized for millenia "Why yes I do need the blood of children to survive" Patagonia will be named after him The Ironsmith Where did he get it from The Cro-Magnon Claims to be the ancestor what is het of modern man skeletons with Yeah ok grandpa strange objects Cucked the sometimes neanderthal into extinction wash ashore what pyramids in antarctica? booga Possibly the first one to smelt iron The Neanderthal Pent-up manlet rage Possibly descended from Cain His wife prefers human men High IQ, still can't speak, Will die of malaria soon The Tin Dealer Doesn't know what "tin" is but the foreigners want it so he gives it to them so they leave "Not racist, just don't like 'em" The Annunnaki "Why yes I'm totally a god worship me by giving me blood please" Libertarian The Siberian Wanders the frozen wastes with his 2 wives and 37 dogs still rules the world today Will sometimes eat a fly Will wipe out "DONT LOOK the Nephilim BEHIND THE and then worship them MASK" The Jentilak The Nephilim's retarded cousin Basques but with slightly more cannibalism His uncle crossed the Bering Bridge Built the largest structure since the deluge just so he could trade "w-- is agriculture" "I just liked stacking rocks and kept doing it" Hunts mammoths, get kicked out of ireland bears and redacted] from Lake Baikal Will commit mass suicide when Christ is born The Rice Tycoon Owns all the rice Direct ancestor of Nassim Taleb, Will take as many with him to as he can Atlantis The Old Lemurian The Copper Miner The sinking of his continent didn't stop him from commiting genocide Will go extinct soon, doesn't care Won't pay taxes Food Doesn't see peasants as humans What is he doing in Michigan The Hyperborean Tribals with a The Gobekli Tepe The Wastelander Lives in the middle of the desert Rich enough to own mines across the ocean superiority complex Don't call them snowniggers The Pelasgian >get kicked out of greece >go to ireland Only evidence of his existance are minoan paintings showing them getting eradicated The Solutrean Atlanteans pushed him out of the Americas, nobody believes he ever was there Flint axes are the peak of his culture Cons southerners by over charging for amber. "NOOOOO DONT KILL CHILDREN oh f--- is that a horseman? They don't even know) it comes from trees GOD SAYS ITS WRONG" The Amber Pimp Filthy rich, doesn't even know what money is ១១ Where's ur foreskin TELLD The Atlantean #finance Doesn't care about morals, just gets richer Millions of slaves per aristocrat Half the reason Atlantis sank Loves copper Right](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/482/611/4cf.jpg)
![Left The Shambhalan Just chills in his cave city pursuing hidden knowledge Too much knowledge ENLIGHTEN MAKE IT STOP AAAAAAAA The Nile Dweller Farming around a river? How original... It's not like the Sahara will stop being green Knowledge is overrated The Aztlantean Literally worships demons GED Probably wont do anything of note ever ÖÖÖÖÖÖ Is colonizing the Americas Will feed human hearts to his gods The Dravidian Trying to build dumb s--- at the Indus river valley Half the reason Atlantis sank "Classless society?" Yeah ok dude "Plumbing? Hygiene?" You're making up words now The New Lemurian ÖÖÖŸÖÖÖÖŸÖÖÖÖŸÖÖÖÖÖ Gave up on techonolgy after his empire collapsed The Matriarch Farmers and hunter-gatherers simp her constantly She'll leave them for the Hyperborear Hunts down Lemurian- made mutants in Australia The Natufian >go to farm >work home >go to farm >work >go bo Can't seem to get rid of the emus >go >sl "Does this clay figurine make me look fat?" Just wants to "Ooh ooh OOH hunt and OOOH EEEK EEEE EEEK EEEEE" gather throws s--- at "Oh gods is strangers that another Outlived all giant wave?" hominids except humans Varm The Viracochas "Ayy Imao" me Future wignats will claim they were white ppl The Cyclopes Suppousedly this powerful race of giant smiths Get conned by Nobody Actually just retarded shepards Imao His wife prefers The Nazca neanderthal men, Lines were Somehow outlives proto the neanderthal shitposts Actually demons The Doggerlander The Flores Islander The Rice Farmer The sinking of Atlantis "Ooh ooh ooh" ruined his homeland too else Would rather be doing anything If he stops working millions die "Eek eek eek" The Minoan Yes you can have un Atits out, its uhhhh our culture" Authoritarian "cover up ur ankles tho" The Agerthan The Nephilim What a fool you are, I'm a Terrorizes the manlets of earth Has two dads god! How can you kill a and a mom ta grand and innocence! own your is not too mercy. Watched his wife cuck him with a bull The Ant People Underground ginger midgets Possibly eat children Are unionized Will get wiped out by the Hopi The Denisovan Nobody even knows what they looked like ooga The Man of Mu who is he His lord keeps half the rice The Tiremenen 9ft tall, likes tossing short people off cliffs Keeps the locals terrorized for millenia "Why yes I do need the blood of children to survive" Patagonia will be named after him The Ironsmith Where did he get it from The Cro-Magnon Claims to be the ancestor what is het of modern man skeletons with Yeah ok grandpa strange objects Cucked the sometimes neanderthal into extinction wash ashore what pyramids in antarctica? booga Possibly the first one to smelt iron The Neanderthal Pent-up manlet rage Possibly descended from Cain His wife prefers human men High IQ, still can't speak, Will die of malaria soon The Tin Dealer Doesn't know what "tin" is but the foreigners want it so he gives it to them so they leave "Not racist, just don't like 'em" The Annunnaki "Why yes I'm totally a god worship me by giving me blood please" Libertarian The Siberian Wanders the frozen wastes with his 2 wives and 37 dogs still rules the world today Will sometimes eat a fly Will wipe out "DONT LOOK the Nephilim BEHIND THE and then worship them MASK" The Jentilak The Nephilim's retarded cousin Basques but with slightly more cannibalism His uncle crossed the Bering Bridge Built the largest structure since the deluge just so he could trade "w-- is agriculture" "I just liked stacking rocks and kept doing it" Hunts mammoths, get kicked out of ireland bears and redacted] from Lake Baikal Will commit mass suicide when Christ is born The Rice Tycoon Owns all the rice Direct ancestor of Nassim Taleb, Will take as many with him to as he can Atlantis The Old Lemurian The Copper Miner The sinking of his continent didn't stop him from commiting genocide Will go extinct soon, doesn't care Won't pay taxes Food Doesn't see peasants as humans What is he doing in Michigan The Hyperborean Tribals with a The Gobekli Tepe The Wastelander Lives in the middle of the desert Rich enough to own mines across the ocean superiority complex Don't call them snowniggers The Pelasgian >get kicked out of greece >go to ireland Only evidence of his existance are minoan paintings showing them getting eradicated The Solutrean Atlanteans pushed him out of the Americas, nobody believes he ever was there Flint axes are the peak of his culture Cons southerners by over charging for amber. "NOOOOO DONT KILL CHILDREN oh f--- is that a horseman? They don't even know) it comes from trees GOD SAYS ITS WRONG" The Amber Pimp Filthy rich, doesn't even know what money is ១១ Where's ur foreskin TELLD The Atlantean #finance Doesn't care about morals, just gets richer Millions of slaves per aristocrat Half the reason Atlantis sank Loves copper Right](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/482/611/4cf.jpg)
Political Compass
Me when no trans world domination conspiracy :( | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Cross Compass Unity | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Lib to Auth pipeline | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Presidential Personalities 6x4 wojak compass. This is not about these Presidents' policies or presid...

Political Compass
Checkmate, Auths, I've associated you with a Jar Jar Binks quote, how are you gonna argue that freed...

Political Compass
“Actual Terrorism” is when you tweet that an event happened and quote the event organizers. | /r/Pol...

Political Compass
Literally... | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
The Compass united against C*ntrists | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
People with happy lives don't care what you do with yours. | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass
Holy shit... | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Political Compass