Same Voice Actor - Images
(Con tono monotono) "Las maravillas de la medicina moderna..."

Same Voice Actor
Junkrat Shrek

Same Voice Actor
"Presiona START para que empieze la fiesta!"

Same Voice Actor
"Hola cariño! Ya llego la caballeria!"

Same Voice Actor
Auri Maya, MX (11 years old)

Same Voice Actor
Russi Taylor

Same Voice Actor
Takehito Koyasu

Same Voice Actor
Princess Cadence and Baby Lola Bunny

Same Voice Actor
"Ah, yes, 'Nanomachines'..."

Same Voice Actor
I knew that voice sounded familiar when his trailer came out!

Same Voice Actor
And also Miss Marvel in "Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes".

Same Voice Actor
Gerardo Reyero, MX (Latin America)

Same Voice Actor
No, I'm not bullshitting you, these two share the same voice on the Latin American dub.

Same Voice Actor
The Son of a Saiyan

Same Voice Actor
Cobracon by Ammotu

Same Voice Actor
Same Voice Actor!, *Danny Williams & Robin

Same Voice Actor