Same Voice Actor - Images
Annie and Ryuko
Same Voice Actor

Same Voice Actor
Same Voice Actor
Kasumi Valentine
Same Voice Actor
Rhea shares her JP voice actor with a certain tall vampire lady
Same Voice Actor
You know who else Chris Pratt and Charlie Day voice acted for?

Same Voice Actor
Mark Hamill

Same Voice Actor
Once again, I have cut another worthless bandicoot! (Same VA - Lex Lang)

Same Voice Actor
Clancy Brown is so talented, he can voice all kinds of villainy

Same Voice Actor
Just 2 bartenders sharing the same voice

Same Voice Actor
Tsukki Annoying Shigaraki

Same Voice Actor
Koga Aoi

Same Voice Actor
Kōichi Yamadera

Same Voice Actor
Hikaru Midorikawa

Same Voice Actor
Welcome to purgatory
Same Voice Actor
RE4's Ashley and Spongebob's Sandy share a voice actor

Same Voice Actor