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![ndex]log [Bottom HER (41 KE Index log] [Bott e3484 dab33e lex] og] [Bott jpg КВ, 31: tum to So ot 2019-1 otur one F 2](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/654/097/7f0.png)
![ndex]log [Bottom HER (41 KE Index log] [Bott e3484 dab33e lex] og] [Bott jpg КВ, 31: tum to So ot 2019-1 otur one F 2](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/654/097/7f0.png)
Do Your Research

Anon has a copy of the unreleased N-Gage port of Alien Front

anon finds a rabbit hole
![Anonymous (ID: DN7ZOWRN I may have stumbled on another(...) 11/15/19(Fri)15:34:04 No.233301 663 REBORN INSTAGRAM LoveMyRebornBaby SUBSCRIBE 413K subscribers ABOUT HOME VIDEOS PLAYLISTS COMMUNITY CHANNELS F SORT BY Uploads PLAY ALL 2:09 4:52 4:26 6:17 Zombie Baby Killer | SHORT FILM Silicone Baby Poops Outside! Box Opening Of Mini Silicone Baby Girl Zombie Reborn Pool Party! Morning Routine of A Reborn Child, Toddler & Baby! Silicone Baby Poops! 21M views 3 years ago 7.2M views 3 years ago 5.2M views 3 years ago 21M views 4 years ago 18M views 3 years ago 6.5M views 3 years ago w--.are.reborn.babies.jpg 108 KB JPG Old Thread here: >>233013447 # I was trying to find a video to show to my friend that explained Billie Eilish is a t----- and this showed up in the search results https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8lcq2cDrcY [Open] The crappy animation and weird cryptic talk reminded me of all those Elsagate videos so I checked out the channel. Lots of weird s--- Woman eating McDonalds in what looks like a kids room for 11 minutes without ta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRU 7liAMzyM&t-519s [Open] talking. Crappy animation of a guy in front of the hypnotizing black and white spiral saying cryptic stuff about Jesus and being brainwashed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy_ L5G0aTUQ [Open] A woman going by TheLadynicole3 commented on some of the videos so I looked at her channel... Her sitting on action figures and slurping on popsicles for 30 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v 441Lule2cLc [Open] https://youtu.be/d POZNJgcxBA [Open] Comments on those videos led to another channel just as weird called sexy2much 4u Coleman. NOW THIS IS WHERE S--- GOT WEIRD. There's a video of her doing an unboxing of the most realistic looking baby doll I've ever seen. https://youtu.be/p61wHPl7ZOE [Open] Comments on that video led to a WHOLE F------ RABBIT HOLE OF THESE SUPER SMALL CHANNELS WITH HUNDRED OF VIDEOS OF PEOPLE "CARING" FOR THESE SO CALLED "REBORN BABIES" http://youtu.be/yPnKhWW_Zao [Open] https://youtu.be/Nyu_B8kM5vs [Open] https://youtu.be/jYC7wp8sJpo [Open] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq bjLnDkj9V5EDM_sS_BA http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV _PC20KR9IN6XYRJL-3jlQ guess people are getting these "dolls" from websites like this, which remind me of some PizzaGate type s---. Just go look at the about us. https://www.reborns.com/ The owner of that website is this guy... who has his own domain http://davestack.com/ On his Instagram is a picture of a pizzeria with the caption "Religion for some #DM" https://www.instagram.com/davidjstack/ Anonymous (ID: DN7ZOWRN 11/15/19(Fri)15:34:44 No.233301720 >>233301663 (OP) # cont. Further digging led to this channel, LoveMy Reborn Baby, 26 KB JPG with videos that have millions of views. In these videos "babies" pooping, turning into zombies, getting sick, etc. https://youtu.be/P8gjkA4rEfM [Open] http://youtu.be/1tzdnofVep0 [Open] https://youtu.be/9SDsHCUufyk [Open] "MILLY'S MESSY NURSERY" this old guy does giveaways of the Reborn Babies, one of the winners was "CPK KIDS" http:://www.youtube.com/channel/UCekSi PDVm- uP3puGrx_TGKW This channel has videos of what appear to be a severely autistic boy, being dressed as a girl and called a girl http://youtu.be/LRirm9njh KU [Open] "At the hospital my daughter has a really infected finger. !!!" https://youtu.be/GwCYNj MoKyY [Open] https://youtu.be/70bhgpd_Uwo [Open] I don't know anons, it seems like there is more to all this. Like what's with the weirdly animated videos with cryptic talk? It doesn't seem like these women are capable of creating those. And the talk about hypnotism/brainwashing? The butterfly imagery (Project Monarch)? This seems like a form of trauma-based mind control. My theory is that some of these women may be "breeders" for the illuminati/luciferians or whatever you want to call them. Like they have them pump out babies year after year so they can use them for whatever sadistic s--- they have planned. Then they give these fake babies to the mentally unhinged brainwashed women to keep them content.](/assets/image-covers/nsfw.png)
Mortal wields crab guardian of the Deep Forbidden One

You can't take memories away

The good ol' days are gone.

Nietzsche had enough

You can hear it in her voice too, right?

Simple math


I know the struggle

Would 4chan a dragon?

Zim assassinates JFK
