/int/ - Images
/int/ explains colonialism with an extraterrestrial analogy

American """Education"""


Some copypasta material

Meanwhile in Kentucky

Sick burn

Asking the Hard Questions.


When /pol/ does a raid

No Vietnamese Ever Called Me Nigger

A magical place

This is Korea's school schedule
![[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ □ Auto] File: 캡처.png (629 KB. 701x518) Archived /351 E this is korea's school schedule Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)11:26:54 No. 37200927 R ▶ >>37201217 >>37201256 >>37201324 >>37201387 >>37201631 >>37202171 stu372022473720229637202384 37202663 3720281737203223 3720375837203840 372048333720512937205456 3720546137205533 37205577 37205651 go to school n 2224 1-5 /30 0 00- 845 10:00-10:4 1.00- 15:00-1245 3고시 4교시 724( eッ 청소cleaning lunch 교시 6-7 7:25am-10:30pm what do you think? 63 13:60 14:50 15:35 16:00 16:45 16.45 1730 B고시 9교시 this is absoulte standard | Anonymous 야자1 self st 야자2 02/06/15(Fri)11:29:45 No.3720 1040 >>372011382237202296 □ Anonymous :.: 02/06/16(Fri)12:15:32 No.37202953 ▶-37203021 >>37203148 >>37205461 but we are poorest country in 60's and no resources at all except human. other europe or america have everything Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)12:17:01 No.37203021 . >>37203083 >>372031482-37203152>>37203229 >>372040542237205461 Same for Japan except japanese have less study (still pretty much) but have bigger and better companies than korea and is better than korea in every way Anonymous 02/06/15 Fri 12:41:16 No.37204054 . >237204101 >>37204129 >>37204173 >>37204183 >237204210 >237204233 >>37204272 >>37204278 >>37204301 >>37204369 >>37204434 >>37204554 >>37204574 >>37204596 s>37204608 >37204670 >37204782 >37204839 >37204931 >37204953 >37204992 >37205132 37205417 >>37205530 >37205652 >37205792 37205795 37205808 >>37205894 >37205919 >37205974 37206003 >37206067 P> Shut up red button nip monkey J-- school schedule look like this 7am: come to school, parent not kiss you bye love is not in japanese 8am: study japanese then realise is ugly language and stop 8.30am: learn to suck american d--- 10am: technology class, build robot to have sex with because of lonely tiny j-- d--- virginity intact 12pm: lunch, need two hours to hunt whale 2pm: gym class, j-- too unatletic and weak for more than 30 minute including get changed into gundam suit 2.30pm: english lesson 2.40pm: watch ugly j-- girl classmate get f----- by english teacher in japan and masturbate small j-- c--- 3pm: learn math 1 and 1 bomb is end of war 4pm: learn deny warcrime 7pm: learn how to get old with no kids and die virgin 9pm: go home to poor s--- japan home Anonymous 1-1 02/06/15(Fri)12:42:19 No.37204101 File: 187 gif (489 KB, 420x315) Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)12:43:59 No.37204173 File: obama is amused.gif (1.65 MB, 200x150) □ Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)12:46:24 No.37204272 P> KOREA BRINGING THE HEAT ayy Anonymous 02/06/16(Fri)12:44:15 No.37204183 Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)12:48:35 No.37204369 >:37204233 >>37204359 Korea schedule 5 AM: Wake up because must prepare for ugly life as g--- AM: Pretend ima is called dokdo an n even though JAPANESE GOVERNMENT purchased the island 8 AM: Study kanji, oh no wait koreans not smart enough to study kanji so study ugly lines 9 AM to 9 PM: PLASTI URGERY BECAUSE KOREAN SO UGLY COME JAPAN I WILL KILL YOU UGLY COCKROACH Anonymous 02/06/16(Fri)12:50:00 No.37204434 (713 KB, 3840x21 m in piec Anonymous- 02/06/15(Fri)12:52:47 No.37204554 KB Anonymous雪02/06/15(Fri)12:53:18 No.37204574 104 KB, 276x238 jes 9g ch An This thread h old Ko bringing the bants Anonymous-02/06/15(Fri)13:22:16 No.37205894·>>37206082 File: Screenshot 2015-01-31-18-09-39.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1920) Anonymous 02/06/16(Fri)13:26:02 No.37206067 d laugh_0003 jpg (39 KB, 512x384) P> Never had a country been BTFO as bad as tonight. Ya done good Korea you done good P> >12pm: lunch, need two hours to hunt whale >3pm: learn math 1 and 1 bomb is end of war Anonymous.. 02/06/16(Fri)13:20:16 No.3720579 File: fluffe png (120 KB, 496x379) Jesus Christ Korea I can't f------ breathe!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/121/722/3c5.png)
![[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ □ Auto] File: 캡처.png (629 KB. 701x518) Archived /351 E this is korea's school schedule Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)11:26:54 No. 37200927 R ▶ >>37201217 >>37201256 >>37201324 >>37201387 >>37201631 >>37202171 stu372022473720229637202384 37202663 3720281737203223 3720375837203840 372048333720512937205456 3720546137205533 37205577 37205651 go to school n 2224 1-5 /30 0 00- 845 10:00-10:4 1.00- 15:00-1245 3고시 4교시 724( eッ 청소cleaning lunch 교시 6-7 7:25am-10:30pm what do you think? 63 13:60 14:50 15:35 16:00 16:45 16.45 1730 B고시 9교시 this is absoulte standard | Anonymous 야자1 self st 야자2 02/06/15(Fri)11:29:45 No.3720 1040 >>372011382237202296 □ Anonymous :.: 02/06/16(Fri)12:15:32 No.37202953 ▶-37203021 >>37203148 >>37205461 but we are poorest country in 60's and no resources at all except human. other europe or america have everything Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)12:17:01 No.37203021 . >>37203083 >>372031482-37203152>>37203229 >>372040542237205461 Same for Japan except japanese have less study (still pretty much) but have bigger and better companies than korea and is better than korea in every way Anonymous 02/06/15 Fri 12:41:16 No.37204054 . >237204101 >>37204129 >>37204173 >>37204183 >237204210 >237204233 >>37204272 >>37204278 >>37204301 >>37204369 >>37204434 >>37204554 >>37204574 >>37204596 s>37204608 >37204670 >37204782 >37204839 >37204931 >37204953 >37204992 >37205132 37205417 >>37205530 >37205652 >37205792 37205795 37205808 >>37205894 >37205919 >37205974 37206003 >37206067 P> Shut up red button nip monkey J-- school schedule look like this 7am: come to school, parent not kiss you bye love is not in japanese 8am: study japanese then realise is ugly language and stop 8.30am: learn to suck american d--- 10am: technology class, build robot to have sex with because of lonely tiny j-- d--- virginity intact 12pm: lunch, need two hours to hunt whale 2pm: gym class, j-- too unatletic and weak for more than 30 minute including get changed into gundam suit 2.30pm: english lesson 2.40pm: watch ugly j-- girl classmate get f----- by english teacher in japan and masturbate small j-- c--- 3pm: learn math 1 and 1 bomb is end of war 4pm: learn deny warcrime 7pm: learn how to get old with no kids and die virgin 9pm: go home to poor s--- japan home Anonymous 1-1 02/06/15(Fri)12:42:19 No.37204101 File: 187 gif (489 KB, 420x315) Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)12:43:59 No.37204173 File: obama is amused.gif (1.65 MB, 200x150) □ Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)12:46:24 No.37204272 P> KOREA BRINGING THE HEAT ayy Anonymous 02/06/16(Fri)12:44:15 No.37204183 Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)12:48:35 No.37204369 >:37204233 >>37204359 Korea schedule 5 AM: Wake up because must prepare for ugly life as g--- AM: Pretend ima is called dokdo an n even though JAPANESE GOVERNMENT purchased the island 8 AM: Study kanji, oh no wait koreans not smart enough to study kanji so study ugly lines 9 AM to 9 PM: PLASTI URGERY BECAUSE KOREAN SO UGLY COME JAPAN I WILL KILL YOU UGLY COCKROACH Anonymous 02/06/16(Fri)12:50:00 No.37204434 (713 KB, 3840x21 m in piec Anonymous- 02/06/15(Fri)12:52:47 No.37204554 KB Anonymous雪02/06/15(Fri)12:53:18 No.37204574 104 KB, 276x238 jes 9g ch An This thread h old Ko bringing the bants Anonymous-02/06/15(Fri)13:22:16 No.37205894·>>37206082 File: Screenshot 2015-01-31-18-09-39.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1920) Anonymous 02/06/16(Fri)13:26:02 No.37206067 d laugh_0003 jpg (39 KB, 512x384) P> Never had a country been BTFO as bad as tonight. Ya done good Korea you done good P> >12pm: lunch, need two hours to hunt whale >3pm: learn math 1 and 1 bomb is end of war Anonymous.. 02/06/16(Fri)13:20:16 No.3720579 File: fluffe png (120 KB, 496x379) Jesus Christ Korea I can't f------ breathe!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/121/722/3c5.png)

Properly delivered punchline.

The welfare persepective in Argentina

