/k/ - Images
Bazooka Charlie

NVA War Story

Recon By Tinder

Men of Culture
![Anonymous 18 hours ago No.8609706 v >>8609719 (You) 1441658138991.jpg (116 KB, 1280x720) exhentai google iqdb >l never got into manga or anime until i was in the Army >Whole platoon of dudes watching Lucky Star or Trigun while cleaning crew serves and smoking >mfw/the platoons face when we start binge watching entire seasons when we have nothing to do and someone suggests monster girl themed animes Yeah. When you burn through everything else all you can do is broaden your horizon, and anime is a hella broad horizon. Monster Mastume (sp) was a tippy top favorite though during work outs or ranges: >Everyone on the firing line squeezing off rounds > barking back and forth about how Harpy is superior to snake >More barking about horse t--- being the best choice >Team leader says we're all women and that spider t--- is best >Range controlers have no idea WHAT the f--- we are talking about >Line is just barking about monster t--- and gun fire >CO is just rubbing his temples in frustration >Top ois intrigued and is trying to figure out what we mean when we call eachother a "Baka-ass m------------" >giggling >gun fire >bang bang bang snake t--- bang bang bang Now i just mostly read manga and expose other peoples power levels. Could be worse i guess. Anonymous 18 hours ago No.8609719 v>8809727 which kebab do we remove first.jpg (993 KB, 1440x2150) exhentai google iqdb >>8609706 >Top ois intrigued and is trying to figure out what we mean when we call eachother a "Baka-ass m------------" I can't stop laughing >> Anonymous 18 hours ago No.8609727 - 1441089074717.png (209 KB, 338x329) exhentai google iqdb >>8609719 (You) Yeah its a pretty funny memory. >Specialist why did that private call you a "Bawk-ka m------------?" >Because his waifu is s--- tiet Top! >[from a distance away] WHOS WAIFU YOU CALLEN S--- YOU F---?! >YOURS, YOU MERMAID LOVEN F-----! >[Top's and CO's Confusion Intensifies]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/350/953/89b.png)
![Anonymous 18 hours ago No.8609706 v >>8609719 (You) 1441658138991.jpg (116 KB, 1280x720) exhentai google iqdb >l never got into manga or anime until i was in the Army >Whole platoon of dudes watching Lucky Star or Trigun while cleaning crew serves and smoking >mfw/the platoons face when we start binge watching entire seasons when we have nothing to do and someone suggests monster girl themed animes Yeah. When you burn through everything else all you can do is broaden your horizon, and anime is a hella broad horizon. Monster Mastume (sp) was a tippy top favorite though during work outs or ranges: >Everyone on the firing line squeezing off rounds > barking back and forth about how Harpy is superior to snake >More barking about horse t--- being the best choice >Team leader says we're all women and that spider t--- is best >Range controlers have no idea WHAT the f--- we are talking about >Line is just barking about monster t--- and gun fire >CO is just rubbing his temples in frustration >Top ois intrigued and is trying to figure out what we mean when we call eachother a "Baka-ass m------------" >giggling >gun fire >bang bang bang snake t--- bang bang bang Now i just mostly read manga and expose other peoples power levels. Could be worse i guess. Anonymous 18 hours ago No.8609719 v>8809727 which kebab do we remove first.jpg (993 KB, 1440x2150) exhentai google iqdb >>8609706 >Top ois intrigued and is trying to figure out what we mean when we call eachother a "Baka-ass m------------" I can't stop laughing >> Anonymous 18 hours ago No.8609727 - 1441089074717.png (209 KB, 338x329) exhentai google iqdb >>8609719 (You) Yeah its a pretty funny memory. >Specialist why did that private call you a "Bawk-ka m------------?" >Because his waifu is s--- tiet Top! >[from a distance away] WHOS WAIFU YOU CALLEN S--- YOU F---?! >YOURS, YOU MERMAID LOVEN F-----! >[Top's and CO's Confusion Intensifies]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/350/953/89b.png)
The Congo Wars

The Kalashnikov Song

Retarded Bombs

A Microwave's a Microwave

Original Prankster

/k/ on American Gun Violence

Kursed Kuznetsov

Incel Smegma Z

/k/ommando giga-chad destroyer of vatniks shows up at the rally

How russian psyops work

Rhodesian kween

Ma Deuce
